
About the gameplay:

The War Robots is an action-Packed the hijack city war Robots battle field fighting 3D 2018. A deadly Robots futuristic shooting 3D war robots games 2018. Our city paradise is under attack by the evil forces transformers car robots fight, Put your best Robots effort to protect this city from the extreme Modern car robots fighting. The Hijacked city asked to defend your beautiful city for nothing but the most part important thing is keep your nerve on hold and handle the heavy Mech bloodily Robots battlefield, with the fully equipped robots players highly Flying robots with city walking robots battle. The city War Heavy Mech robots has begun you have to rise from the rust, find the new target arena to attack, fight, against the Mech Robots because the city is under Ruled by the aliens Robots on the aliens creatures robots find them and crush them with your full fighting, use the missile strength. Find the vast city for a great adventure battle and enthralling missions with amazing game play which never ends.

War Robots with Heavy Mech Robots fight with the aliens on the earth planet under heavily attacked by the robots and their modern war fighting weapons used in modern wars with the aliens creatures on the earth we need to prepare for the modern weapon battle field in a city where they have attacked and secure all the main points by their artillery eye boat weapons, space ships with aliens Robots Mech region the new age of robots with walking war robots build your shooting skills with top war robots 2018 gun shoot with realistic controls to move with toggle to select your favorite robot and starts the city war 3D animated new arena of war robots 2018.

About the War Battle Rules:

War Robot 2018 Hijack Mech Machines War games with battle robots, Mech warrior Robot Shooting games in a city Robot war fight against the walking war robots it is a robot battle between the aliens Robot which has attack on the earth planet, Remove the battle bay, free blade Mech game robot war game complete the challenging missions to unlock more thrill and more fighting experience with the erous and damaging heavy Mech war robots 2018.

--------Important Features--------

New imported Mech Robots for Battle war

3D Environment with Realistic Animations

Best shooting affects with animated missiles

Realistic war zone with tons of animations backup

Smooth controls with touch to focus the enemy’s robot and fight against them.

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