CoderHelper 是怎样实现添加模块信息以及函数说明信息的?

首先,你需要知道,本程序的基本思路!在添加时本程序模仿了ini的读写方式.也救生步说在代码中先定好字段位置,如:"'********************版权信息********************" 就是一个字段.接着,以字段的基础上定位键的位置.那么"'*隶属工程:"就时一个键 后面的字符就时键的值.然后,只要编写好怎样定位.那么.就很简单了!下面是其调用模块中的代码.以下代码实现了向模块中添加信息.而操作代码窗口中的代码的代码将是我所给你的代码:

'*隶属工程: CoderHelper
'*模块名称: modMark
'*成员个数: 2
'*代码行数: 67
'*声明行数: 14
'*创建时间: 2005-8-10 19:24:05(创建人:MysticBoy)
'*修改时间: 2005-8-10 19:37:33(修改人:MysticBoy)
'*版权说明: 版权所有(c) ?-2005 Mysticsoft.
'* 保留所有权
Option Explicit

Public Sub SetCopyRightInfs(ObjVBC As VBComponent)
Dim lc As Long
On Error Resume Next
Dim tmp1x As String
With pjtMark
.ObjVBComponent = ObjVBC
lc = .FindMark("版权信息")
If frmAddIn.cbsALSGC.Value = 1 Then .WriteKey "版权信息", "隶属工程:", MVBI.ActiveVBProject.Name, lc, 1
If frmAddIn.cbsAMKM.Value Then .WriteKey "版权信息", "模块名称:", ObjVBC.Name, lc, 2
tmp1x = .ReadKey("版权信息", "模块描述:", lc)
If tmp1x = "" Then
If frmAddIn.cbsAMKMS.Value = 1 Then .WriteKey "版权信息", "模块描述:", ObjVBC.Description, lc, 3
ObjVBC.Description = tmp1x
If frmAddIn.cbsAMKMS.Value = 1 Then .WriteKey "版权信息", "模块描述:", ObjVBC.Description, lc, 3
End If
If frmAddIn.cbsDMHS.Value = 1 Then
.WriteKey "版权信息", "成员个数:", CStr(ObjVBC.CodeModule.Members.Count), lc, 4
.WriteKey "版权信息", "代码行数:", CStr(ObjVBC.CodeModule.CountOfLines), lc, 5
.WriteKey "版权信息", "声明行数:", CStr(ObjVBC.CodeModule.CountOfDeclarationLines), lc, 6
End If
If .ReadKey("版权信息", "创建时间:", lc) = "" Then
.WriteKey "版权信息", "创建时间:", CStr(Now) + "(创建人:" + UserName + ")", lc, 7
End If
.WriteKey "版权信息", "修改时间:", CStr(Now) + "(修改人:" + UserName + ")", lc, 8
If frmAddIn.cbsADMSM.Value = 1 Then
If .ReadKey("版权信息", "代码说明:", lc) = "" Then
.WriteKey "版权信息", "代码说明:", "", lc, 9
End If
End If

Dim tmptxt As String
tmptxt = frmAddIn.txtABQSM.Text
tmptxt = Replace(tmptxt, "%YEAR", CStr(Year(Now)))
tmptxt = Replace(tmptxt, "&COMPANY", GetCompanyName)
.WriteKey "版权信息", "版权说明:", tmptxt, lc, 10
.WriteKey "版权信息", " 保留所有权 ", "", lc, 11
.WriteKey "版权信息", "**********************************************", "", lc, 12
If frmAddIn.cbsDMHS.Value = 1 Then
.WriteKey "版权信息", "成员个数:", CStr(ObjVBC.CodeModule.Members.Count), lc, 4
.WriteKey "版权信息", "代码行数:", CStr(ObjVBC.CodeModule.CountOfLines), lc, 5
.WriteKey "版权信息", "声明行数:", CStr(ObjVBC.CodeModule.CountOfDeclarationLines), lc, 6
End If
WriteLine "[" + ObjVBC.Name + "]的版权信息已编辑!" + IIf(err.Number <> 0, vbNewLine + "伴随错误:" & err.Number & err.Description + vbNewLine, "") & Now
End With
End Sub

Sub SetCopyrightinfToPjt(Pjt As VBProject)
Dim n As Long
For n = 1 To Pjt.VBComponents.Count
SetCopyRightInfs Pjt.VBComponents(n)
Next n
WriteLine "[" + Pjt.Name + "]内的" & n & "个代码模块版权信息被编辑!" & Now
End Sub


Option Explicit
Public Sub AddMethodInfs(objCmt As VBComponent)
Dim n As Long
Dim mb As Member
Dim cm As CodeModule
Set cm = objCmt.CodeModule
On Error GoTo errH
For n = 1 To objCmt.CodeModule.Members.Count
Set mb = objCmt.CodeModule.Members(n)
If mb.Type = vbext_mt_Event Or mb.Type = vbext_mt_Method Then
If frmAddIn.cbsMethods(5).Value = 1 And cm.ProcCountLines(mb.Name, vbext_pk_Proc) < frmAddIn.udMethodMixline.Value Then
WriteLine "模块[" + cm.Parent.Name + "]的成员[" + mb.Name + "]有" & cm.ProcCountLines(mb.Name, vbext_pk_Proc) & _
"行代码,小于您限制的" & frmAddIn.udMethodMixline.Value & "行,因此不编写说明信息!", vbRed
AddInfsToMethod mb, cm
WriteLine "模块[" + cm.Parent.Name + "]的成员[" + mb.Name + "]说明信息处理完成!", vbBlue
End If
End If
Next n
If err.Number <> 0 Then
WriteLine "为模块[" + cm.Parent.Name + "]进行一次性添加说明信息时出现错误:" + vbNewLine + "错误内容:" + err.Description
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddInfsToMethod(mb As Member, cm As CodeModule)
Dim loc As Long, txtLine As String
Dim txtMark As String
On Error GoTo errH
txtLine = GetProcLine(mb, cm) '找到函数头
If IsAPI(txtLine) = True Then
WriteLine "检测到[" + mb.Name + "]是API,不建议为API编写说明信息.重要API请手动编写!", vbRed
Exit Sub
End If

pjtMark.ObjVBComponent = cm.Parent
txtMark = "成员[" + mb.Name + "]说明信息"
With pjtMark
loc = .FindMark(txtMark)
loc = IIf(loc = 0, GetMbLoc(cm, txtCode:=txtLine), loc) '找到函数头所在位置

.WriteKey txtMark, Left("*****************************************" + _
"************************************************************" + _
"************************************************************", 53 + Len(mb.Name)), "", loc

If frmAddIn.cbsMethods(3).Value = 1 Then
Dim tm3x As String
tm3x = .ReadKey(txtMark, "功能说明:", loc)
If tm3x = "" Then
.WriteKey txtMark, "功能说明:", "", loc
End If
End If

If frmAddIn.cbsMethods(1).Value = 1 Then
Dim pl As String
pl = GetProcLine(mb, cm, True)
Dim xxpp1 As String
Dim xps As String
xps = GetMethodReturn(pl)
xxpp1 = .ReadKey(txtMark, xps, loc)
If Trim(xxpp1) <> "" Then
.WriteKey txtMark, xxpp1, "<在此键入说明>", loc
End If

xps = GetMethodInputs(pl)
xxpp1 = .ReadKey(txtMark, "输入参数:", loc)
If xxpp1 = "" And xps <> "" Then
.WriteKey txtMark, "输入参数:", "参数名称 说明" + GetMethodInputs(pl), loc
End If
End If

If frmAddIn.cbsMethods(2).Value = 1 Then
Dim tm1x As String
tm1x = .ReadKey(txtMark, "成员描述:", loc)
If tm1x = "" Then
tm1x = mb.Description
mb.Description = tm1x
End If
.WriteKey txtMark, "成员描述:", mb.Description, loc
End If

If frmAddIn.cbsMethods(4).Value = 1 Then
Dim tm2x As String
tm2x = .ReadKey(txtMark, "HelpCtID:", loc)
If CInt(tm2x + ".0") = 0 Then
tm2x = mb.HelpContextID
mb.HelpContextID = tm2x
End If
.WriteKey txtMark, "HelpCtID:", mb.HelpContextID, loc
End If

If frmAddIn.cbsMethods(0).Value = 1 Then
.WriteKey txtMark, "成员类型:", GetMethodText(mb), loc
End If

If frmAddIn.cbsMethods(6).Value = 1 Then
.WriteKey txtMark, "代码编辑:", Now & "(" + UserName + ")", loc
End If

End With
If err.Number <> 0 Then
WriteLine "为模块[" + cm.Parent.Name + "]的成员[" + mb.Name + "]添加说明信息时出现错误:" + vbNewLine + "错误内容:" + err.Description
End If
End Sub

Public Function GetMethodReturn(txtCode As String, Optional txtWith As String = "'* ")
Dim n As Long
If InStr(txtCode, "Sub ") > 0 Then
GetMethodReturn = "函数返回:"
ElseIf InStr(txtCode, "Property Get ") > 0 Then
GetMethodReturn = "属性返回:"
End If
End Function

Function GetMethodInputs(txtCode As String, Optional txtWith As String = "'* ") As String
Dim ary() As String, xx1
Dim txt1 As String
Dim ret As String
Dim tmp1 As String
On Error GoTo errH
txt1 = Mid(txtCode, InStr(txtCode, "(") + 1)
txt1 = Mid(txt1 + " ", 1, InStr(txt1, ")") - 1)
ary = Split(txt1, ",")
For Each xx1 In ary
xx1 = Trim(xx1)
xx1 = Replace(xx1, "ByVal ", "")
xx1 = Replace(xx1, "ByRef ", "")
tmp1 = Left(xx1, InStr(xx1, " "))
If xx1 <> "" And tmp1 = "" Then
tmp1 = xx1
End If

If tmp1 = "Optional " Then
tmp1 = Trim(Right(xx1, Len(xx1) - Len(tmp1)))
tmp1 = Left(tmp1, InStr(tmp1, " ")) + "[此参数可选]"
End If
tmp1 = vbNewLine + txtWith + tmp1
ret = ret + tmp1
GetMethodInputs = ret
End Function

Function GetMethodText(mb As Member)
Dim ret As String
On Error GoTo errH
If InStr(mb.Name, "_") > 0 Then
Dim xxs() As String
xxs = Split(mb.Name, "_")
ret = "对象[" + xxs(0) + "]的[" + xxs(1) + "]事件"
ElseIf mb.Type = vbext_mt_Method Then
ret = IIf((mb.Scope = vbext_Friend), "友员方法", IIf((mb.Scope = vbext_Private), "私有方法", "公有方法"))
ElseIf mb.Type = vbext_mt_Property Then
ret = IIf((mb.Scope = vbext_Friend), "友员属性", IIf((mb.Scope = vbext_Private), "私有属性", "公有属性"))
End If
GetMethodText = ret
End Function

Public Function GetMbLoc(cm As CodeModule, Optional mb As Member, Optional txtCode As String = "") As Long
Dim tmp1 As String, n1 As Long, n2 As Long
On Error GoTo errH
If txtCode = "" Then
tmp1 = GetProcLine(mb, cm)
tmp1 = txtCode
End If
GetMbLoc = IIf(cm.Find(tmp1, n1, n2, n2, n2), n1, 0)
GetMbLoc = n1
End Function

Function GetProcLine(mb As Member, cm As CodeModule, Optional FullCode As Boolean = False) As String
Dim ary() As String, xx, ok As Boolean
Dim tmp1 As String, n1 As Long, n2 As Long
On Error GoTo errH
tmp1 = cm.Lines(cm.ProcStartLine(mb.Name, vbext_pk_Proc), cm.CountOfLines)
ary = Split(tmp1, vbNewLine)
ok = False
Dim txtmp As String
For Each xx In ary
If ok = False Then
If InStr(xx, "Sub ") > 0 Or InStr(xx, "Function ") > 0 Or InStr(xx, "Property ") > 0 Then
If InStr(xx, mb.Name) > 0 Then
If Right(Trim(xx), 1) = "_" And FullCode = True Then '
ok = True
txtmp = Left(xx, InStr(xx, "_") - 1)
GetProcLine = xx
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
If Right(Trim(xx), 1) = "_" Then
ok = True
txtmp = txtmp + Left(xx, InStr(xx, "_") - 1)
txtmp = txtmp + xx
GetProcLine = txtmp
Exit Function
End If

End If

Next xx

End Function

Public Function IsAPI(mbCode As String) As Boolean
'Print IsAPI("Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib ""kernel32"" Alias ""GetVersionExA"" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long")
On Error Resume Next
IsAPI = InStr(mbCode, "Declare ") > 0 And InStr(mbCode, " Lib ") > 0
End Function

INI中有写键的函数,也就有读键的代码.以下是全部代码.您可以做以参考.注意:以下代码是经过调试合格的代码.无须修改即可使用.此代码仅仅在你编写向代码中添加代码的注释信息的程序时使用.代码的调用效率要求非常高的.如果你的读写一个字段.建议在可选参数中直接给字段位置lngLocMark 给你值,这样程序就不再重复调用查找字段的代码.

Option Explicit
Public ObjVBC As VBComponent

Public Sub WriteKey(txtMark As String, txtKey As String, txtValue As String, Optional lngLocMark As Long = 0, Optional KeyIndex As Long = -1)
Dim lc As Long
On Error GoTo errH
Dim txtText As String
txtText = txtValue
Dim lcx As Long
Dim xx1 As Long, xx2 As Long
xx1 = FindMark(txtMark)
lc = IIf(lngLocMark = 0, xx1, lngLocMark)
If lc = 0 Or xx1 = 0 Then
lc = IIf(lc = 0, 1, lc)
ObjVBC.CodeModule.InsertLines lc, "'********************" + txtMark + "********************"
End If
If KeyIndex <= 0 Then
lcx = FindKey(txtMark, txtKey, lc)
If Left(ObjVBC.CodeModule.Lines(lc + KeyIndex, 1), 2) = "'*" Then
lcx = KeyIndex
lcx = FindKey(txtMark, txtKey, lc)
End If
End If
If lcx = 0 Then
KeyIndex = IIf(KeyIndex = -1 Or KeyIndex = 0, 1, KeyIndex)
ObjVBC.CodeModule.InsertLines lc + KeyIndex, "'*" + txtKey + " " + txtValue
Exit Sub
lcx = KeyIndex
End If
Dim xxc As Long
xxc = FindKey(txtMark, txtKey, lc + lcx - 1)
If xxc = 0 Then
lcx = lcx
lcx = xxc
End If
ObjVBC.CodeModule.ReplaceLine lcx, "'*" + txtKey + " " + txtValue
If err.Number <> 0 Then

End If
End Sub

Public Function ReadKey(txtMark As String, txtKey As String, Optional mklc As Long = 0) As String
Dim lc As Long
If mklc = 0 Then
lc = FindMark(txtMark)
lc = mklc
End If
If lc > 0 Then
lc = FindKey(txtMark, txtKey, lc)
If lc > 0 Then
ReadKey = Trim(Mid(ObjVBC.CodeModule.Lines(lc, 1), Len(txtKey) + 3))
End If
End If
End Function

Public Function KillKey(txtMark, txtKey As String)
ObjVBC.CodeModule.DeleteLines FindKey(txtMark, txtKey), 1
End Function
Public Function KillMark(txtMark As String)
ObjVBC.CodeModule.DeleteLines FindMark(txtMark), 1
End Function

Public Function FindKey(ByVal txtMark As String, txtKey As String, Optional locMark As Long = 0) As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim lc As String
If locMark = 0 Then
lc = FindMark(txtMark)
lc = locMark
End If
Dim txt As String
lc = lc + 1
txt = Trim(ObjVBC.CodeModule.Lines(lc, 1))
If Left(txt, Len(txtKey) + 2) = Trim("'*" + txtKey) Then
FindKey = lc
Exit Function
End If
Loop Until Left(txt, 2) <> "'*"
End Function

Public Function FindMark(ByVal txtMark As String) As Long
Dim n As Long
On Error Resume Next
txtMark = "'********************" + txtMark + "********************"
Dim nx As Long, nx1 As Long, nx2 As Long
ObjVBC.CodeModule.Find txtMark, n, nx, nx1, nx2
FindMark = n
End Function

Public Property Get ObjVBComponent() As VBComponent
Set ObjVBComponent = ObjVBC
End Property

Public Property Let ObjVBComponent(ByVal vNewValue As VBComponent)
Set ObjVBC = vNewValue
End Property

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