
  1. 源码下载

stupid-ftpd是开源的,链接:Stupid-FTPd - Browse /stupid-ftpd/V1_5beta at SourceForge.net


根据实际情况 ,修改Makefile,将gcc修改为交叉编译工具链的gcc,


通过命令:tar -zxvf stupid-ftpd-1.5beta.tar.gz   解压缩

cd stupid-ftpd          进入目录


Makefile for the linux version of stupid-ftpd
#CC=mips-linux-gnu-gcc -EL          #修改
OBJS=ftpcommand.o ftpdconfig.o command.o ls.o stupid-ftpd.o
DOBJS=ftpcommand.do ftpdconfig.do command.do ls.do stupid-ftpd.do
POBJS=ftpcommand.po ftpdconfig.po command.po ls.po stupid-ftpd.po
CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -static    #修改
DCFLAGS=-g -DDEBUG -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
PCFLAGS=-g -DDEBUG -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wconversion -Waggregate-return -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs
EXEC=stupid-ftpd.Linux6.SUFFIXES: .c .o .do .poall: $(OBJS)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(EXEC) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)debug: $(DOBJS)$(CC) $(DCFLAGS) -o $(EXEC) $(DOBJS) $(LIBS)pedantic: $(POBJS)$(CC) $(PCFLAGS) -o $(EXEC) $(POBJS) $(LIBS)clean:rm -f $(OBJS) $(DOBJS) $(POBJS) $(EXEC) *~.c.o:$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<.c.do:$(CC) $(DCFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<.c.po:$(CC) $(PCFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<install:install -m 755 -s ./stupid-ftpd /usr/local/bin/stupid-ftpdinstall -m 700 -d /etc/stupid-ftpdinstall -m 755 -d /usr/local/stupid-ftpdinstall -m 600 ./stupid-ftpd.conf /etc/stupid-ftpd/stupid-ftpd.conf





# This is a config-file for stupid-ftpd
# ------------------------------------
# The standard path should be /etc/stupid-ftpd.conf
# You can define other paths by using the "-f" option
# when starting stupid-ftpd.
# ATTENTION: 1) Remember, that the server is running with YOUR permissions.
#            It will fail to access other users directory, unless it is
#            root, but it also allows to access ALL YOUR directories,
#            which are deeper in a user's root-dir and YOU HAVE access to.
#            2) To solve the problem, the best way is to define a group-ID
#           for stupid-ftpd.
#       Or if you aren't root: set the MAIN root (serverroot=) to
#       the highest directory depth which is possible.
#            3) REMEMBER: DO NOT PUT THIS FILE in an accessible directory!!!
#               There are passwords defined here. The safest place is
#               outside the serverroot.# Server operation mode:
# daemon      - quiet in background #守护进程式运行
# interactive - standard mode    #交互式运行mode=daemon  #守护进程式运行在后台# chroot to#serverroot=/var/ftp
#serverroot=/home/ftpuser  #若需要增加用户,开放此处,用户名可自定义
serverroot=/  #将ftp的根目录设置为/目录下,在windows打开该ftp,就能访问/目录# type of chroot
# real    - kernel chroot(), high security, but needs root privileges
# virtual - no real chroot(), software side (virtual) chroot#changeroottype=virtualchangeroottype=real# Port number for the FTP-Protocolport=21   #默认为ftp的端口号。# Maximum users allowed to log inmaxusers=10# Message Of The Day (motd)
# It will be displayed after the login procedure.#motd=/tmp/stupid-ftpd.motd# Message on quit
# It will be displayed when quitting.#byemsg=/tmp/stupid-ftpd.bye# Log#log=/tmp/stupid-ftpd.log# User list:
# Format:  user=<login> <passwd> <subdir> <maxlogins> <flags>
#       <login>     user name
#       <passwd>    password or * for anonymous access
#       <subdir>    (internally appended to serverroot)
#               the user has access to the WHOLE SUBTREE,
#               if the server has access to it
#               <maxlogins> maximal logins with this usertype
#       <flags>     D - download
#               U - upload + making directories
#               O - overwrite existing files
#               M - allows multiple logins
#               E - allows erase operations
#               A - allows EVERYTHING(!)
# user ftp is mapped to user anonymous, don't forget this
# Examples:
# user=user1 passx /tmp  2 D
#      - login: user1, passwd: passx, max login twice (different IPs!)
#        only download rights from directory /tmp
# user=user2 passy /home/user2 0 DU
#      - login: user2, passwd: passy, no login count limit (different IPs!)
#        download+upload rights to directory /home/user2
# user=user3 passz /home/user3 5 DUOM
#      - login: user3, passwd: passz, max login count 5 (even from same IP)
#        download+upload+overwrite rights to directory /home/user3
# user=user4 passq /tmp 10 -
#      - login: user4, passwd: passq, max login count 10 (even from same IP)
#        look-only rights at directory /tmp
# SEE: ATTENTION remark on the top of this file !!!user=anonymous  *    /    5   A   #匿名用户登录到/目录
#user=ftpuser  123456   /    5   A  #用户名密码登录到/目录,可以更改指定目录# Banned hosts
# "*" and "?" are allowed here#ban=192.168.*
#ban=*.banme.com# Ban message (displayed to user who is banned)
# Please don't use more than 70 characters.#banmsg=Go away !# Login/password timeoutlogin-timeout=120# Timeout (while logged in)timeout=240


  1. 5.测试ftp

stupid-ftpd.Linux6 -f /etc/stupid-ftpd.conf 使用-f指定配置文件位置






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