地址: http://blog.csdn.net/hujkay

作者:Jekkay Hu(34538980@qq.com)


时间: 2014/1/21


#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Author: Jekkay Hu
# Date: 2014/1/21
# Email: jekkay@gmail.com
# QQ: 34538980
#import os
import sys# Convert IP Format:  Number['3232247553] <----> String ['']
IPNumToString = lambda x: '.'.join([str(x/(256**i)%256) for i in range(3,-1,-1)])
IPStringToNum = lambda x:sum([256**j*int(i) for j,i in enumerate(x.split('.')[::-1])])
# start IP -- End IP
StartIP = 0
EndIP = 0def welcome():welcomeinfo = """
=                                                    =
=                    scanhost V1.0                   =
=           Jekkay Hu,  Written in 2014/1/21         =
=           34538980@qq.com, Jekkay@gmail.com        =
= More please visit: http://blog.csdn.net/hujkay     =
=                                                    =
"""print welcomeinfodef help():helpinfo = """
=                                                    =
=                    scanhost V1.0                   =
=           Jekkay Hu,  Written in 2014/1/21         =
=           34538980@qq.com, Jekkay@gmail.com        =
= More please visit: http://blog.csdn.net/hujkay     =
=                                                    =
=  Usage:                                            =
=    python scanhost.py                      =
=    python scanhost.py                  =
=    python scanhost.py -            =
"""print helpinfodef parseargs():try:commandargs = sys.argv[1:]if not commandargs:return Falsecommandargs = ''.join(commandargs)commandargs = commandargs.split('-')global StartIPglobal EndIPcommandlen = len(commandargs)if commandlen == 1:StartIP = EndIP = int(IPStringToNum(commandargs[0]))elif commandlen == 2:StartIP = commandargs[0]EndIP = commandargs[1]if len(StartIP.split('.')) !=4 :return Falseendiplen =  len(EndIP.split('.'))if endiplen == 1:prefixip = StartIP.split('.')[0:3]prefixip.append(EndIP)EndIP = '.'.join(prefixip)elif endiplen == 4:passelse:return False#print "startip",StartIP,",endip:",EndIPStartIP = int(IPStringToNum(StartIP))EndIP   = int(IPStringToNum(EndIP))except Exception,e:# any exception occursprint ereturn Falsereturn Truedef checkhoston(ip):try:cmd = ['ping','%s' % IPNumToString(ip),'-c','1']output = os.popen(' '.join(cmd)).readlines()for line in list(output):if not line:continueif str(line).find('ttl') >= 0 or str(line).find('TTL') >= 0:return Trueexcept:passdef processcheckhost(): global StartIPglobal EndIPalivecount = 0StartIP = int(StartIP)EndIP = int(EndIP)totalip = EndIP - StartIP + 1if totalip <= 0:help()exit(0)print 'Startint scan ',IPNumToString(StartIP),' -> ',IPNumToString(EndIP), ',please wait...'fd = open('scanhost.txt',"w")#for i in xrange(StartIP,EndIP+1,1):ip = StartIPwhile True:if ip > EndIP:break if checkhoston(ip):fd.write(IPNumToString(ip))alivecount = alivecount + 1#print IPNumToString(ip)ip = ip + 1sys.stdout.write('#')if (ip-StartIP) % 20 == 0:sys.stdout.write('\r\n')fd.close()return alivecountdef showresult(shownum):fd = open('scanhost.txt',"r")for line in fd.readlines(shownum):print linefd.close()def main():if not parseargs():help()exit(0)welcome()alivecount = processcheckhost()print "\r\n [%d] host is on,please see the scanhost.txt, top 300 will be shown below" % alivecountshowresult(300)if alivecount > 300:print "More ips please see scanhost.txt"if __name__ == '__main__':main()

胡杨, Jekkay Hu



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