Define sth as … 定义为……

Tie sth to sth 制约

Derive from源自于

Descend from 从……承袭下来

Divide from 分开、隔开

Distinguished from 区别于

Related to 与……有联系

Refer to 查阅、涉及

Attach to 附在……上、系在……上

Associate with 与……有联系

In one sense 从某种意义上

In the same way 同样的

Signal 信号

Gesture 手势、姿势

View 观点

Behavior 行为

Relative 相对的

Decisive 决定性的

Sensitive 敏感的

Granted 允许的

Fixed 固定的

Driven 受到驱使的

Consistent 一致的

Persistent 持久的、稳固的

Insistent 坚持不懈的

Resistant 有抵抗力的

Consumer 消费者

Retailer 零售商

Favorable 有利的

Casual 随意的

Critical 批评的

Serious 严重的

Readily 容易地

Rarely 很少地

Cautiously 小心地

Currently 当前的

Intension 意图

Facility 设施

Capacity 能力、容量

Reflection 反应

In total 总共

In detail 详细地

In depth 深入地

In turn 反过来、转而

Thanks to a host/series of new inventions,doctors can treat this disease successfully.


Thanks to 多亏

A host 一系列(后面+复数)

Series of 一系列

Thanks to you advice, much trouble wassaved.

In my sixties, one change I notice is that I am more likely/inclined to gettired than before.

Be likely/inclined to 容易(比较级用more)

I am going to pursus this curse, whatever/no matter what kind ofsacrifice I have make.


Make sacrifice 做出牺牲

No matter 无论……

I would prefer shopping online to shoppingin a department store because it is more convenient and timesaving/less time-consuming.


Convenient 方便的

Less time-consuming/time-saving 省时的

Prefer A to B 平行结构

Many Americans live on credit, and theirquality of life ismeasured by how much they can loan, not how much they can earn.


Measure 衡量(be measured by)


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