
Magnetic Actuation for Full Dexterity Microrobotic Control Using Rotating Permanent Magnets [1]
Paper Link
Authors: Ryan, Patrick, etc.
2019, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO)

目录 outline

  • 0. 摘要 Abstract
  • 1. 介绍 Introduction
  • 2. 使用旋转型永磁铁的控制 Control using rotatable permanent magnets

0. 摘要 Abstract

This paper presents a new type of actuation system, which uses an array of rotating permanent magnets to generate the same level of control over untethered microscale devices with the potential of increased magnetic field and gradient strength and minimal heat generation. In contrast with perivous permanent-magnet actuation systems, the system proposed here does not require any hazardous translational motion of control magnets, resulting in a simple, safe and inexpensive system. The proof-of-concept prototype system presented, with 8 permanent magnets, can create fields and field gradients in any direction, with variable magnitudes between zero and 30mT and 0.83T/m, respectively.

1. 介绍 Introduction

Unlike a robotically manipulated single magnet system, the proposed system is composed of multiple permanent magnets, each with the ability to be rotated independently of the other magnets.

2. 使用旋转型永磁铁的控制 Control using rotatable permanent magnets

The control inputs to the actuation system are the motor angles of all the actuator magnets θ=[θ1θ2⋯θN]T\mathbf{\theta}=[\begin{matrix}\theta_{1}&\theta_{2}&\cdots&\theta_{N}\end{matrix}]^{T}θ=[θ1​​θ2​​⋯​θN​​]T. We find the control inputs as a solution to the nonlinear optimization problem:

argmin⁡θf=K∣∣B(θ)−B0∣∣2+(1−K)∣∣F(θ)−F0∣∣2arg\, \min_{\mathbf{\theta}} f=K||\mathbf{B}(\mathbf{\theta})-\mathbf{B}_{0}||^{2}+(1-K)||\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{\theta})-\mathbf{F}_{0}||^{2}argθmin​f=K∣∣B(θ)−B0​∣∣2+(1−K)∣∣F(θ)−F0​∣∣2

Where B0\mathbf{B}_{0}B0​ and F0\mathbf{F}_{0}F0​ are the desired field and force outputs, respectively; B(θ)\mathbf{B}(\mathbf{\theta})B(θ) and F(θ)\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{\theta})F(θ) are the field and force vectors that are produced for a given set of motor angles; KKK is used to weigh the two halves of the equation to account for the difference in the units of measurements for the field and force, where 0<K<10<K<10<K<1. One method for choosing KKK involves the maximum field and force, donated as BmaxB_{max}Bmax​ and FmaxF_{max}Fmax​, respectively. Setting KKK equal to Bmax−2Bmax−2+Fmax−2\frac{B_{max}^{-2}}{B_{max}^{-2}+F_{max}^{-2}}Bmax−2​+Fmax−2​Bmax−2​​ balances the field and force components based on the theoretical maximum system output.

[1]: Ryan, Patrick, and Eric Diller. “Magnetic actuation for full dexterity microrobotic control using rotating permanent magnets.” IEEE Transactions on Robotics 33.6 (2017): 1398-1409.

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