

osm2pgsql -c -d osm -l -E 4326 -S /usr/share/osm2pgsql/default.style xxxxx.osm


osm2pgsql SVN version 0.70.5


osm2pgsql [options] planet.osm

osm2pgsql [options] planet.osm.{gz,bz2}

osm2pgsql [options] file1.osm file2.osm file3.osm

This will import the data from the OSM file(s) into a Postgresql database

suitable for use by the Mapnik renderer


-a|--appendAdd the OSM file into the database without removing

existing data.

-b|--bBoxApply a bounding Box filter on the imported data

Must be specified as: minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat

e.g. --bBox -0.5,51.25,0.5,51.75

-c|--createRemove existing data from the database. This is the

default if --append is not specified.

-d|--databaseThe name of the Postgresql database to connect

to (default: gis).

-i|--tablespace-indexThe name of the Postgresql tablespace where indexes will be create

to (default: pg_default).

-l|--latlongStore data in degrees of latitude & longitude.

-m|--mercStore data in proper spherical mercator (default)

-M|--oldmercStore data in the legacy OSM mercator format

-E|--proj numUse projection EPSG:num

-u|--utf8-sanitizeRepair bad UTF8 input data (present in planet

dumps prior to August 2007). Adds about 10% overhead.

-p|--prefixPrefix for table names (default planet_osm)

-s|--slimStore temporary data in the database. This greatly

reduces the RAM usage but is much slower.

-S|--styleLocation of the style file. Defaults to /usr/share/default.style

-C|--cacheOnly for slim mode: Use upto this many MB for caching nodes

Default is 800

-U|--usernamePostgresql user name.

-W|--passwordForce password prompt.

-H|--hostDatabase server hostname or socket location.

-P|--portDatabase server port.

-e|--expire-tiles [min_zoom-]max_zoomCreate a tile expiry list.

-o|--expire-output filenameOutput filename for expired tiles list.

-r|--input-readerInput frontend.

libxml2 - Parse XML using libxml2. (default)

primitive - Primitive XML parsing.

-O|--outputOutput backend.

pgsql - Output to a PostGIS database. (default)

gazetteer - Output to a PostGIS database suitable for gazetteer

null - No output. Useful for testing.


Include attributes for each object in the database.

This includes the username,userid,timestamp and version.

Note: this option also requires additional entries in your style file.

-k|--hstoreGenerate an additional hstore (key/value) column to postgresql tables

-z|--hstore-columnGenerate an additional hstore (key/value) column to containing all tags

that start with the specified string,eg --hstore-column "name:" will

produce an extra hstore column that contains all name:xx tags

-G|--multi-geometryGenerate multi-geometry features in postgresql tables.

-K|--keep-coastlinesKeep coastline data rather than filtering it out.

By default natural=coastline tagged data will be discarded based on the

assumption that post-processed Coastline Checker shapefiles will be used.

-h|--helpHelp information.

-v|--verboseVerbose output.

Add -v to display supported projections.

Use -E to access any espg projections (usually in /usr/share/proj/epsg)





pgsql2shp osm public.planet_osm_line


RCSID: $Id: pgsql2shp.c 5451 2010-03-22 19:38:40Z pramsey $ RELEASE: 1.5 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1

USAGE: pgsql2shp [] [.]

pgsql2shp []


-f Use this option to specify the name of the file

to create.

-h Allows you to specify connection to a database on a

machine other than the default.

-p Allows you to specify a database port other than the default.

-P Connect to the database with the specified password.

-u Connect to the database as the specified user.

-g Specify the geometry column to be exported.

-b Use a binary cursor.

-r Raw mode. Do not assume table has been created by

the loader. This would not unescape attribute names

and will not skip the 'gid' attribute.

-k Keep postgresql identifiers case.

-? Display this help screen.



RCSID: $Id: shp2pgsql-core.h 5983 2010-09-19 11:27:05Z mcayland $ RELEASE: 1.5 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1

USAGE: shp2pgsql [] [.]


-s Set the SRID field. Defaults to -1.

(-d|a|c|p) These are mutually exclusive options:

-d Drops the table,then recreates it and populates

it with current shape file data.

-a Appends shape file into current table,must be

exactly the same table schema.

-c Creates a new table and populates it,this is the

default if you do not specify any options.

-p Prepare mode,only creates the table.

-g Specify the name of the geometry/geography column.

(mostly useful in append mode).

-D Use postgresql dump format (defaults to sql insert statments).

-G Use geography type (requires lon/lat data).

-k Keep postgresql identifiers case.

-i Use int4 type for all integer dbf fields.

-I Create a spatial index on the geocolumn.

-S Generate simple geometries instead of MULTI geometries.

-w Output WKT format (drops M and introduces coordinate drifts).

-W Specify the character encoding of Shape's

attribute column. (default : "WINDOWS-1252").

-N NULL geometries handling policy (insert*,skip,abort).

-n Only import DBF file.

-? Display this help screen.

一定要注意使用-s -W参数。





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