While running my PC Repair business, I have to deal with a lot of virus and spyware infestations on my client’s computers. One of the most common questions I’m asked is: What kind of anti-virus should I use? The answer, of course, is one with updated virus definitions!

在开展PC维修业务时,我必须处理客户计算机上的大量病毒和间谍软件侵扰。 我被问到的最常见问题之一是:我应该使用哪种防病毒软件? 答案当然是更新病毒定义的答案!

There are many choices for anti-virus, like commercial applications Norton and Trend Micro, which are definitely effective and provide an almost overwhelming amount of features, but if you’re looking to save money, free personal anti-virus applications are a very sound choice as well.

防病毒有很多选择,例如商业应用程序Norton和Trend Micro,它们肯定有效并且提供了几乎压倒性的功能,但是如果您想省钱,那么免费的个人防病毒应用程序是非常不错的选择选择。

Over the next few weeks we will take a look at a few of the reliable free options.


Avira AntiVir Personal (Avira AntiVir Personal)

Avira’s AntiVir Personal Edition is a popular and well rounded anti-virus solution.  AntiVir scans quickly and efficiently, is light on system resources, and provides real-time protection with AntiVir Guard. The personal version is completely free for private use.

Avira的AntiVir Personal Edition是一种流行且功能全面的防病毒解决方案。 AntiVir可以快速有效地进行扫描,仅消耗系统资源,并通过AntiVir Guard提供实时保护。 个人版本完全免费供私人使用。

Installation is a smooth process.  If you’re looking to quickly secure your PC with AntiVir select the Complete install.  Personally I like to have a bit more control over components during installation. If you have any doubts on what components you need, err on the side of caution with a full install.

安装过程很顺利。 如果要使用AntiVir快速保护PC,请选择“完整安装”。 我个人更喜欢在安装过程中对组件进行更多控制。 如果您对所需的组件有任何疑问,请谨慎安装完整版本。

AntiVir allows you to update the virus database right away during installation so you can activate a thorough full system scan right away.


After a successful installation you are prompted to register with Avira.  Registration is certainly not required, but if this is the first time using AntiVir you might be interested in getting up to date updates and news.

成功安装后,系统会提示您向Avira注册。 当然不需要注册,但是如果这是第一次使用AntiVir,则您可能有兴趣获取最新的更新和新闻。

I found full system scans to be surprisingly quick.  While scanning, a window pops up to show the progress.  There is also the ability to pause, stop, and resume a scan from this panel.

我发现完整的系统扫描非常快。 扫描时,会弹出一个窗口以显示进度。 还可以从该面板暂停,停止和恢复扫描。

With any anti-virus program you will notice a lag in performance during an active scan.  If possible schedule a full system scan for off hours.  To schedule a scan launch the Avira UI and to to View Administration Scheduler.

使用任何防病毒程序,您都会在主动扫描期间注意到性能下降。 如果可能的话,请安排对整个系统进行扫描,以排除工作时间。 要安排扫描,请启动Avira UI并查看View Scheduler。

Highlight the default Complete System Scan and give the job a name and description.


Then select a profile or what you want to have scanned in this job.  As you can see you can do a complete system scan or narrow it down to individual sections.

然后选择一个配置文件或您想要在此作业中扫描的内容。 如您所见,您可以进行完整的系统扫描或将其缩小到各个部分。

The next step is to choose a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule and time for the scan.  This is where you can schedule it for “off-hours”.  The actual time is military so you know if it’s AM or PM.

下一步是选择每日,每周或每月的时间表和扫描时间。 您可以在这里安排“下班时间”。 实际时间是军事时间,所以您知道是上午还是下午。

Finally choose the display mode the UI will have while scanning.  You can select Maximized, Minimized, or Invisible.  Also you can have your computer shut down after the scan to save power and add to your Green Computing.

最后,选择UI在扫描时将具有的显示模式。 您可以选择最大化,最小化或不可见。 同样,您可以在扫描后关闭计算机,以节省电量并添加到Green Computing中

AntiVir will integrate into Windows Explorer so you can scan individual files.


If a virus is detected you can get detailed information from the Avira database.  This comes in handy for several reasons.  You find out the threat level of the malware, specific removal instructions if necessary, or may determine it is a false positive.

如果检测到病毒,则可以从Avira数据库获取详细信息。 这出于几个原因而派上用场。 您可以找出恶意软件的威胁级别,必要时的特定删除说明,或者可以确定它是误报。

AntiVir does have a pop up screen urging you to purchase a premium version every time you update the definition database, but that seems a minor inconvenience for free anti-virus protection.


One final feature to point out is Reporting.  You can get a detailed text based report or all scans and updates that take place.

需要指出的最后一项功能是报告。 您可以获得详细的基于文本的报告或进行的所有扫描和更新。

Download Avira AntiVir Personal Edition

下载Avira AntiVir个人版

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80026/secure-computing-free-virus-protection-with-antivir-personal-edition/

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