
The first day i met Bryce ,I flipped,It was those eyse,something in those dazzling eyes. (迷人的双眼)

His family had just moved into(搬到) the neighborhood and I’d gone over to help them. I’ve been in the van all of 2 minutes when his dad sent hom off(送行,这里指分配他去帮忙) to help his mom.(我在车里总共呆了2分钟他就。。。通用的句型,可以背下来)

I could see he didn’t wanna I chased after(跟着他跑) him to see if we could paly a little before he got trapped inside.(这里的trap不是被抓,而是让小孩子呆在家,不许出门玩)

The next thing I know,he’s holding my hand and looking right(直视) into my eyes.My heart stopped.Would this be my first kiss?But then his mother came out.(出来)

And he was embarrassedssed,his cheeks(脸蛋) turned completely red.I went to bed that night thinking of the kiss that might have been.(睡觉前想)

It was clear he had feelings for me,but he was just too shy to show them.My mother said boys like that, So I decided to help him out(帮助他解决问题).(PS:人生三大错觉之一,他喜欢我)

I would give him plenty of oppotunity to get over his shyness(克服害羞),By the sixth grade,I’d learned to control myself.

Then Sherry entered the picture(走进我们的实现).Sherry was nothing but a whiny,gossipy,All hair and no substance.(华而不实)PS:只有女人能鉴别绿茶

And there she was holding hands with Bryce.My solution was to ignore her.

I know a boy of Bryce’s caliber(素质) would eventlly see through a shallow conniver(肤浅小人) like Sherry.(我相信以Bryce的素质肯定能看清她的面目)

It took all of a week(总共持续了一周).They broke up(决裂) at recess(课间).She didn’t take it well.Now that Bryce was out of Sherry’s evil cluthes(魔掌),he started being nicer to me.

He was so shy and his hair,it smelled like watermelon.I coulden’t get enough of it(嗅不够).I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon and wodering if I was ever going to get my first kiss.

Seventh grade brought changes(带来变化),But the biggest one didn’t happen at school.It happened at home。My grandfather came to live with us.

Mom said he stared like that because he missed Grandma.That was not something Grandma would ever talk about with me.(所以他很少跟我说话),As a matter of fact,he never talked about much of anything with me,That is ,util Juli appeared in the local newspaper.(上报纸)

Hey,Bryce,May I speak with you?

Have a seat,son.Tell me about your friend Juli Baker.

She is not exactly my friend.(她不算是我朋友)

Now Juli did not wind up in the Times for being an eighth-grade Einstein.she got front-page coverage(上头条) because she refused to climb out of a sycamore tree.

Juli and that stupid sycamore tree.She always thought it was God’s gift to our little corner of the universe.

Hey,Bryce,Do you wanna come climb the tree with me and my brother?

Come up here,It’s fun,You can see everything.

My dad needs me to help him fix a thing.

That’s all I needed,Climb up a tree(爬树) with Juli? I’d dragged right back into(回忆起) the second grade. Why don’t you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.(我宁愿这辈子吃利玛豆)


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