component is not authorized by this account hint: [aMADoA0312e514]

component is not authorized by this account hint: [B3GVCa0189e575] 错误解决?

component is not authorized by this account hint: [rIP5ya0345e578]

component is not authorized by this account hint: [bFvHta0360e544]

错误信息为: 访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: 40001, 错误信息: invalid credential, access_token is invalid or not latest hint: [TitxZa0962vr47!],错误详情:微信公众平台授权异常, 系统已修复这个错误, 请刷新页面重试.

错误信息为: 访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: 40001, 错误信息: invalid credential, access_token is invalid or not latest hint: [00aRpA0280vr57!],错误详情:微信公众平台授权异常, 系统已修复这个错误, 请刷新页面重试.

访问云服务器错误, 可能原因:

在使用微赞 微擎提示 “请尽快完善您在微赞云服务平台的站点注册信息”。


function site_profile_perfect_tips(){global $_W;return ; // 这里直接返回即可!!!if ($_W['isfounder'] && (empty($_W['setting']['site']['token']))) {if (!defined('SITE_PROFILE_PERFECT_TIPS')) {$url = url('cloud/profile');return <<<EOF
$(function() {var html = '<div id="siteinfo-tips" class="upgrade-tips">'+'<a href="{$url}" target="_blank">请尽快完善您在微赞云服务平台的站点注册信息。</a>'+'</div>';$('body').prepend(html);
EOF;define('SITE_PROFILE_PERFECT_TIPS', true);}}return '';


打开\framework\model\cloud.mod.php 找到第23行代码

  1. if(empty($_W['setting']['site']['key']) || empty($_W['setting']['site']['token'])) {
  2. return error('-1', "您的程序需要在微赞云服务平台注册你的站点资料, 来接入云平台服务后才能使用相应功能.");
  3. }



  1. //if(empty($_W['setting']['site']['key']) || empty($_W['setting']['site']['token'])) {
  2. // return error('-1', "您的程序需要在微赞云服务平台注册你的站点资料, 来接入云平台服务后才能使用相应功能.");
  3. //}



  1. if ($dat['content'] == 'install-module-protect') {
  2. return error('-1', '此模块已设置版权保护,您只能通过云平台来安装。');
  3. }



  1. if ($dat['content'] == 'install-theme-protect') {
  2. return error('-1', '此模板已设置版权保护,您只能通过云平台来安装。');
  3. }



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