























































Invitation to 2020 Soochow University's Dongwu Forum for Overseas High-level Talents

The city of Suzhou, boasting fabulous classical gardens, is crowned as the most prosperous region in the south of the Yangtze River. Located and deeply rooted in the historical and cultural city of Suzhou and founded in 1900, Soochow University is a Key National "Project 211" university, and one of the first institutions selected for "Plan 2011" in China. It is listed into "Double First-Class" Initiative jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Jiangsu Provincial People's Government. It is also a provincial key comprehensive university sponsored by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and Jiangsu Provincial People's Government. In 2020, it ranks 39th globally and 11th domestically in the Nature Index. It ranks the 18th domestically in the 2020 THE University Ranking. Currently, fourteen of its disciplines -- Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Clinical Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy and Toxicology, Biology and Biological Chemistry, Neurology and Behavioral Science, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Immunology, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Science and Ecology-- rank the top 1% of the Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators (ESI) ranking. Chemistry and Materials Science rank the top 1‰.

Nowadays, with an active spirit, an open mind and an international horizon, all the faculty of Soochow University are sparing no effort in building up a world-renowned research-oriented university. We hereby sincerely invite international scholars to 2020 Soochow University's Dongwu Forum for Overseas High-level Talents.

I. About the Forum

The 2020 Soochow University's Dongwu Forum for Overseas High-level Talents aims to gather outstanding overseas high-level talents from different academic backgrounds to have online discussions of the latest issues in science and technology, to promote their collaboration and their joint exploration of the frontiers of science, as well as their progress toward greater academic achievements. The forum will commence on Dec. 29th online.

II. Positions and Pays

• University Professor

Recipients of global top awards including Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, Turing Award, etc.; foreign member of Academy of Sciences of developed countries; world-class scholar with high academic reputation and impact; under the age of 65 years old; tailor-made pay.

• Excellent Talents

A. Requirements

Professor, associate professor or position of similar levels of a prestigious overseas university or research institution, or head of R&D of renowned international companies, under the age of 55 years old.

B. Pay and Benefits

1. Title: Distinguished Professor and doctoral supervisor.

2. Pay: RMB 600,000-1,200,000 annually, related rewards without cap.

3. Relocation: RMB 2,000,000-7,000,000 (this includes subsidiaries provided by the local government); fully decorated short-term accommodation.

4. Research Support Funding: RMB 500,000 – 1,000,000 for scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences, RMB 1,000,000-2,000,000 for scholars in Non-experimental Sciences, RMB 3,000,000-5,000,000 for those in Experimental Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Large-scale equipment and apparatus may be provided as needed.

• Outstanding Talents

A. Requirements

Associate professor, assistant professor or position of similar levels of a prestigious overseas university or research institution, under the age of 45 years old (52 years old for Humanities).

B. Pay and Benefits

1. Title: Distinguished Professor and doctoral supervisor.

2. Pay: RMB 350,000-600,000 annually, related rewards without cap.

3. Relocation: RMB 1,500,000-4,750,000 (this includes subsidiaries provided by the local government); fully decorated short-term accommodation.

4. Research Support Funding: RMB 500,000 for scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences, RMB 600,000-800,000 for scholars in Non-experimental Sciences, RMB 800,000-2,000,000 for those in Experimental Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Large-scale equipment and apparatus may be provided as needed.

• Elite Talents

A. Requirements

Assistant professor or position of similar levels of a prestigious overseas university or research institution, under the age of 38 years old (45 years old for Humanities)

B. Pay and Benefits

1. Title: Distinguished Professor and doctoral supervisor.

2. Pay: RMB 250,000-350,000 annually, related rewards without cap.

3. Relocation: RMB 800,000-1,200,000 (this includes subsidiaries provided by the local government); fully decorated short-term accommodation.

4. Research Support Funding: RMB 100,000 for scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences, RMB 300,000-600,000 for scholars in Non-experimental Sciences, RMB 400,000-800,000 for those in Experimental Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Large-scale equipment and apparatus may be provided as needed.

III. Other Benefits

1. Priority recommendations for applying "Innovation and Entrepreneurship program". Successful individual applicants will be funded with RMB 5,000,000, 3,000,000, 1,000,000 or 500,000, within 3 years. Successful group applicants will be funded with RMB 3,000,000-8,000,000. Successful PhD applicants will be funded with RMB 150,000 by the provincial government within 2 years.

2. Priority recommendations for applying "Distinguished Professor of Jiangsu Province". Successful candidates will be awarded RMB 120,000 / year (tax free) for three years in the employment term, and a research fund of RMB 1,000,000 (RMB 2,000,000 for excellent ones) and 500,000 for natural sciences and liberal arts respectively.

3. Priority recommendations for applying various talent programs in Suzhou, e.g. "Leading Talents of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Gusu District", "Talent Subsidy", "Easier Settling Project", "Reward for Contribution of Outstanding Talents" and SIP's "Jinji Lake Talent Plan".

4. Distinguished professors will be supported with spatial offices and labs, support for establishing research groups, priority for recruiting students, job and school recommendations for spouse and offspring and convenient medical care.

5. Other benefits for foreign faculty also include the extra social and commercial insurance.

IV. Timeline

Applications are open from Dec 3rd to Dec 21st 2020.

Invitations will be issued from Dec 24th -26th 2020.

The Forum takes place on Dec 29th 2020.

V. To Apply

Please register and submit the application form in the system of "Soochow University's Dongwu Forum for Overseas High-level Talents": http://rckf.rsc.suda.edu.cn (copy the link to the browser to open).

VI. To Attend

Online. Specific details will be included in the invitation letter.

Soochow University will invite scholars to the campus for exchanges according to the pandemic prevention and control policy and the demand of the university.

VII. Contacts

Scholars Recruitment Office, Personnel Department, Soochow University

Contacts: Yin Kui, Wu Jie, Yan Tingkai, Hu Yue

Tel: +86-512-67503248

Email: rckf@suda.edu.cn


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