
If you don’t care for the way the System Preferences appear in macOS, you can change them by hiding certain preference panels or by rearranging them alphabetically.


Usually, when you open the System Preferences, this is more or less how they appear (your own Mac’s System Preferences may look ever so slightly different).


Do you ever use the Parental Controls? Do you even have a printer or scanner? If not, then you probably don’t even open those preference panels.

您是否曾经使用过家长控制功能? 您甚至有打印机或扫描仪? 如果没有,那么您甚至可能不会打开这些首选项面板。

There’s a quick and easy way to hide certain system preference panels from view leaving you with only the ones you need.


First, make sure you have the System Preferences open and then click the View menu and then Customize.


As you can see, a blue checkmark appears next to each preference panel. Uncheck the ones you want to hide and then click Customize in the View menu again.

如您所见,每个首选项面板旁边都会出现一个蓝色的选中标记。 取消选中要隐藏的对象,然后再次在“视图”菜单中单击“自定义”。

When you’re done, you’ll be left with a much more svelte System Preferences.


You don’t need to unhide the affected system preference panels to access them, either. You can simply search for them in the upper-right corner (or by pressing Command+F on your keyboard) and they will appear in the results.

您也无需取消隐藏受影响的系统首选项面板即可访问它们。 您只需在右上角搜索它们(或通过按键盘上的Command + F),它们就会出现在结果中。

All the preferences will also appear if you access them from the View menu, or when you long-click on the System Preferences Dock icon.


If you ever want to unhide any or all of the hidden items, just head to View > Customize and then check the ones you want to see again.


By default, the System Preferences arranges everything according to category, but you can change them so they appear alphabetically, too. Again, click on the View menu and this time “Organize Alphabetically”.

默认情况下,“系统偏好设置”会按类别排列所有内容,但是您可以更改它们,使其也按字母顺序显示。 再次,单击“查看”菜单,这次是“按字母顺序组织”。

Now, not only is our System Preferences panel cleaner and more lightweight, but you can more easily find things as well.


As you can see, you’re not stuck with the System Preferences the way they come. The ability to hide preference panels you don’t use and sort them alphabetically means you will spend less time hunting and more time configuring your system to better suit your needs.

如您所见,您不会对系统偏好设置感到困惑。 隐藏不使用的首选项面板并按字母顺序对其进行排序的功能意味着您将花费更少的时间进行搜索,而将更多的时间用于配置系统以更好地满足您的需求。




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