Mobile Access for Outlook OWA 介绍

Mobile Access for Outlook OWA

*** The app has been tested on Outlook Exchange 2007 and 2010. ***

*** Office 365 is now supported except some ADFS ***

Mobile Access for Outlook OWA provides a streamlined user friendly interface to access your Microsoft Outlook Web Access email via OWA. Your emails and images are displayed conveniently on your mobile device and the application has a simple and easy to use interface much like that of the gmail application.

Automatically log in to your account and notifications appear to keep you informed as to when new emails arrive. Simple and clear icons make it easy to carry out functions like: Read reply reply to all and mail forwarding etc.

Quickly share your photos and media on your device just as you would using social media tools like facebook and twitter as a link to Mobile Access for Outlook OWA appears in your share list.

Actions are not carried out until your next synchronization or by hitting ‘refresh’ giving you the chance to undo your last actions if you happen to change your mind.

Some of the features Mobile Access for Outlook OWA lets you do include:

- read and reply to emails

- check emails on different folders

- download and upload attachments

- move email items between mail folders

- select multiple email items to delete or move to your other folders

- respond to invitations and meeting requests

- view calendar appointment or meeting schedule

- create / edit / delete appointment or meeting

- appointment / meeting notifications

- email notifications (support multiple labels)

- create delete and rename label

- customize settings

- multiple accounts supported

- mail or calendar widgets

Unlike many other email applications Mobile Access for Outlook OWA enables you to do all these things in an uncluttered way.

Any questions? Please contact

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