
Whether you are an experienced iOS developer looking, or just getting started, it’s essential that you have the right tools. There are a lot of useful tools that can help save you time throughout various stages of development.

无论您是经验丰富的iOS开发人员,还是刚入门,都有必要使用正确的工具。 有很多有用的工具可以帮助您在开发的各个阶段节省时间。

Here’s a list of tools I’ve used that can save hours of time for any developer.


1. Swift软件包索引 (1. Swift Package Index)

Swift Package Index is the missing package registry for Swift libraries. With an index of over 3,000 Swift libraries and new ones added daily, this index is truly the best way to find Swift libraries.

Swift软件包索引是Swift库缺少的软件包注册表。 每天有超过3,000个Swift库的索引和每天添加的新索引,该索引确实是查找Swift库的最佳方法。

The best part of Swift Package Index is that it shows you how active a project is and its version compatibility in one concise view.

Swift Package Index的最好之处在于,它以一个简洁的视图向您展示了项目的活跃程度及其版本兼容性。

2.图像优化 (2. Image Optim)

Keeping application install sizes small is critical for success on the App Store. One easy way to do this is by compressing application images.

保持较小的应用程序安装大小对于在App Store上取得成功至关重要。 一种简单的方法是压缩应用程序映像。

Image Optim makes this effortless with drag-and-drop functionality. This tool is so good that you will struggle to find a difference in quality.

Image Optim的拖放功能使其毫不费力。 该工具非常好,您将很难找到质量差异。

3. SF符号 (3. SF Symbols)

SF Symbols is a set of over 2,400 symbols you can use in your apps. They’re configurable with a range of weights and sizes to adapt to your designs.

SF Symbols是可以在应用程序中使用的超过2,400个符号的集合。 它们可以配置各种重量和尺寸,以适应您的设计。

It is available as a Mac desktop app and incredibly easy to get started with.


Using SF Symbols desktop app on Mac.
在Mac上使用SF Symbols桌面应用程序。

4.运球 (4. Dribbble)

For every developer out there, a little design inspiration can never hurt. Dribbble is where you can find inspiration for any type of design or app out there. Take your designs to the next level with Dribbble.

对于那里的每个开发人员而言,一点点设计灵感就永远不会受到伤害。 在Dribbble上,您可以在那里找到任何类型的设计或应用程序的灵感。 使用Dribbble将您的设计提升到一个新的水平。

Dribble top iOS search results

5.使应用程序图标 (5. Make App Icon)

One of the most tedious parts of iOS development is resizing your app’s icon 26 different times to create the app icon set.


Make App Icon automates this process completely, saving you loads of time and allowing you to spend more time on functionality. While the UI is certainly no-frills, the quality of their output is flawless.

Make App Icon可以完全自动执行此过程,从而节省了大量时间,并使您可以在功能上花费更多时间。 虽然UI无疑很简单,但其输出质量却完美无缺。

6. ShotBot 3.0 (6. ShotBot 3.0)

While there any plenty of App Store screenshot generators out there, none of them have quite as extensive a free tier as Shotbot.

尽管有许多App Store屏幕截图生成器,但没有一个拥有Shotshot这么广泛的免费层。

In addition to the usual bells and whistles, Shotbot comes with multiple free templates and device options. Shotbot exports images that can be instantly uploaded to iTunes Connect Media Manager.

除了常见的花哨功能外,Shotbot还提供了多个免费模板和设备选项。 Shotbot导出的图像可以立即上传到iTunes Connect Media Manager。

7. TermsFeed (7. TermsFeed)

Last but not least, TermsFeed is a tool that generates extensive legal agreements for you. To deploy on the App Store, you must have an application privacy policy. TermsFeed makes this process a breeze.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是, TermsFeed是为您生成广泛法律协议的工具。 要在App Store上进行部署,您必须具有应用程序隐私权政策。 TermsFeed使此过程变得轻而易举。

With free hosting and automatic updates with policy changes, TermsFeed can bring you legal peace of mind when deploying to the App Store. One major benefit is that for most iOS apps, the privacy policy can be generated freely.

通过免费托管和具有政策更改的自动更新,TermsFeed可以使您在部署到App Store时从法律上放心。 一个主要的好处是,对于大多数iOS应用程序而言,可以免费生成隐私策略。

结论 (Conclusion)

Thank you for reading this far. Are there any other iOS development tools you would’ve listed? These tools can make your development process more efficient, whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer. I hope you learned something new today!

感谢您阅读本文。 您还会列出其他iOS开发工具吗? 无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的开发人员,这些工具都可以使您的开发过程更高效。 希望您今天学到了新东西!




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