
  • 128-EEA1与128-NEA1算法详解




注意下面用到了 nettle库,记得添加链接参数 -lnettle


typedef struct {uint8_t *key;uint32_t key_length;uint32_t count;uint8_t  bearer;uint8_t  direction;uint8_t  *message;/* length in bits */uint32_t  blength;
} stream_cipher_t;


/* Endianness conversions for 16 and 32 bits integers from host to network order */
# define hton_int32(x)   \(((x & 0x000000FF) << 24) | ((x & 0x0000FF00) << 8) |  \((x & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | ((x & 0xFF000000) >> 24))# define hton_int16(x)   \(((x & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((x & 0xFF00) >> 8)# define ntoh_int32_buf(bUF)        \((*(bUF)) << 24) | ((*((bUF) + 1)) << 16) | ((*((bUF) + 2)) << 8)   \| (*((bUF) + 3))
# define hton_int32(x) (x)
# define hton_int16(x) (x)


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>#include <nettle/nettle-meta.h>
#include <nettle/aes.h>
#include <nettle/ctr.h>#include "assert.h"
#include "conversions.h"
#include "secu_defs.h"
#include "snow3g.h" //定义在《Snow 3G算法源码介绍》blog中// #define SECU_DEBUGint nea1_eea1(stream_cipher_t*stream_cipher, uint8_t *out)
{snow_3g_context_t snow_3g_context;int       n ;int       i           = 0;uint32_t  zero_bit    = 0;//uint32_t  byte_length;uint32_t *KS;uint32_t  K[4],IV[4];assert(stream_cipher != NULL);assert(stream_cipher->key != NULL);assert(stream_cipher->key_length == 16);assert(out != NULL);n = ( stream_cipher->blength + 31 ) / 32;zero_bit = stream_cipher->blength & 0x7;//byte_length = stream_cipher->blength >> 3;memset(&snow_3g_context, 0, sizeof(snow_3g_context));/*Initialisation*//* Load the confidentiality key for SNOW 3G initialization as in section3.4. */memcpy(K+3,stream_cipher->key+0,4); /*K[3] = key[0]; we assumeK[3]=key[0]||key[1]||...||key[31] , with key[0] the* most important bit of key*/memcpy(K+2,stream_cipher->key+4,4); /*K[2] = key[1];*/memcpy(K+1,stream_cipher->key+8,4); /*K[1] = key[2];*/memcpy(K+0,stream_cipher->key+12,4); /*K[0] = key[3]; we assumeK[0]=key[96]||key[97]||...||key[127] , with key[127] the* least important bit of key*/K[3] = hton_int32(K[3]);K[2] = hton_int32(K[2]);K[1] = hton_int32(K[1]);K[0] = hton_int32(K[0]);/* Prepare the initialization vector (IV) for SNOW 3G initialization as insection 3.4. */IV[3] = stream_cipher->count;IV[2] = ((((uint32_t)stream_cipher->bearer) << 3) | ((((uint32_t)stream_cipher->direction) & 0x1) << 2)) << 24;IV[1] = IV[3];IV[0] = IV[2];/* Run SNOW 3G algorithm to generate sequence of key stream bits KS*/snow3g_initialize(K, IV, &snow_3g_context);KS = (uint32_t *)malloc(4*n);snow3g_generate_key_stream(n,(uint32_t*)KS, &snow_3g_context);if (zero_bit > 0) {KS[n - 1] = KS[n - 1] & (uint32_t)(0xFFFFFFFF << (8 - zero_bit));}for (i=0; i<n; i++) {KS[i] = hton_int32(KS[i]);}/* Exclusive-OR the input data with keystream to generate the output bitstream */for (i=0; i<n*4; i++) {stream_cipher->message[i] ^= *(((uint8_t*)KS)+i);}int ceil_index = 0;if (zero_bit > 0) {ceil_index = (stream_cipher->blength+7) >> 3;stream_cipher->message[ceil_index - 1] = stream_cipher->message[ceil_index - 1] & (uint8_t)(0xFF << (8 - zero_bit));}free(KS);memcpy(out, stream_cipher->message, n*4);if (zero_bit > 0) {out[ceil_index - 1] = stream_cipher->message[ceil_index - 1];}return 0;

《Snow 3G算法源码介绍》
《128-bit AES算法源码介绍》





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