launch 启动脚本

If you are a fan of application launchers to quickly launch your favorite applications from the keyboard, you’ll probably want to take a look at a new one from Microsoft Office Labs called Speed Launch.

如果您是应用程序启动器的爱好者,可以从键盘快速启动您喜欢的应用程序,那么您可能想看看Microsoft Office Labs的一个名为Speed Launch的新应用程序。

Rather than try and index everything on your computer like Launchy or the Vista Search box, this application lets you add exactly what you want in the list, and even lets you assign an item to launch multiple applications, documents or websites at once.


Using Speed Launch


After you install the application, you’ll notice a little bull’s-eye floating on your desktop that you can simply drag any shortcut or URL onto.


You’ll be prompted to give the shortcut a name…


Which you will use by using the Win + C shortcut key combination (or double-clicking on the bull’s-eye), and then type in the name of the shortcut. You’ll notice that your most frequently used items show up below the search box.

通过使用Win + C快捷键组合(或双击靶心),将使用它,然后键入快捷方式的名称。 您会注意到,最常用的项目显示在搜索框下方。

You can add/remove shortcuts from the list by clicking the arrow and choosing Manage Shortcuts from the menu.


Adding Google Search


The one really irritating thing that I found was that Google search isn’t included in the list by default, and adding it is a little wonky… just click on the Add button here:


And then in the Name box, use Google. with the period at the end, very important. Then add in the following as the target, making sure to click the Add button before clicking Create.

然后在“名称”框中,使用Google。 随着期的结束,非常重要。 然后添加以下内容作为目标,确保在单击创建之前单击添加按钮。

By adding the period at the end of the name, you’ll be prompted to “Create Function”, where you should enter “search term” into the first textbox, and then highlight “test” in the URL section, indicating that Speed Launch should replace test with your keyword.

通过在名称末尾添加句点,系统将提示您“创建功能”,应在第一个文本框中输入“搜索词”,然后在“ URL”部分中突出显示“ test”,指示“快速启动”应该用您的关键字替换测试。

Now when you choose Google from the search box or button on the launcher window, you’ll be prompted for a search term.


You can even create a shortcut that will launch multiple websites or applications at once, for instance I created an item called “Favorite Websites” that launches the websites I use most.


You can even hide the Desktop Bullseye by right-clicking on it and choosing “Hide Desktop Bullseye”, or you can just shrink it down really small if you want.

您甚至可以通过右键单击它并选择“隐藏桌面Bullseye”来隐藏Desktop Bullseye,也可以根据需要将其缩小得很小。

This is a rather cool little application, well worth a look. It runs on either XP or Vista, but note that it requires .NET Framework 3.0.

这是一个非常酷的小应用程序,非常值得一看。 它可以在XP或Vista上运行,但请注意,它需要.NET Framework 3.0。

Speed Launch – Microsoft Office Labs

快速启动– Microsoft Office Labs


launch 启动脚本

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