
This section contains aptitude questions and answers on C# Basic Input/output Aptitude Questions and Answers.


1) What will be the output of following program?

static void Main(string[] args)
{int a = 10, b = 20;
Console.WriteLine("{0},{0}", a, b);

  1. 10,10

  2. 10,20

  3. 20,20

  4. 20,10

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1

There are two variables a and b, but while printing the values of a and b, we are using the same placeholder {0}, that will print the value of the first variable. Thus the output is 10,10.


  1. 10,10

  2. 10,20

  3. 20,20

  4. 20,10



有两个变量a和b ,但是在打印a和b的值时,我们使用的是相同的占位符{0} ,它将打印第一个变量的值。 因此输出为10,10

2) What will be the output of following program?

static void Main(string[] args)
{int a = 10, b = 20;
Console.WriteLine("{0}+{1}", a, b);

  1. 30

  2. 20+20

  3. 10+10

  4. 10+20

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 4

In the statement Console.WriteLine("{0}+{1}", a, b); {0} is the placeholder for variable a and {1} is the placeholder for variable b, {0}+{1} will not perform any operation, values of a and b will be printed at the place of {0} and {1}. Thus, the output will be 10+20.


  1. 30

  2. 20 + 20

  3. 10 + 10

  4. 10 + 20


10 + 20

在语句Console.WriteLine(“ {0} + {1}”,a,b);中。 {0}是变量a的占位符, {1}是变量b的占位符, {0} + {1}将不执行任何操作, a和b的值将被打印在{0}和{ 1} 。 因此,输出将为10 + 20

3) What will be the output of following program?

static void Main(string[] args)

  1. Error

  2. 6Hello

  3. Hello6

  4. Hello5

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1

Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine() methods do not return any value, their return type is void. Thus, the statement will not be executed and an error "cannot convert void to bool" will return.


  1. 错误

  2. 6你好

  3. 你好6

  4. 你好5



Console.Write()和Console.WriteLine()方法不返回任何值,它们的返回类型为void 。 因此,该语句将不会执行,并且将返回错误“无法将void转换为bool”

4) What will be the output of following program?

static void Main(string[] args)
{int a = 10, b = 10;
Console.WriteLine(a == b);

  1. 1

  2. a==b

  3. True

  4. true

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 3

a==b is a Boolean expression, values of a and b are the same. Thus, the output will be True.


  1. 1个

  2. a == b

  3. 真正

  4. 真正



a == b是布尔表达式, a和b的值相同。 因此,输出将为True

5) What will be the output of the following program, if the input is "Hello world!"?

static void Main(string[] args)
{string text = "";
text = Console.ReadLine();

  1. Hello

  2. Hello world!

  3. Helloworld!

  4. None

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2
Hello world!

Here, text is a string variable, and Console.ReadLine() method is used to read the string with spaces. Thus, there is no issue in this code and output will be "Hello world!".

5)如果输入是“ Hello world!”,以下程序的输出是什么?

  1. 你好

  2. 你好,世界!

  3. 你好,世界!

  4. 没有



在这里, text是一个字符串变量, Console.ReadLine()方法用于读取带空格的字符串。 因此,这段代码没有问题,输出将是“ Hello world!”。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/c-sharp-basic-input-output-aptitude-questions-and-answers.aspx



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