
[bɜːθ] or [bɝθ]


(noun.) the event of being born; 'they celebrated the birth of their first child'.

(noun.) a baby born; an offspring; 'the overall rate of incidence of Down's syndrome is one in every 800 births'.

(noun.) the time when something begins (especially life); 'they divorced after the birth of the child'; 'his election signaled the birth of a new age'.

桃瑞丝整理--From WordNet


(n.) The act or fact of coming into life, or of being born; --

generally applied to human beings; as, the birth of a son.

(n.) Lineage; extraction; descent; sometimes, high birth; noble


(n.) The condition to which a person is born; natural state or

position; inherited disposition or tendency.

(n.) The act of bringing forth; as, she had two children at a


(n.) That which is born; that which is produced, whether animal

or vegetable.

(n.) Origin; beginning; as, the birth of an empire.

(n.) See Berth.



n. [1]. Nativity, coming into life.[2]. Lineage, extraction, descent, race, family, line, ancestry.



SYN:Parentage, extraction, nativity, family, race, origin, source, rise, lineage,nobility

ANT:Death, extinction, plebeianism



n. a ship's station at anchor.

n. the act of bearing or bringing forth: the offspring born: dignity of family: origin.—n. Birth′day the day on which one is born or the anniversary of that day.—adj. relating to the day of one's birth.—ns. Birth′day-book a book in diary form in which the birthdays of one's friends are entered in their autographs; Birth′dom (Shak.) birthright; Birth′-mark a peculiar mark on one's body at birth; Birth′night the night on which one is born or the anniversary of that night; Birth′place the place of one's birth; Birth′right the right or privilege to which one is entitled by birth: native rights.—adj. Birth′-strang′led (Shak.) strangled in birth.—n. Birth′-wort a genus of perennial plants formerly used medicinally in cases of difficult parturition.



For a married woman to dream of giving birth to a child, great joy and a handsome legacy is foretold. For a single woman, loss of virtue and abandonment by her lover.



n. The first and direst of all disasters. As to the nature of it there appears to be no uniformity. Castor and Pollux were born from the egg. Pallas came out of a skull. Galatea was once a block of stone. Peresilis who wrote in the tenth century avers that he grew up out of the ground where a priest had spilled holy water. It is known that Arimaxus was derived from a hole in the earth made by a stroke of lightning. Leucomedon was the son of a cavern in Mount Aetna and I have myself seen a man come out of a wine cellar.



An aid to life, discovered by Woman. Higher preferred.



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