
python(精确的是Entought Canopy)上,使用urllib2,服务器拒绝我访问:

data = urllib.urlopen(an url i cannot post because of reputation, params)

print data.read()


Access denied | play.pokemonshowdown.com used CloudFlare to restrict access

The owner of this website (play.pokemonshowdown.com) has banned your access based on your browser's signature (14e894f5bf8d0920-ua48).


A firewall, proxy, a browser plugin or extension may be throwing a false positive. Try visiting the site with a different browser as an alternative way of accessing the site.

The “Checking your browser before accessing (insertsite.com) occurs when the site owner has turned on a DDoS protection and mitigation tool called “I’m Under Attack”. The page will generally go away and grant you access to the site after 5 seconds.

Note: You will need to have both JavaScript and Cookies turned on in your browser to pass the check. The check is in place to make sure that you are not part of a botnet.”

答案很清楚,除了这一件事…… *我没有使用任何浏览器!请求是通过python程序完成的,带有urllib.urlopen请求…

这是否意味着我应该拥有,例如,开启的Cookie和JavaScript … Enthought Canopy?这句话是否有任何句子?在尝试使用编程控制台的基本请求访问站点时,我几乎不了解有关此浏览器特定检查激活的任何信息.这就是我寻求你帮助的原因.


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