
Grbl v1.1 compile

source website:

Via the Arduino IDE (AllPlatforms): Recommended for all users.

通过Adruino IDE的方法(全平台):推荐所有人使用

Thanks to thegreat people working on the Arduino IDE, it has everything you need to compilegrbl included in their software package. This method compiles the Grbl source codeand automatically uploads it to an Arduino. You can't directly flash apre-compiled .hex file through the IDE interface. See our Flashing Grbl to an Arduino wiki page forhow to do this if you only have a .hex file.

感谢那些开发ArduinoIDE的人,它包含了Grbl开发的环境,你需要完成的只要有它的软件包就可以了。这种编译的方法的可以将源代码并自动下载到Arduino上。你不能通过IDE界面直接烧写Hex文件。看我们的Flashing Grbl to an Adruino wiki页面,你可以知道怎么样只是用.hex文件烧写

NOTE: Before starting, delete prior Grbl library installations from theArduino IDE. Otherwise, you'll have compiling issues! On a Mac, Arduinolibraries are located in ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries/. On Windows, it's in MyDocuments\Arduino\libraries. On UBUNTU it's in /usr/share/arduino/librairies

注意:在开始之前,删除你之前按装在Arduino IDE中的Grbl库,否则你会有编译问题,在Mac上,库在~/Documents/Arduino/libraries/.,在windows上,库文件在My Documents\Arduino\libraries.在UBUNTU上,库文件在/usr/share/arduino/librairies


  1. Download the Grbl source code.


  • Click on the <>Code Tab


  • Click the button on the Grbl home page.


  • Click the Download ZIP


  • Unzip the download and you'll have a folder called grbl-XXX, where XXX is the release version.


  1. Launch the Arduino IDE


  • Make sure you are using the most recent version of the Arduino IDE!


  1. Load the grbl folder into the Arduino IDE as a Library.

加载你的Grbl文件夹到你的Arduino IDE 的库上面

  • Click the Sketch drop-down menu, navigate to Include Library and select Add .ZIP Library. The Add .ZIP Library command supports both a .ZIP file or a folder. In our case, there is no .ZIP file.

点击Sketch下拉菜单,找到Include Libraryà Add .ZIPLibrary, zip库命令支持一个zip文件或一个文件夹。在我们的例子中,没有zip文件(所以你只要选择文件夹就可以了)。

  • You can confirm that the library has been added. Click the Sketch drop-down menu again, navigate to Include Library, then scroll to the bottom of the list where you should see grbl.


  • IMPORTANT: Select the grbl folder inside the grbl-XXX folder, which only contains the source files and an example directory.


  • If you accidentally select the .zip file or the wrong folder, you will need to navigate to your Arduino library, delete the mistake, and re-do Step 3.


  1. Open the GrblUpload Arduino example.


  • Click the File down-down menu, navigate to Examples->Grbl, and select GrblUpload.


  1. Compile and upload Grbl to your Arduino.


  • Connect your Arduino Uno to your computer.


  • Make sure your board is set to the Arduino Uno in the Tool->Board menu and the serial port is selected correctly in Tool->Serial Port.

在菜单Tool->Board和Tool->Serial Port.中检查你板子的型号和端口是否正确

  • Click the Upload, and Grbl should compile and flash to your Arduino! (Flashing with a programmer also works by using the Upload Using Programmer menu command.)


Compiling GRBL or Advanced Users: Most users are just finewith Grbl's default build, but you can customize Grbl by editing the config.hfile in the Arduino library (not where you downloaded it, it has been copiedinto Arduino Library) folder. This file enables or disables all of Grbl'sadditional compile-time options. There are descriptions in the file thatexplains what they all do. Once edited and saved, just follow the steps aboveto flash your custom Grbl build!


No fuss! No muss!


NOTE: If you arehaving upload issues, try re-burning the Arduino bootloader. If you have aspare Arduino, it's easy!


The followingmethods are for reference only.


For Mac OS X:              适用于Mac OS X平台


For Windows:               适用于Windows平台

You can use the Arduino platform as well since it comes with"win-avr" avrgcc.


You must add the paths the the executable's like make.exe and avrdude.exeto windows environment variables. Right click my computer on the start menu andclick Properties. Go to the Advanced tab and on the bottom there will be abutton that says environment variables. Under system variables there will be aVariable with the name "Path". Click edit and add the paths to theexecutable's eg, C:\arduino-00xx\hardware\tools\avr\bin;C:\arduino-00xx\hardware\tools\avr\avr\bin;C:\arduino-00xx\hardware\tools\avr\utils\binDo not erase your previous paths just add the new ones. Once this is done youcan compile the source.

你必须添加可执行文件make.exe和avrdude.exe Windows环境变量的路径。右键单击“开始”菜单上的“计算机”,然后单击“属性”。转到高级选项卡,在底部将有一个按钮,表示环境变量。在系统变量下,将有一个名为“Path”的变量。单击“编辑和添加路径的可执行文件,如C:\arduino-00xx\hardware\tools\avr\bin;C:\arduino-00xx\hardware\tools\avr\avr\bin;C:\arduino-00xx\hardware\tools\avr\utils\bin,不要擦除以前的路径只是添加新路径。完成之后,就可以编译源代码了。

For windows 7 and arduino 1.5.7


Add the following paths to your PATH variable -be sure to include ; after each one, except the last in your PATH variableentry.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\avr\bin\

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\

C:\Program Files(x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\sam\system\CMSIS\Examples\cmsis_example\gcc_atmel

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino

You will very likely need to restart your computer in order for Windowsto recognize the newly added paths.


Once your path has been updated, you can open a command prompt. To do so:


Click start, in the run box, type cmd or find the command prompt in yourstart menu, usually in Start -> Programs -> Accessories.


Change your working directory to the directory that contains the grblsource code:






This will output something similar to this:


rm -fgrbl.hex main.elf main.o motion_control.o gcode.o spindle_control t_control.oserial.o protocol.o stepper.o eeprom.o settings.o planner.o ts.o limits.oprint.o probe.o report.o system.o main.d motion_control.d spindle_control.dcoolant_control.d serial.d protocol.d stepper.d eepro ngs.d planner.dnuts_bolts.d limits.d print.d probe.d report.d system.d

Type make grbl.hex or simply make

输入makegrbl.hex or simply make

If all goes well grbl.hex should be created and you can upload to youratmega328p using avrdude. For instructions on how to flash your newly compiledgrbl.hex file to your Arduino, see thiswiki entry


Ruby is optional, but if you don't edit the Makefile you will need todownload ruby and in the installation settings add the path to environmentvariables again. Then you can compile the full source with flash calculation.If you don't want to install ruby, edit the Makefile (removing?) everythingafter ruby (on line 84 only).

Ruby是一个选择,但如果你不编辑Makefile文件你需要下载Ruby并且再次安装设置添加的路径的环境变量,然后你可以编译源代码到flash中,如果你不想要安装ruby,编辑makefile移除everythingafter ruby (在第84行).

An alternative is to use Atmel Studio, a customized version of VisualStudio.

另一种选择是使用Atmel Studio,一个订制的Visual Studio

Last update: 2014-07-18 by gerritv (tested on Windows 8.1, 64bit)

  • Install Atmel Studio
  • Install the Create From Makefile Extension (Tools/Extension Manager)
  • run Tools/Create Project From Makefile
  • select the Makefile from your grbl code directory
  • Select Device, use ATmega328p for the Arduino Uno
  • In Projects/Properties, uncheck Use External Makefile
  • Add -DF_CPU=16000000 -mmcu=atmega328p to Project/Properties/Toolchain/AVR Gnu Compiler/Miscellaneous Other Flags

The last 2 steps need to be done for both Debug and Releaseconfigurations


Enjoy the benefits of Visual Studio for Atmel/AVR

Atmel/avr的visual stido可以带给你很多的好处

For Linux:                     适用于Linux平台

Make sure you have the prerequisite libraries installed: avr-gcc andarduino (sudo aptitude install arduino)


At a terminal prompt, change directories to where the grbl source codelocated. Then type the following to compile and build the firmware:


make clean

make grbl.hex


For Arch Linux:            适用于ArchLinux平台


For Ubuntu:                  适用于UBUNTU平台


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