
Among many of its challenges, multi-agent reinforcement learning has one obstacle that is overlooked: “credit assignment.” To explain this concept, let’s first take a look at an example…

在许多挑战中,多主体强化学习有一个被忽略的障碍:“学分分配”。 为了解释这个概念,让我们首先看一个例子……

Say we have two robots, robot A and robot B. They are trying to collaboratively push a box into a hole. In addition, they both receive a reward of 1 if they push it in and 0 otherwise. In the ideal case, the two robots would both push the box towards the hole at the same time, maximizing the speed and efficiency of the task.

假设我们有两个机器人,即机器人A和机器人B。他们正在尝试将盒子推入一个洞中。 此外,如果他们都将其推入,他们都将获得1的奖励,否则将获得0。 在理想情况下,两个机器人都将盒子同时推向Kong,从而最大程度地提高了任务的速度和效率。

However, suppose that robot A does all the heavy lifting, meaning robot A pushes the box into the hole while robot B stands idly on the sidelines. Even though robot B simply loitered around, both robot A and robot B would receive a reward of 1. In other words, the same behavior is encouraged later on even though robot B executed a suboptimal policy. This is when the issue of “credit assignment” comes in. In multi-agent systems, we need to find a way to give “credit” or reward to agents who contribute to the overall goal, not to those who let others do the work.

但是,假设机器人A完成了所有繁重的工作,这意味着机器人A将箱子推入Kong中,而机器人B空着站在边线上。 即使机器人B只是闲逛, 机器人A 机器人B都将获得1的奖励。换句话说, 即使机器人B执行了次优策略,以后也会鼓励相同的行为 这就是“信用分配”问题出现的时候。在多主体系统中,我们需要找到一种方法,向为总体目标做出贡献的代理人而不是让他人完成工作的代理人给予“信用”或奖励。 。

Okay so what’s the solution? Maybe we only give rewards to agents who contribute to the task itself.

好的,那有什么解决方案? 也许我们只奖励那些为任务本身做出贡献的特工。

Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash
图片由Kira auf der Heide 摄于Unsplash

比看起来难 (It’s Harder than It Seems)

It seems like this easy solution may just work, but we have to keep several things in mind.


First, state representation in reinforcement learning might not be expressive enough to properly tailor rewards like this. In other words, we can’t always easily quantify whether an agent contributed to a given task and dole out rewards accordingly.

首先,强化学习中的状态表示可能不足以适当地调整这样的奖励。 换句话说,我们不能总是轻松地量化代理商是否为给定任务做出贡献并相应地发放奖励。

Secondly, we don’t want to handcraft these rewards, because it defeats the purpose of designing multi-agent algorithms. There’s a fine line between telling agents how to collaborate and encouraging them to learn how to do so.

其次,我们不想手工获得这些奖励,因为它违背了设计多主体算法的目的。 在告诉代理人如何合作与鼓励他们学习如何做之间有一条很好的界限。

一个答案 (One Answer)

Counterfactual policy gradients address this issue of credit assignment without explicitly giving away the answer to its agents.


The main idea behind the approach? Let’s train agent policies by comparing its actions to other actions it could’ve taken. In other words, an agent will ask itself:

该方法背后的主要思想是什么? 让我们通过将代理的操作与它可能采取的其他操作进行比较来训练代理策略。 换句话说,座席会问自己:

“ Would we have gotten more reward if I had chosen a different action?”

“如果我选择其他动作, 我们会得到更多的回报吗?”

By putting this thinking process into mathematics, counterfactual multi-agent (COMA) policy gradients tackle the issue of credit assignment by quantifying how much an agent contributes to completing a task.


Photo by Brandon Mowinkel on Unsplash
照片由Brandon Mowinkel在Unsplash上拍摄

组成部分 (The Components)

COMA is an actor-critic method that uses centralized learning with decentralized execution. This means we train two networks:

COMA是一种参与者批评方法,它使用集中式学习和分散式执行。 这意味着我们训练两个网络:

  • An actor: given a state, outputs an action

    演员 :给定状态,输出动作

  • A critic: given a state, estimates a value function

    评论家 :给定状态,估计价值函数

In addition, the critic is only used during training and is removed during testing. We can think of the critic as the algorithm’s “training wheels.” We use the critic to guide the actor throughout training and give it advice on how to update and learn its policies. However, we remove the critic when it’s time to execute the actor’s learned policies.

此外,注释器仅在训练期间使用,而在测试期间被删除 。 我们可以将批评者视为算法的“训练轮”。 我们使用评论家在整个培训过程中指导演员,并为演员提供有关如何更新和学习其政策的建议。 但是,在执行演员的学习策略时,我们会删除批评者。

For more background on actor-critic methods in general, take a look at Chris Yoon’s in-depth article here:

要获得有关演员批评方法的更多背景知识,请在此处查看Chris Yoon的深入文章:

Let’s start by taking a look at the critic. In this algorithm, we train a network to estimate the joint Q-value across all agents. We’ll discuss the critic’s nuances and how it’s specifically designed later in this article. However, all we need to know now is that we have two copies of the critic network. One is the network we are trying to train and the other is our target network, used for training stability. The target network’s parameters are copied from the training network periodically.

让我们先看一下评论家。 在此算法中,我们训练网络以估计所有代理之间的联合Q值 。 我们将在本文后面讨论评论家的细微差别以及它是如何专门设计的。 但是,我们现在需要知道的是,我们有批评者网络的两个副本。 一个是我们正在尝试训练的网络,另一个是我们用于训练稳定性的目标网络。 定期从训练网络复制目标网络的参数。

To train the networks, we use on-policy training. Instead of using one-step or n-step lookahead to determine our target Q-values, we use TD(lambda), which uses a mixture of n-step returns.

为了训练网络,我们使用了策略训练。 我们使用TD(lambda)而不是使用单步或n步前瞻来确定目标Q值,而是使用n步返回值的混合。

n-step returns and target value using TD (lambda)

where gamma is the discount factor, r denotes a reward at a specific time step, f is our target value function, and lambda is a hyper-parameter. This seemingly infinite horizon value is calculated using bootstrapped estimates by a target network.

其中gamma是折现因子,r表示在特定时间步长的奖励,f是我们的目标值函数,lambda是超参数。 这个看似无限的地平线值是由目标网络使用自举估计来计算的。

For more information on TD(lambda), Andre Violante’s article provides a fantastic explanation:

有关TD(lambda)的更多信息, Andre Violante的文章提供了一个奇妙的解释:

Finally, we update the critic’s parameters by minimizing this function:


Loss function
Photo by Jose Morales on Unsplash
Jose Morales在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

赶上 (The Catch)

Now, you may be wondering: this is nothing new! What makes this algorithm special? The beauty behind this algorithm comes with how we update the actor networks’ parameters.

现在,您可能想知道:这不是什么新鲜事! 是什么使该算法与众不同? 该算法背后的美在于我们如何更新角色网络的参数。

In COMA, we train a probabilistic policy, meaning each action in a given state is chosen with a specific probability that is changed throughout training. In typical actor-critic scenarios, we update the policy by using a policy gradient, typically using the value function as a baseline to create advantage actor-critic:

在COMA中,我们训练概率策略,这意味着在给定状态下的每个动作都以特定概率选择,该概率在整个训练过程中都会改变。 在典型的参与者批评者场景中,我们通过使用策略梯度来更新策略,通常使用价值函数作为基准来创建优势参与者批评者:

Naive advantage actor critic policy update

However, there’s a problem here. This fails to address the original issue we were trying to solve: “credit assignment.” We have no notion of “how much any one agent contributes to the task.” Instead, all agents are being given the same amount of “credit,” considering our value function estimates joint value functions. As a result, COMA proposes using a different term as our baseline.

但是,这里有一个问题。 这无法解决我们试图解决的原始问题:“信用分配”。 我们没有“任何一个特工为这项任务做出多少贡献”的概念。 取而代之的是,考虑到我们的价值函数估算联合价值函数 ,所有代理商都会获得相同数量的“信用”。 因此,COMA建议使用其他术语作为我们的基准。

To calculate this counterfactual baseline for each agent, we calculate an expected value over all actions that agent can take while keeping the actions of all other agents fixed.


Adding counterfactual baseline to advantage function estimate

Let’s take a step back here and dissect this equation. The first term is just the Q-value associated with the joint state and joint action (all agents). The second term is an expected value. Looking at each individual term in that summation, there are two values being multiplied together. The first is the probability this agent would’ve chosen a specific action. The second is the Q-value of taking that action while all other agents kept their actions fixed.

让我们退后一步,剖析这个方程。 第一项只是与关节状态和关节动作(所有主体)相关的Q值。 第二项是期望值。 看一下该求和中的每个单独的项,有两个值相乘在一起。 首先是该特工选择特定动作的可能性。 第二个是在所有其他代理保持其动作固定的同时执行该动作的Q值。

Now, why does this work? Intuitively, by using this baseline, the agent knows how much reward this action contributes relative to all other actions it could’ve taken. In doing so, it can better distinguish which actions will better contribute to the overall reward across all agents.

现在,为什么这样做呢? 凭直觉,通过使用此基准,代理可以知道此操作相对于它可能已经执行的所有其他操作有多少奖励。 这样,它可以更好地区分哪些行为将更好地为所有代理提供总体奖励。

COMA proposes using a specific network architecture helps make computing the baseline more efficient [1]. Furthermore, the algorithm can be extended to continuous action spaces by estimating the expected value using Monte Carlo Samples.

COMA提出使用特定的网络体系结构有助于使基准线的计算效率更高[1]。 此外,通过使用蒙特卡洛样本估计期望值,可以将该算法扩展到连续动作空间。

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

结果 (Results)

COMA was tested on StarCraft unit micromanagement, pitted against various central and independent actor critic variations, estimating both Q-values and value functions. It was shown that the approach outperformed others significantly. For official reported results and analysis, check out the original paper [1].

COMA已在StarCraft单位的微观管理上进行了测试,与各种中央和独立演员评论家的变化进行了对比,从而估算了Q值和值函数。 结果表明,该方法明显优于其他方法。 有关官方报告的结果和分析,请查看原始论文[1]。

结论 (Conclusion)

Nobody likes slackers. Neither do robots.

没有人喜欢懒人。 机器人也没有。

Properly allowing agents to recognize their personal contribution to a task and optimizing their policies to best use this information is an essential part of making robots collaborate. In the future, better decentralized approaches may be explored, effectively lowering the learning space exponentially. However, this is easier said than done, as with all problems of these sorts. But of course, this is a strong milestone to letting multi-agents function at a far higher, more complex level.

适当地允许代理识别他们对任务的个人贡献并优化其策略以最佳地利用此信息,这是使机器人进行协作的重要组成部分。 将来,可能会探索更好的分散方法,从而有效地减少学习空间。 但是,对于所有这些问题,说起来容易做起来难。 但是,当然,这是使多代理在更高,更复杂的级别上起作用的重要里程碑。

From the classic to state-of-the-art, here are related articles discussing both multi-agent and single-agent reinforcement learning:


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/counterfactual-policy-gradients-explained-40ac91cef6ae




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