


You are given a doubly linked list which in addition to the next and previous pointers, it could have a child pointer, which may or may not point to a separate doubly linked list. These child lists may have one or more children of their own, and so on, to produce a multilevel data structure, as shown in the example below.

Flatten the list so that all the nodes appear in a single-level, doubly linked list. You are given the head of the first level of the list.

Example 1:

Input: head = [1,2,3,4,5,6,null,null,null,7,8,9,10,null,null,11,12]
Output: [1,2,3,7,8,11,12,9,10,4,5,6]

The multilevel linked list in the input is as follows:

After flattening the multilevel linked list it becomes:

Example 2:

Input: head = [1,2,null,3]
Output: [1,3,2]
Explanation:The input multilevel linked list is as follows:1---2---NULL|3---NULL

Example 3:

Input: head = []
Output: []

How multilevel linked list is represented in test case:

We use the multilevel linked list from Example 1 above:


The serialization of each level is as follows:


To serialize all levels together we will add nulls in each level to signify no node connects to the upper node of the previous level. The serialization becomes:


Merging the serialization of each level and removing trailing nulls we obtain:



  • The number of Nodes will not exceed 1000.
  • 1 <= Node.val <= 105


解法1 DFS+链表(尾插法)

看起来挺复杂,但是这道题目实际很简单。使用DFS,先向 child 节点进行DFS,再对 next 节点进行DFS,同时用数组收集节点指针,最后形成一个单级双链表。十分类似二叉树的先序遍历,只要把多级双向链表看做二叉链表即可。整个算法的时间复杂度为 O(n)O(n)O(n) ,空间复杂度为 O(n)O(n)O(n) :

//C++ version
class Solution {private:vector<Node*> vi;void dfs(Node* cur) {if (cur == nullptr) return;vi.push_back(cur);dfs(cur->child);dfs(cur->next);}
public:Node* flatten(Node* head) {dfs(head);for (int i = 0, n = vi.size(); i < n; ++i) {if (i > 0) vi[i]->prev = vi[i - 1];if (i < n - 1) vi[i]->next = vi[i + 1];else vi[i]->next = nullptr; //置为nullptr vi[i]->child = nullptr;}return head;}
//执行用时:4 ms, 在所有 C++ 提交中击败了91.15% 的用户
//内存消耗:7.5 MB, 在所有 C++ 提交中击败了6.84% 的用户

改进代码,使用虚拟头结点,可以降低空间复杂度到 O(1)O(1)O(1) :

//C++ version
class Solution {private:Node dummyHead, *pre = &dummyHead;void dfs(Node* head) {if (head == nullptr) return;head->prev = pre; pre->next = head; pre = pre->next;Node *tempNext = pre->next, *tempChild = pre->child;pre->next = pre->child = nullptr; //置为nullptrdfs(tempChild);dfs(tempNext);}
public:Node* flatten(Node* head) {if (head == nullptr) return head;dfs(head);Node *newHead = dummyHead.next; //否则可能报错The linked list...is not a valid doubly linked list. dummyHead.next = nullptr, newHead->prev = nullptr; return newHead;}
//执行用时:4 ms, 在所有 C++ 提交中击败了91.15% 的用户
//内存消耗:7.1 MB, 在所有 C++ 提交中击败了88.14% 的用户

解法2 链表+递归

如果使用 flatten 函数本身的语义——将链表头为 head 的多级双向链表扁平化,并返回扁平化后的头结点,我们可以轻松写出递归版本。

为防止某些边界问题。仍然使用一个虚拟头结点 dummyHead 指向 head ,然后利用 head 指针分情况从前往后处理链表:

  • 当前节点 head 没有 child 节点:直接让 head = head->next ,即指针后移
  • 当前节点 headchild 节点:
    • 使用 flatten(head->child) 递归处理,拿到扁平化后的头结点 childHead
    • 然后保存 temp = head->next 及将 head->child 置为空
    • 再让 headchildHead 相邻,即相互连接
    • 然后往后找到扁平化后的 childHead 链表的尾部,将其与 temp 建立相邻关系
  • 重复上两步,直到处理完整条链表

看起来有点繁琐,也确实比较麻烦。整个算法的时间复杂度为 O(n2)O(n^2)O(n2) ,空间复杂度为 O(1)O(1)O(1)(如果不计算递归深度):

//Java version
class Solution {public Node flatten(Node head) {Node dummyHead = new Node(0);dummyHead.next = head;while (head != null) {if (head.child == null) head = head.next;else {Node childHead = flatten(head.child); //recursively processNode temp = head.next;head.child = null;head.next = childHead; //和扁平化链表头部连接childHead.prev = head;while (head.next != null) head = head.next; //找到扁平化链表尾部head.next = temp; //和扁平化链表尾部连接if (temp != null) temp.prev = head;head = temp;}}return dummyHead.next;}
//执行用时:1 ms, 在所有 Java 提交中击败了20.09% 的用户
//内存消耗:36.3 MB, 在所有 Java 提交中击败了74.22% 的用户

如果要优化整个算法的话,就不能使用 flatten 函数的语义,需要新创建一个函数 flattenHeadTail ,扁平化多级双向链表并返回扁平化的链表头部 childHead 和尾部 childTail ,头部和尾部之间视作一个整体,然后将这个扁平化链表插入到 headhead->next 中。

上述想法是很自然的,不过我们可以进一步优化。由于扁平化后的 childHead 实际上就是 head->child ,所以只需要返回扁平化后的链表尾结点,确保找尾结点的动作不会在每层发生。这样就将时间复杂度降低到了 O(n)O(n)O(n) :

//Java version
class Solution {private Node flattenReturnTail(Node head) {Node last = head;while (head != null) {if (head.child == null) {last = head;head = head.next;} else {Node childLast = flattenReturnTail(head.child);Node temp = head.next;head.next = head.child; //和扁平化链表头部连接head.child.prev = head;head.child = null; //置为空// if (childLast != null) childLast.next = temp; //尾结点childLast一定非空; 和扁平化链表尾部连接if (temp != null) temp.prev = childLast;last = head;head = childLast;}}return last;}public Node flatten(Node head) {flattenReturnTail(head); //函数不会改变头节点return head;}
//执行用时:0 ms, 在所有 Java 提交中击败了100.00% 的用户
//内存消耗:36.4 MB, 在所有 Java 提交中击败了45.99% 的用户

解法3 链表+迭代


具体代码如下。由于迭代写法中每个节点被访问的次数仍为常数次,时间复杂度为 O(n)O(n)O(n) ,空间复杂度为 O(1)O(1)O(1) :

//Java version
class Solution {public Node flatten(Node head) {Node dummyHead = new Node(0);dummyHead.next = head;while (head != null) {if (head.child == null) {head = head.next;} else {Node temp = head.next;head.next = head.child; //和扁平化链表头部连接head.child.prev = head;head.child = null; //置为空Node last = head;while (last.next != null) last = last.next;last.next = temp;if (temp != null) temp.prev = last; //和扁平化链表尾部连接head = head.next;}}return dummyHead.next;}
//执行用时:0 ms, 在所有 Java 提交中击败了100.00% 的用户
//内存消耗:36.2 MB, 在所有 Java 提交中击败了88.99% 的用户

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