乐虎 尖叫

重点 (Top highlight)

Dominic Cummings’ techno-enthusiasm is infectious — and, this year, it’s been spreading all over government.

d ominic卡明斯TECHNO-热情感染-而且,今年,它已经遍布政府。

There doesn’t appear to be a written plan — at least not in the public domain — but there are certainly recurring themes. This is a dream of a low-friction, innovation paradise in which numbers tell the truth while bureaucrats (and ethicists) get out of the way. It is less a vision for society, more an obsession with process and power.

似乎没有书面计划-至少不是在公共领域-但是肯定有重复出现的主题。 这是一个梦想,实现一个低摩擦,创新的天堂,在这个天堂里,数字能说实话,而官僚(和伦理学家)则可以避免。 它不是对社会的愿景,而是对过程和权力的痴迷。

The risks of this approach can be seen in the handling of the A level grading and the NHSX track and trace app. Both of these projects needed better governance processes — including open and transparent ways of working, forward planning, and the acceptance of external expert guidance – but instead, both have been allowed to experience significant failure, due in part to a culture of secrecy and a lack of oversight.

这种方法的风险可以从处理A级分级和NHSX跟踪应用程序中看出。 这两个项目都需要更好的治理流程-包括公开透明的工作方式,前瞻性计划以及接受外部专家指导-但相反,由于保密文化和规范性,这两个项目都被允许遭受重大失败。缺乏监督。

新技术官僚主义 (The New Technocracy)

The emergence of a patchwork of UK innovation initiatives over the last few months is notable. Rather than fiddling with increments of investment, there is a commitment to large-scale, world-leading innovation and enthusiasm for the potential of data.

在过去的几个月中,英国创新计划错落有致。 与其对投资的增加不屑一顾,而是致力于大规模,世界领先的创新和对数据潜力的热情。

But there is also a culture of opacity and bluster, a repeated lack of effectiveness, and a tendency to do secret deals with preferred suppliers. Taken together with the lack of a public strategy, this has led to a lot of speculation, a fair few conspiracy theories, and a great deal of concern about the social impact of collecting, keeping, and centralising data.

但是,这里还存在一种不透明和b不休的文化,反复缺乏效力,并且倾向于与首选供应商进行秘密交易。 再加上缺乏公共策略,这导致了很多猜测,很少的阴谋论以及对收集,保存和集中数据的社会影响的大量关注。

But it seems very possible that there is actually no big plan — conspiratorial or otherwise. In going through speeches and policy documents, I have found no vision for society —save the occasional murmur of “Levelling Up” — and plenty of evidence of a fixation with the mechanics of government.

但是,实际上没有任何大计画很可能—阴谋或其他。 在阅读演讲和政策文件时,我没有发现对社会的愿景-偶尔会出现“升级”的杂音,并且没有足够的证据表明对政府机制的关注。

This is a technocractic revolution, not a political one, driven by a desire to obliterate bureaucracy, centralise power, and increase improvisation.


And this obsession with process has led to a complete disregard for outcomes.


一切皆有筹码 (Chips with Everything)

Although there is no public strategy, there is a lot of disparate news coverage of the UK government’s technical present and future. The following is not a complete survey — just an indication of a few things in flight; doubtless there are many more.

尽管没有公共策略,但是关于英国政府技术现状和未来的新闻报道却很多。 以下内容不是完整的调查,只是一些正在运行的指示; 毫无疑问,还有更多。

There are plans for increased data sharing across the civil service, while the creation of a British DARPA to “boost transformative research” has been approved, and the UK is now — somewhat surprisingly — co-owner of “struggling mega-constellation start-up OneWeb”.

有计划在整个公务员系统中增加数据共享 ,同时批准了英国DARPA的创建, 以“促进变革性研究” ,并且英国现在是“奋斗中的巨型星座初创企业”的共同所有人。 OneWeb ”。

10ds is on its way — apparently a “pseudo start-up” based in No 10, driving a “quantitative revolution … to ensure all decision making is made on the best available evidence”, and NHSX have been working with Palantir to create a “single source of truth” for the pandemic.

10ds即将面世-显然是基于10号的“ 伪启动” ,正在推动“定量革命……以确保所有决策均基于现有的最佳证据”,NHSX一直在与Palantir合作创建“大流行的唯一真理来源” 。

Many of these initiatives are underpinned by a fascination with quantitative data — which is also telegraphed across many posts on Cummings’ personal blog.


Bell Labs, Silicon Valley in the 1940s, via Mother Jones1940年代,硅谷的贝尔实验室,通过母亲琼斯(Mother Jones)

拖放数据即时管理 (Drag-and-Drop Data for Instant Government)

Cummings’ (surprisingly recent) paper on ARPA and PARC sets out a commitment to save the world with “dramatic breakthroughs that advance knowledge and civilisation” — but there is no detail on what these breakthroughs might be, or what they will achieve. Instead, there is a focus on process, and on the right kind of genius, who is — luckily — able to conjure the right kind of number.

卡明斯在ARPA和PARC上发表的论文(令人惊讶的是最近发表的论文)提出了通过“促进知识和文明发展的重大突破”来拯救世界的承诺-但这些突破可能是什么,或者它们将实现什么尚无任何详细信息。 相反,我们将重点放在过程和正确的天才身上,幸运的是,他能够产生正确的号码。

In many of his posts, Cummings comes across as being in awe of data and those who create it. The idea that physicists swung the Vote Leave victory indicates that his head might be turned by a nice lab coat rather than a really good formula in an Excel table, and his dream of it being as easy to “insert facts, data, and models in political discussion as it is to insert emoji”

乐虎 尖叫_如果您想更快地尖叫! 为什么政府技术需要(很多)更好的治理相关推荐

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