

1 Blob

1.1 简单介绍


  1. 对待处理数据带一层封装,用于在Caffe中通信传递。
  2. 也为CPU和GPU间提供同步能力
  3. 数学上,是一个N维的C风格的存储数组
    总的来说。Caffe使用Blob来交流数据,其是Caffe中标准的数组与统一的内存接口,它是多功能的。在不同的应用场景具有不同的含义,如能够是:batches of images, model parameters, and derivatives for optimization等。

1.2 源码

/** * @brief A wrapper around SyncedMemory holders serving as the basic *        computational unit through which Layer%s, Net%s, and Solver%s *        interact. * * TODO(dox): more thorough description. */
template <typename Dtype>
class Blob {  public:  Blob()  : data_(), diff_(), count_(0), capacity_(0) {}  /// @brief Deprecated; use <code>Blob(const vector<int>& shape)</code>.  explicit Blob(const int num, const int channels, const int height,  const int width);  explicit Blob(const vector<int>& shape);  .....  protected:  shared_ptr<SyncedMemory> data_;  shared_ptr<SyncedMemory> diff_;  shared_ptr<SyncedMemory> shape_data_;  vector<int> shape_;  int count_;  int capacity_;  DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Blob);
};  // class Blob  



  1. Blob在实现上是对SyncedMemory(见1.5部分)进行了一层封装。
  2. shape_为blob维度,见1.3部分
  3. data_为原始数据
  4. diff_为梯度信息
  5. count_为该blob的总容量(即数据的size)。函数count(x,y)(或count(x))返回某个切片[x,y]([x,end])内容量,本质上就是shape[x]shape[x+1]….*shape[y]的值

1.3 Blob的shape

由源码中能够注意到Blob有个成员变量:vector shape_

  1. 对于图像数据,shape能够定义为4维的数组(Num, Channels, Height, Width)或(n, k, h, w)。所以Blob数据维度为n*k*h*w。Blob是row-major保存的,因此在(n, k, h, w)位置的值物理位置为((n * K + k) * H + h) * W + w。当中Number是数据的batch size,对于256张图片为一个training batch的ImageNet来说n = 256;Channel是特征维度,如RGB图像k = 3
  2. 对于全连接网络,使用2D blobs (shape (N, D))。然后调用InnerProductLayer
  3. 对于參数,维度依据该层的类型和配置来确定。对于有3个输入96个输出的卷积层,Filter核 11 x 11,则blob为96 x 3 x 11 x 11. 对于全连接层,1000个输出。1024个输入。则blob为1000 x 1024.

1.4 Blob的行优先的存储方式

以Blob中二维矩阵为例(如全连接网络shape (N, D))。如图所看到的。同样的存储方式能够推广到多维。

1.5 SyncedMemory



/** * @brief Manages memory allocation and synchronization between the host (CPU) *        and device (GPU). * * TODO(dox): more thorough description. */
class SyncedMemory {  public:
...  const void* cpu_data();  const void* gpu_data();  void* mutable_cpu_data();  void* mutable_gpu_data();
...  private:
...  void* cpu_ptr_;  void* gpu_ptr_;
};  // class SyncedMemory  


  1. 常量方式,void* cpu_data(),其不改变cpu_ptr_指向存储区域的值。
  2. 可变方式,void* mutable_cpu_data(),其可改变cpu_ptr_指向存储区值。

    void* SyncedMemory::mutable_cpu_data() {to_cpu();head_ = HEAD_AT_CPU;return cpu_ptr_;
    }inline void SyncedMemory::to_cpu() {switch (head_) {case UNINITIALIZED:CaffeMallocHost(&cpu_ptr_, size_, &cpu_malloc_use_cuda_);caffe_memset(size_, 0, cpu_ptr_);head_ = HEAD_AT_CPU;own_cpu_data_ = true;break;case HEAD_AT_GPU:#ifndef CPU_ONLYif (cpu_ptr_ == NULL) {CaffeMallocHost(&cpu_ptr_, size_, &cpu_malloc_use_cuda_);own_cpu_data_ = true;}caffe_gpu_memcpy(size_, gpu_ptr_, cpu_ptr_);head_ = SYNCED;#elseNO_GPU;#endifbreak;case HEAD_AT_CPU:case SYNCED:break;}


  1. 经验上来说,假设不须要改变其值,则使用常量调用的方式,而且,不要在你对象中保存其指针。为何要这样设计呢。由于这样涉及能够隐藏CPU到GPU的同步细节,以及降低数据传递从而提高效率。当你调用它们的时候。SyncedMem会决定何时去复制数据,通常情况是仅当gnu或cpu改动后有复制操作,引用1官方文档中有一个样例说明何时进行复制操作。
  2. 调用mutable_cpu_data()能够让head转移到cpu上
  3. 第一次调用mutable_cpu_data()是UNINITIALIZED将运行9到14行。将为cpu_ptr_分配host内存
  4. 若head从gpu转移到cpu。将把数据从gpu拷贝到cpu中

2 Layer

2.1 简单介绍

在创建一个Caffe模型的时候,也是以Layer为基础进行的,需依照src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto中定义的网络及參数格式定义网络 prototxt文件(需了解google protocol buffer)

2.2 Layer与Blob的关系

如图,名为conv1的Layer 的输入是名为data的bottom blob,其输出是名为conv1的top blob。


layer {  name: "conv1"  type: "Convolution"  bottom: "data"  top: "conv1"  ....  }  

2.3 源码

 /** * Layer%s must implement a Forward function, in which they take their input * (bottom) Blob%s (if any) and compute their output Blob%s (if any). * They may also implement a Backward function, in which they compute the error * gradients with respect to their input Blob%s, given the error gradients with * their output Blob%s. */  template <typename Dtype>  class Layer {  public:  /** * You should not implement your own constructor. Any set up code should go * to SetUp(), where the dimensions of the bottom blobs are provided to the * layer. */  explicit Layer(const LayerParameter& param)  : layer_param_(param), is_shared_(false) {  ...  }  virtual ~Layer() {}  /** * @brief Implements common layer setup functionality. * @param bottom the preshaped input blobs * @param top *     the allocated but unshaped output blobs, to be shaped by Reshape */  void SetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {  ...  }  ...  /** * @brief Given the bottom blobs, compute the top blobs and the loss. * \return The total loss from the layer. * * The Forward wrapper calls the relevant device wrapper function * (Forward_cpu or Forward_gpu) to compute the top blob values given the * bottom blobs.  If the layer has any non-zero loss_weights, the wrapper * then computes and returns the loss.* * Your layer should implement Forward_cpu and (optionally) Forward_gpu. */  inline Dtype Forward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  /** * @brief Given the top blob error gradients, compute the bottom blob error *        gradients. * * @param top *     the output blobs, whose diff fields store the gradient of the error *     with respect to themselves * @param propagate_down *     a vector with equal length to bottom, with each index indicating *     whether to propagate the error gradients down to the bottom blob at *     the corresponding index * @param bottom *     the input blobs, whose diff fields will store the gradient of the error *     with respect to themselves after Backward is run * * The Backward wrapper calls the relevant device wrapper function * (Backward_cpu or Backward_gpu) to compute the bottom blob diffs given the * top blob diffs. * * Your layer should implement Backward_cpu and (optionally) Backward_gpu. */  inline void Backward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,  const vector<bool>& propagate_down,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);  ...  protected:  /** The protobuf that stores the layer parameters */  LayerParameter layer_param_;  /** The phase: TRAIN or TEST */  Phase phase_;  /** The vector that stores the learnable parameters as a set of blobs. */  vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > > blobs_;  /** Vector indicating whether to compute the diff of each param blob. */  vector<bool> param_propagate_down_;  /** The vector that indicates whether each top blob has a non-zero weight in *  the objective function. */  vector<Dtype> loss_;  virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) = 0;  virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {  // LOG(WARNING) << "Using CPU code as backup.";  return Forward_cpu(bottom, top);  }  virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,  const vector<bool>& propagate_down,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) = 0;  virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,  const vector<bool>& propagate_down,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {  // LOG(WARNING) << "Using CPU code as backup.";  Backward_cpu(top, propagate_down, bottom);  }  ...  };  // class Layer  


  1. Setup:Layer的初始化
  2. Forward:前向传导计算。依据bottom计算top,调用了Forward_cpu(必须实现)和Forward_gpu(可选,若未实现,则调用cpu的)
  3. Backward:反向传导计算。依据top计算bottom的梯度。其它同上

2.4 派生类分类

在Layer的派生类中,主要能够分为Vision Layers

  • Vision Layers
    Vison 层主要用于处理视觉图像相关的层。以图像作为输入,产生其它的图像。其主要特点是具有空间结构。
    包括Convolution(conv_layer.hpp)、Pooling(pooling_layer.hpp)、Local Response Normalization(LRN)(lrn_layer.hpp)、im2col等。注:老版本号的Caffe有头文件include/caffe/vision_layers.hpp,新版本号中用include/caffe/layer/conv_layer.hpp等代替
  • Loss Layers
    这些层产生loss,如Softmax(SoftmaxWithLoss)、Sum-of-Squares / Euclidean(EuclideanLoss)、Hinge / Margin(HingeLoss)、Sigmoid Cross-Entropy(SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss)、Infogain(InfogainLoss)、Accuracy and Top-k等
  • Activation / Neuron Layers
    元素级别的运算,运算均为同址计算(in-place computation。返回值覆盖原值而占用新的内存)。如:ReLU / Rectified-Linear and Leaky-ReLU(ReLU)、Sigmoid(Sigmoid)、TanH / Hyperbolic Tangent(TanH)、Absolute Value(AbsVal)、Power(Power)、BNLL(BNLL)等
  • Data Layers
    网络的最底层,主要实现数据格式的转换,如:Database(Data)、In-Memory(MemoryData)、HDF5 Input(HDF5Data)、HDF5 Output(HDF5Output)、Images(ImageData)、Windows(WindowData)、Dummy(DummyData)等
  • Common Layers

    如:Inner Product(InnerProduct)、Splitting(Split)、Flattening(Flatten)、Reshape(Reshape)、Concatenation(Concat)、Slicing(Slice)、Elementwise(Eltwise)、Argmax(ArgMax)、Softmax(Softmax)、Mean-Variance Normalization(MVN)等

注,括号内为Layer Type,没有括号暂缺信息。具体咱见引用2

3 Net

3.1 简单介绍


一个典型的网络从data layer(从磁盘中加载数据)出发到loss layer结束。如图是一个简单的逻辑回归分类器。


name: "LogReg"
layer {name: "mnist"type: "Data"top: "data"top: "label"data_param {source: "input_leveldb"batch_size: 64}
layer {name: "ip"type: "InnerProduct"bottom: "data"top: "ip"inner_product_param {num_output: 2}
layer {name: "loss"type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"bottom: "ip"bottom: "label"top: "loss"

3.2 源码

/*** @brief Connects Layer%s together into a directed acyclic graph (DAG)*        specified by a NetParameter.** TODO(dox): more thorough description.*/
template <typename Dtype>
class Net {public:
.../// @brief Initialize a network with a NetParameter.void Init(const NetParameter& param);
...const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& Forward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>* > & bottom,Dtype* loss = NULL);
.../*** The network backward should take no input and output, since it solely* computes the gradient w.r.t the parameters, and the data has already been* provided during the forward pass.*/void Backward();...Dtype ForwardBackward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>* > & bottom) {Dtype loss;Forward(bottom, &loss);Backward();return loss;}
...protected:.../// @brief The network namestring name_;/// @brief The phase: TRAIN or TESTPhase phase_;/// @brief Individual layers in the netvector<shared_ptr<Layer<Dtype> > > layers_;/// @brief the blobs storing intermediate results between the layer.vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > > blobs_;vector<vector<Blob<Dtype>*> > bottom_vecs_;vector<vector<Blob<Dtype>*> > top_vecs_;.../// The root net that actually holds the shared layers in data parallelismconst Net* const root_net_;
}  // namespace caffe


  1. Init中,通过创建blob和layer搭建了整个网络框架,以及调用各层的SetUp函数。
  2. blobs_存放这每一层产生的blobls的中间结果。bottom_vecs_存放每一层的bottom blobs,top_vecs_存放每一层的top blobs



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