
Set a target, learn just enough to hit it, teach someone, repeat.


JavaScript’s my craft.


Despite my young career, no other skill rivals the hours I’ve put into this language and its ecosystem.


One question continues to pop up, however. A question that can hinder anyone’s personal development…

然而,一个问题继续出现。 这个问题会阻碍任何人的个人发展……

How Do I Learn X?


I thought this question only haunted me, but experience proved otherwise. This question agitates anyone learning new stuff. I’ve met smart cookies who ask,

我以为这个问题只会困扰我,但经验证明并非如此。 这个问题激起任何学习新东西的人 。 我遇到了聪明的饼干,他们问,

  • “What should I learn?”“我应该学什么?”
  • “How can I learn it?”“我该怎么学习?”

Apply those two questions to any skill — programming, basketball, cooking, dancing, archery, Chinese, Chess, Checkers. Your end result is a confused newbie who’ll start, but never finish.

将这两个问题应用于任何技能-编程,篮球,烹饪,跳舞,射箭,中文,国际象棋,跳棋。 您的最终结果是一个困惑的新手,他们将开始,但永远不会结束。

Until recently I’d reply “Uhh, idk lolbro…just dew it.” But my perspective shifted after some reflecting and research.

直到最近,我仍然回答“呃,伊德克·洛布罗…只是把它露水。” 但是经过一些反思和研究,我的观点发生了变化。

We’re not lost because we’re dumb, nor do we procrastinate because we’re lazy.


我们不知所措 (We’re Overwhelmed)

By asking “How do I learn X?”, you’ve just volunteered to drown in a sea of knowledge dug by countless people over many years.

通过问“我如何学习X ?”,您自愿参加了许多年来被无数人挖掘的知识之海。

Don’t “learn” X,” but rather understand what it’s composed of and tackle one piece at a time. If you say “I want to learn programming!”, I ❤️ your enthusiasm, but you’ve already started down a slippery slope.

不要“学习” X ,而是要了解它的组成并一次处理一个。 如果您说“我想学习编程!”,我❤️您的热情,但是您已经开始滑溜溜了。

Like any large topic, _programming’s too general — _and trying to “learn” it shows a lack of focus that eventually blocks most people from taking action. In my opinion, that’s partly why programming’s a highly paid profession: most people get lost in the maze and give up.

像任何大型主题一样,_programming过于笼统-_试图“学习”它表明缺乏重点,最终导致大多数人无法采取行动。 在我看来,这就是为什么编程是一种高薪职业的部分原因:大多数人迷失在迷宫中而放弃。

Vague goals = abandoned goals.


So here’s what I think you should do instead.


定义“ X” (Define “X”)

What are you trying to learn? How’s it used in the real world? Do your research and answer these questions to gain a better understanding of the big picture.

你想学什么? 在现实世界中如何使用? 做研究并回答这些问题,以便更好地了解全局。

切成薄片 (Slice it thin)

The Pie of Knowledge is big, so slice it thin if you want to eat. You never see doctors or lawyers knowing everything about their field. Absorbing all that information is impossible and has diminishing returns — they know enough to be effective at their specialized job. The same applies to engineers, mechanics, psychologists, chefs, etc. You specialize, not generalize.

知识派很大,所以如果想吃的话就切成薄片。 您永远不会看到医生或律师了解其领域的一切。 吸收所有信息是不可能的,并且收益递减-他们知道足够有效地完成其专业工作。 这同样适用于工程师,机械师,心理学家,厨师等。您专长而不是概括。

Of course, you’ll need general knowledge to get started like everyone else. After that, pick your slice, dominate it and move on to another slice. Over many years, you master many slices.

当然,您需要像其他所有人一样入门的一般知识。 在那之后,选择您的切片,控制它,然后移动到另一个切片。 多年以来,您掌握了很多知识。

实际项目 (Practical projects)

Once you’ve chosen a very specific target, it’s time to scream, aim, and fire. Find relevant work experience (full-time, intern, apprentice, volunteer). If you can’t, then make your own experience through personal projects.

选择了非常具体的目标后,就该尖叫,瞄准并开火了。 寻找相关的工作经验(全职,实习,学徒,志愿者)。 如果您做不到,则可以通过个人项目获得自己的经验。

However you prep, make sure the work is as real-world as possible. Look up enterprise-grade projects and try to create simplified versions of them. Start with small tasks and work your way up. Whatever technologies your industry’s using, try to get your hands on something similar and become proficient at them. It doesn’t matter if you or a boss is ordering the work, what matters is the work’s value to your portfolio.

无论您准备什么,都要确保工作尽可能真实。 查找企业级项目,并尝试创建它们的简化版本。 从小任务开始,然后逐步提高。 无论您的行业使用什么技术,请尝试着手尝试类似的东西并精通它们。 不论您是老板还是正在下订单,这对您的投资组合的价值都没有关系。

A personal example…for one programming internship, the director loved my passion and ability to speak on my personal projects. He counted them in lieu of “real” work experience because I adequately demonstrated my skills.

一个个人的例子……对于一个编程实习,导演喜欢我的激情和在我的个人项目上发表演讲的能力。 因为我充分展示了我的技能,所以他把他们算作“真正的”工作经验。

学到足够有用的知识 (Learn just enough to be useful)

Countless times, I’ve made the mistake of acquiring knowledge without ever applying it. I’ve read lots of books and documentation, expecting to become a wizard at the end of it all.

无数次,我犯了一个错误,那就是在没有应用知识的情况下获得知识。 我已经阅读了很多书籍和文档,希望最终成为一个向导。

I just wasted my time. It’s also a really sneaky way to procrastinate…you can’t blame someone who’s actually “reading the material”. But in truth, how much knowledge can you retain without applying any of it?

我只是浪费时间。 这也是拖延的一种真正的偷偷摸摸的方式……您不能责怪实际上是在“阅读材料”的人。 但是实际上,如果不应用其中的任何知识,您可以保留多少知识呢?

Instead, just keep grinding on your projects. When you get stuck (and it will happen a lot, believe me), go back and study until you can solve the problem. Once it’s fixed, keep moving until you’re stuck again, go back and study, rinse and repeat!

相反,只要继续研究您的项目即可。 当您遇到问题(和它会发生很多 ,相信我),回去研究,直到你能解决这个问题。 固定后,继续移动直到再次卡住,然后回去学习,冲洗并重复!

This, I think, is where most people give up. Getting good at something is pretty simple, conceptually.

我认为这是大多数人放弃的地方。 从概念上讲,擅长于某件事非常简单。

  • Study研究
  • Do做
  • Fail失败
  • Repeat重复

But I did forget one piece, arguably the most important one…


教人 (Teach someone)

I can’t describe how priceless this is.


You know those learning breakthroughs we get? You’re studying, it suddenly clicks and you’re like “Aha, I get it! Everything makes sense now!”

您知道我们获得的学习突破吗? 您正在学习,它突然发出咔嗒声,就像“啊哈,我明白了! 现在一切都变得合理了!”

我吃了更多的“啊哈!” 比我以前学习的时刻都多。 (I’ve had more “Aha!” moments teaching than I ever did studying.)

Teaching requires you to digest the information you’re presenting intensely. It opens doors of thought you never knew existed. Helping someone else understand a concept demands you seriously know what you’re talking about. Otherwise, you ramble on in generalities, never actually helping the student progress.

教学要求您摘要化正在呈现的信息。 它打开了您从未存在过的思想之门。 帮助他人理解概念需要您认真了解您在说什么。 否则,您会大步向前走,从不真正帮助学生进步。

I’ve done that with coworkers and stopped myself from saying “Sorry, I’m not 100% familiar with this. Let me research and get back to you”. Then we’ll Google the question and come to a conclusion together. Everyone walks away with a deeper understanding because we did it while communicating.

我已经和同事们做到了这一点,并阻止自己说:“抱歉,我不是100%熟悉此事。 让我研究一下并与您联系”。 然后,我们将用Google搜索这个问题并共同得出结论。 每个人都会加深了解,因为我们是在交流时做到了这一点。

Even if you’re not “the teacher”, you learn 1000% faster just by bouncing ideas off your buddies. I did this with a friend while studying fundamental CS algorithms. Those concepts would’ve been too difficult for me to grasp in isolation. Next time you study, phone a friend!

即使您不是“老师”,您也可以通过将想法从您的伙伴身上反弹而将学习速度提高1000%。 我在研究基本CS算法时和一位朋友做到了这一点。 这些概念对我来说很难理解。 下次学习时,给朋友打电话!

收盘时 (In Closing)

Set a target, learn just enough to hit it, teach someone, repeat. Please test this out and let me know what doesn’t work with it.

设定目标,学习足以达到目标的目标,教某人,然后重复。 请测试一下,让我知道不起作用。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-learn-anything-1f1324e5ef81/



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