
Looking out for a software that can migrate your entire HDD to another HDD or SSD or migrate an Operating System to/from an HDD or an SSD without re-installation? You have landed onto the best page for the solution.

是否在寻找无需重新安装即可将整个HDD迁移到另一个HDD或SSD或将操作系统迁移到HDD或SSD的软件? 您已找到解决方案的最佳页面。

The Migrate OS to HDD/SSD tool by EaseUs is probably the best product in the market that can do your disk management tasks in an efficient and secured way.

EaseUs的将OS迁移到HDD / SSD工具可能是市场上最好的产品,它可以有效,安全地完成磁盘管理任务。

为什么需要将操作系统迁移到HDD / SSD? (Why you need to migrate OS to HDD/SSD?)

  • Expand your storage capacity which sometimes is not possible with the hard disk used by the system. It therefore helps to solve your low disk space issues.

    扩展您的存储容量,这有时是系统所用硬盘无法实现的。 因此,它有助于解决磁盘空间不足的问题。

  • Migrating your Operating System will thereby increase the overall efficiency of the system and will help you to keep the system optimized for better processing.


  • In case you are looking forward to upgrade your Hard Disk, you can migrate your OS to the new HDD without wasting time in re-installation.


  • It helps to protect your system files and other documents that may get deleted during migrations.


迁移到不同的操作系统 (Migrating to Different Operating Systems)

No matter which Operating System you are using, EaseUS migration tool can help you with it without any risks of crashes, corruption and failure.


It is designed to work out with the following Operating Systems:


  • Microsoft Windows 7

    Microsoft Windows 7

  • Microsoft Windows 8

    Microsoft Windows 8

  • Microsoft Windows 8.1

    Microsoft Windows 8.1

  • Microsoft Windows 10

    Microsoft Windows 10

It is an excellent software application that provides numerous features. It is one of the best in the market and very secure and easy-to-use. Let’s look at some of its features:

它是一款出色的软件应用程序,具有许多功能。 它是市场上最好的产品之一,非常安全且易于使用。 让我们看一下它的一些功能:

功能特点 (Functional Features)

Backup Facility: It helps to create secure and failure-proof backups that helps to migrate OS to HDD/SSD in an efficient way.

备份功能:它有助于创建安全且防故障的备份,有助于以高效的方式将OS迁移到HDD / SSD。

Security: It provides a secured zone wherein you can migrate OS to HDD/SSD without any risk of data loss or any data Corruption.

安全性:它提供了一个安全区域,您可以在其中将操作系统迁移到HDD / SSD,而不会造成数据丢失或数据损坏的风险。

Different Operating Systems: It supports a wide range of Windows Operating System such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

不同的操作系统:它支持各种Windows操作系统,例如Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1和Windows 10。

Efficiency: This Tool helps to optimize the system and increase the overall efficiency of the processing. The software is designed in way that it is easy to use and doesn’t involve any complexities.

效率:该工具有助于优化系统并提高处理的整体效率。 该软件的设计易于使用且不涉及任何复杂性。

Avoid System Crash: It provides an excellent environment that prevents any kind of system crashes or Hard Disk failures.


非功能性功能 (Non-Functional Features)

  • This organisation provides great after sales services and customer support.


  • 24/7 service support and live chat.


  • They also provide an assurance to refund the money if you don’t like the product.


Best part is that
最好的部分是, EaseUs partition master also has a freeware version. You can try it before buying.EaseUs分区主服务器还具有免费版本。 您可以在购买前尝试一下。

EaseUs products are trusted and used by millions of customers and some big companies such as Boeing, Mitsubishi, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, NASA, Samsung, FedEx and the list goes on.


翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2015/09/how-to-migrate-os-to-hdd-ssd.html


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