
最近升级了老电脑的windows10的系统,发现wsl2里面安装的ubuntu20.04不能在windows terminal正常启动了(我之前是把ubuntu20.04作为默认启动终端的。)


WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80070050




Please backup (using the steps I mention in my previous answer) before trying this.
wsl --shutdown (from PowerShell or CMD)
In Windows, run the Registry Editor
Find \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss
Find the key in there that has DistributionName of Ubuntu20.04LTS. Change the Ubuntu20.04LTS to Ubuntu-20.04.
In theory, that may fix the problem by changing the distribution name back to what it should be.

按照这个步骤能顺利解决问题,最终能在windows terminal里面成功运行ubuntu20.04.看来windows10的注册表有自己的一套命名规范,大家只能去follow它的要求。



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