图  1官网


图  2 Downloads – windows

图  3选择版本

图  4选择离线安装版本

图  5保存下载文件—文件名自己可以修改

可能有人看到windows 几个版本,对几个版本有迷惑的地方,解释

图  6几个版本的差异说明


An executable installer hasevery component of the program you're installing locally in theinstaller itself. This means that you can download the installer on a computer with internet access, copy it over to acomputer without internet access and install it there. This is usefull ifyou're installing network card drivers.

Web-based installers are small programs that when you start them, they download thenessecary files and install themdirectly. This means that the installer is very small.

If you just want to install python on yourlocal computer with web-access, it doesn't really matter which one you pick.


图  7双击安装文件

图  8安装时第一界面

我选择Customize installation

图  9安装时,第二界面

图  10安装时,第三界面

图  11安装时,第四界面


图  12安装时,第五界面


Clicking the “Disable pathlength limit” option removes the limitation on the MAX_PATH variable


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