用 dircolors -p  可以 看到缺省的颜色设置,包括各种颜色和“粗体”,下划线,闪烁等定义。

而变量 $LS_COLORS  是设置颜色的变量;


export LS_COLORS="no=00:fi=00:di=00;35:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=00;32:*.com=00;32:*.btm=00;32:*.bat=00;32:*.sh=00;32:*.csh=00;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.tif=00;35:"


/etc/DIR_COLORS 文件为系统默认颜色参数配置文件


1. cp /etc/DIR_COLORS $HOME/.dir_colors

2. 修改中的颜色定义 $HOME/.dir_colors


# Configuration file for the color ls utility

# This file goes in the /etc directory, and must be world readable.

# You can copy this file to .dir_colors in your $HOME directory to override

# the system defaults.

# COLOR needs one of these arguments: 'tty' colorizes output to ttys, but not

# pipes. 'all' adds color characters to all output. 'none' shuts colorization

# off.


# Extra command line options for ls go here.

# Basically these ones are:

# -F = show '/' for dirs, '*' for executables, etc.

# -T 0 = don't trust tab spacing when formatting ls output.


# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable

TERM linux

TERM console

TERM con132x25

TERM con132x30

TERM con132x43

TERM con132x60

TERM con80x25

TERM con80x28

TERM con80x30

TERM con80x43

TERM con80x50

TERM con80x60

TERM cons25

TERM xterm

TERM rxvt

TERM xterm-color

TERM color-xterm

TERM vt100

TERM dtterm

TERM color_xterm

TERM ansi

TERM screen

TERM screen.linux

TERM kon

TERM kterm

TERM gnome

TERM konsole

# EIGHTBIT, followed by '1' for on, '0' for off. (8-bit output)


# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init

# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:

# Attribute codes:

# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed

# Text color codes:

# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white

# Background color codes:

# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white

NORMAL 00# global default, although everything should be something.

FILE 00 # normal file

DIR 01;35 # directory

LINK 01;36 # symbolic link

FIFO 40;33# pipe

SOCK 01;35# socket

BLK 40;33;01# block device driver

CHR 40;33;01 # character device driver

ORPHAN 01;05;37;41 # orphaned syminks

MISSING 01;05;37;41 # ... and the files they point to

# This is for files with execute permission:

EXEC 01;32

# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls

# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.

# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')

.cmd 01;32 # executables (bright green)

.exe 01;32

.com 01;32

.btm 01;32

.bat 01;32

.sh 01;32

.csh 01;32

.tar 01;31 # archives or compressed (bright red)

.tgz 01;31

.arj 01;31

.taz 01;31

.lzh 01;31

.zip 01;31

.z 01;31

.Z 01;31

.gz 01;31

.bz2 01;31

.bz 01;31

.tz 01;31

.rpm 01;31

.cpio 01;31

.jpg 01;35 # image formats

.gif 01;35

.bmp 01;35

.xbm 01;35

.xpm 01;35

.png 01;35

.tif 01;35

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