
In the last tutorial (how to connect with MySQL database in C#?), we learned about making the connection with MySQL database in C#. Here, in this tutorial, we will learn how to insert the records in MySQL database in C#?

在上一教程( 如何在C#中与MySQL数据库连接? )中,我们学习了如何在C#中与MySQL数据库建立连接。 在这里,在本教程中,我们将学习如何在C#中MySQL数据库中插入记录?

Here, we are creating a Windows Application, that will store student records into the database. So first of all, we will select the database using "show databases" and then change/use the database "use mysqltest", here "use mysqltest" is the database name.

在这里,我们正在创建一个Windows应用程序,它将学生记录存储到数据库中。 因此,首先,我们将使用“显示数据库”选择数据库,然后更改/使用“使用mysqltest”数据库,其中“使用mysqltest”是数据库名称。

Now, we will create a student table using "create table" command, in which we will insert the records.


In above table we created following columns,


rollno It is used to store roll number of student.
name It is used to store name of student.
age It is used to store age of student.
class It is used to store class of student in school.
fee It is used to store fee amount
罗尔诺 用于存储学生的卷号。
名称 用于存储学生姓名。
年龄 用于存储学生的年龄。
费用 用于存储费用金额

Now we will develop an application to store student information into database.


C#应用程序将学生信息存储到MySQL数据库中 (C# application to store students information into MySQL database)

In the above application we changed following properties,


Name    :   frmStuInfo
Text    :   Student Information
Text    :   Roll Number
Text    :   Name
Text    :   Age
Text    :   Class
Text    :   Fee
Text    :   Save To Database

用C#代码将记录插入MySQL数据库 (C# code to insert records into MySQL Database)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
namespace Insertion
{public partial class frmStuInfo : Form
{public frmStuInfo()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost;database=mysqltest;uid=root;pwd=root");
MySqlCommand cmd = null;
string cmdString = "";
cmdString = "insert into student values(" + textBox1.Text + ",'" + textBox2.Text + "'," + textBox3.Text + ",'" + textBox4.Text + "'," + textBox5.Text + ")";
cmd = new MySqlCommand(cmdString, conn);
MessageBox.Show("Data Stored Successfully");

Now In this above source code, we include a namespace for MySQL database connectivity is: "MySql.Data.MySqlClient".

现在,在上述源代码中,我们包括用于MySQL数据库连接的名称空间是: “ MySql.Data.MySqlClient”

And we used two classes MySqlConnection and MySqlCommand and here we prepare connection string to connect with database.

并且我们使用了两个类MySqlConnectionMySqlCommand ,在这里我们准备了连接数据库的连接字符串。


And we prepared insert command with inserted textbox values. And execute the command using the ExecuteNonQuery() method of MySqlCommand class. And finally, close connection and show appropriate message using MessageBox.

我们准备了带有插入的文本框值的插入命令。 然后使用MySqlCommand类ExecuteNonQuery()方法执行命令。 最后,关闭连接并使用MessageBox显示适当的消息。

Now look to the output of application,


In the above application, we filled information regarding a student and clicked on the command button the given information will be stored into the database. Now we will check information into the MYSQL database using MySQL prompt.

在上面的应用程序中,我们填写了有关学生的信息,然后单击命令按钮,将给定的信息存储到数据库中。 现在,我们将使用MySQL提示符将信息检入MYSQL数据库。

Here, we can see our information given by application is properly saved into database.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/insert-records-into-mysql-database-in-csharp.aspx



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