
As we know that the designing phase is probably the second phase in the software development lifecycle, which comes after the feasibility testing and requirement analysis phase. As the name itself defines that in this phase, the software is designed which reflects how our software must be, what functionalities must it contain, how the user interface should be, etc. But, it is important to know the strategy that the software designers follow while developing any software. In this article, we are going to discuss the same.

众所周知,设计阶段可能是软件开发生命周期中的第二阶段,该阶段在可行性测试和需求分析阶段之后。 顾名思义,在这个阶段,软件的设计反映了我们的软件必须如何,软件必须包含什么功能,用户界面应该如何等等。但是,重要的是要了解软件设计人员的策略开发任何软件时都应遵循。 在本文中,我们将对此进行讨论。

In general, there are two types of designing strategies that are mainly followed in the designing phase of any software during its development:


  1. Function- oriented design


  2. Object- oriented design


Now, let us define each of them in brief and understand the strategies behind each of them:


1)面向功能的设计 (1) Function- oriented design)

In the function-oriented design, the system is designed according to the functionality it offers. The system is first widely observed and then each of its functions is observed to identify the sub-functions that it consists of that are responsible for performing that particular functionality.

在面向功能的设计中,系统是根据其提供的功能进行设计的。 首先对系统进行广泛观察,然后观察其每个功能,以识别组成该系统负责执行特定功能的子功能。

In this type of design, there is a centralized function that consists of various functions. The software is designed in the same manner.

在这种类型的设计中,存在由各种功能组成的集中功能。 该软件的设计方式相同。

For example, consider software for the calculator. Its main function is to calculate various operations and print the result. Now, the sub functionalities that it offers are the operations modulus, logarithm, square, exponent, etc. Now all these functions further consist of the fundamental operations like addition, subtraction, etc. Like multiplication is the result of repeated addition, etc.

例如,考虑计算器的软件。 其主要功能是计算各种操作并打印结果。 现在,它提供的子功能是运算模数,对数,平方,指数等。现在所有这些功能进一步由基本运算组成,例如加法,减法等。就像乘法是重复加法的结果等。

In the same way in software, an element may further sub-elements for performing its inner functions and it may also act as a sub-element for some other module. However together they are responsible for providing the functionality that the entire software claims to offer.

以软件中的相同方式,一个元素可以进一步包含用于执行其内部功能的子元素,并且还可以充当某些其他模块的子元素。 但是,它们共同负责提供整个软件声称提供的功能。

2)面向对象设计 (2) Object- oriented design)

In the object-oriented design approach to design any software, everything is considered as an object. Now, every object performs some activities and possess some behavior. This is defined through classes because all the objects that belong to the same class will exhibit a similar kind of behavior and will also perform similar functionalities. However, every object will be different from the other object in some manner. Now, this is determined at the time of object creation when the object is initialized with some values which provide the object its unique behavior.

在设计任何软件的面向对象设计方法中,一切都被视为对象。 现在,每个对象都执行一些活动并具有某些行为。 这是通过类定义的,因为属于同一类的所有对象都将表现出相似的行为,并且还将执行相似的功能。 但是,每个对象在某种程度上都会与另一个对象不同。 现在,这是在对象创建时确定的,该对象是使用一些为其提供其独特行为的值初始化的。

The object-oriented design approach is termed better than the function-oriented design approach as in the object-oriented approach, the real-world entities can easily be implemented in the computer world. Also, some very basic object behaviors such as polymorphism, inheritance, abstraction, and encapsulation are implementable through this approach.

面向对象的设计方法比面向功能的设计方法更好,因为在面向对象的方法中,现实世界的实体可以轻松地在计算机世界中实现。 而且,一些非常基本的对象行为,例如多态性,继承,抽象和封装,都可以通过此方法实现。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/different-types-of-design-strategies-in-software-engineering.aspx



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