
RoundRobin的代码网上有很多。这里主要是看的微信公众号"IC加油站"的老李的资源,copy了一下代码进行调试,代码如下。文章地址:仲裁器设计(二)-- Round Robin Arbiter

`timescale 1ns/1ps
// two paralleled fixed-priority arbiter using mask algorithm
module RR_Arbiter #(
parameter Req_Width = 6
input clk,
input rst,
input [Req_Width-1:0] req,
output [Req_Width-1:0] gnt
reg [Req_Width-1:0] Pointer_Req;//denote the next priority
wire [Req_Width-1:0] req_mask;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] priority_mask;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] grant_mask;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] priority_unmask;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] grant_unmask;
wire no_req_mask_label;
//the first FP arbiter with masking
assign req_mask = req & Pointer_Req;
assign priority_mask[0] = 1'b0;
assign priority_mask[Req_Width-1:1] = req_mask[Req_Width-2:0] | priority_mask[Req_Width-2:0];
assign grant_mask[Req_Width-1:0] = req_mask[Req_Width-1:0] & (~priority_mask[Req_Width-1:0]);//the second FP arbiter without masking
assign priority_unmask[0] = 1'b0;
assign priority_unmask[Req_Width-1:1] = req[Req_Width-2:0] | priority_unmask[Req_Width-2:0];
assign grant_unmask[Req_Width-1:0] = req[Req_Width-1:0] & (~priority_unmask[Req_Width-1:0]);//Based on the value of req_mask, choose mask or unmask. (if req_mask is none, it means two conditions
//1: no req; 2: req is in the unmask part.
assign no_req_mask_label = ~(|req_mask);
assign gnt = ({Req_Width{no_req_mask_label}} & grant_unmask) | grant_mask;//Update the Pointer_Reg
always @ (posedge clk) beginif (rst) beginPointer_Req <= {Req_Width{1'b1}};// initializeendelse beginif (|req_mask) begin // still have req after maskPointer_Req <= priority_mask;endelse begin // no req after mask, so choose the req with no maskif (|req) begin //req with no mask have reqPointer_Req <= priority_unmask;endelse begin //req with no mask is none, so remain, don't changePointer_Req <= Pointer_Req;endendend


`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb_RR_Arbiter #(
parameter Req_Width = 5
//input [Req_Width-1:0] req,
//input clk,
//input rst,
//output reg [Req_Width-1:0] gnt
);reg [Req_Width-1:0] req;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] gnt;
reg clk;
reg rst;RR_Arbiter #(5) RRA1 (
);parameter ClockPeriod = 10  ;initialbeginclk = 1 ;repeat(20)#(ClockPeriod) clk = ~clk;endinitial beginrst = 1;req = {Req_Width{1'b0}};#20 rst = 0; req = 6'b01010;#20 req = 6'b01011;#20 req = 6'b10011;#20 req = 6'b01010;$finish;endendmodule


`timescale 1ns/1ps
// two paralleled fixed-priority arbiter using mask algorithm
module RR_Arbiter #(
parameter Req_Width = 5
input clk,
input rst,
input [Req_Width-1:0] req,
output [Req_Width-1:0] gnt,
output reg [Req_Width-1:0] Pointer_Req_test, // for test
output reg [Req_Width-1:0] q_test,
output [Req_Width-1:0] req_mask,
output [Req_Width-1:0] priority_mask,
output [Req_Width-1:0] priority_unmask,
output [Req_Width-1:0] grant_unmask,
output [Req_Width-1:0] grant_mask,
output label_req_mask,
output reg [2:0] label_req
reg [Req_Width-1:0] Pointer_Req;//denote the next priority
//wire [Req_Width-1:0] req_mask;
//wire [Req_Width-1:0] priority_mask;
//wire [Req_Width-1:0] grant_mask;
//wire [Req_Width-1:0] priority_unmask;
//wire [Req_Width-1:0] grant_unmask;
wire no_req_mask_label;
//the first FP arbiter with masking
assign req_mask = req & Pointer_Req;
assign priority_mask[0] = 1'b0;
assign priority_mask[Req_Width-1:1] = req_mask[Req_Width-2:0] | priority_mask[Req_Width-2:0];//or operation for each bit, from small to big bit
assign grant_mask[Req_Width-1:0] = req_mask[Req_Width-1:0] & (~priority_mask[Req_Width-1:0]);//the second FP arbiter without masking
assign priority_unmask[0] = 1'b0;
assign priority_unmask[Req_Width-1:1] = req[Req_Width-2:0] | priority_unmask[Req_Width-2:0];//?????????
assign grant_unmask[Req_Width-1:0] = req[Req_Width-1:0] & (~priority_unmask[Req_Width-1:0]);//Based on the value of req_mask, choose mask or unmask. (if req_mask is none, it means two conditions
//1: no req; 2: req is in the unmask part.
assign no_req_mask_label = ~(|req_mask);
assign gnt = ({Req_Width{no_req_mask_label}} & grant_unmask) | grant_mask;//test
assign label_req_mask = |req_mask;
//assign label_req = |req;
//reg [Req_Width-1:0] q;
//Update the Pointer_Regalways @ (posedge clk) begin#1if (rst) beginq_test <= {Req_Width{1'b1}};// initialize//q_test <= q;//Pointer_Req <= q_test;//Pointer_Req_test <= q_test;label_req <= 1;//Pointer_Req_test <= {Req_Width{1'b1}};endelse beginif (label_req_mask) begin // still have req after maskq_test <= priority_mask;//Pointer_Req <= q_test;//Pointer_Req_test <= q_test;label_req <= 2;//Pointer_Req_test <= priority_mask;endelse begin // no req after mask, so choose the req with no maskif (|req) begin //req with no mask have reqq_test <= priority_unmask;//Pointer_Req <= q_test;// delay one clock, otherwise the result will be wrong, since the comb circuit will immediately use the pointer-reg//Pointer_Req_test <= q_test;label_req <= 3;//Pointer_Req_test <= priority_unmask;endelse begin //req with no mask is none, so remain, don't changeq_test <= Pointer_Req;//Pointer_Req <= q_test;//Pointer_Req_test <= q_test;label_req <= 4;//Pointer_Req_test <= Pointer_Req;endendendendalways @ (posedge clk) beginPointer_Req <= q_test;Pointer_Req_test <= q_test;


`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb_RR_Arbiter #(
parameter Req_Width = 10
//input [Req_Width-1:0] req,
//input clk,
//input rst,
//output reg [Req_Width-1:0] gnt
);reg [Req_Width-1:0] req;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] gnt;
reg clk;
reg rst;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] Pointer_Req_test;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] q_test;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] req_mask;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] priority_mask;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] priority_unmask;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] grant_mask;
wire [Req_Width-1:0] grant_unmask;
wire label_req_mask;
wire [2:0] label_req;
RR_Arbiter #(Req_Width) RRA1 (
);parameter ClockPeriod = 10  ;initialbeginclk = 1 ;repeat(40)#(ClockPeriod) clk = ~clk;endinitial beginrst = 1;req = {Req_Width{1'b0}};#40 rst = 0; req = 10'b0000000000;//0#20 req = 10'b0000001101;//2#20 req = 10'b0000001110;//cha dui#20 req = 10'b0001101101;//4#20 req = 10'b0011101001;#20 req = 10'b0011100101;#20 req = 10'b0011000110;#20 req = 10'b0010000111;//again#20 req = 10'b0000000111;#20 req = 10'b1000000110;#20 req = 10'b1000000110;#20 req = 10'b1000000011;$finish;endendmodule




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