自制 Windows 小工具 ———— 智能截屏工具

  • 背景
  • 需求分析
  • 环境准备
  • 功能实现
    • 获取截图区域
    • 获取文件保存路径
    • 图像算法
    • 截屏
    • 快捷启动


当然是制作工具了 ———— 智能截屏


  1. 将老师的重点截屏(不能遗漏)
  2. 尽量避免重复的图片,方便课后整理
  3. 操作简单智能(上课时不需要监管程序)


  • python
  • pyautogui
  • opencv
  • numpy
  • PIL
    后面的几项都是第三方库,直接 pip即可,大家自行百度




import tkinter as tk
import pyautogui#鼠标左键按下
def button_1(event):global x, y ,xstart,ystartx, y = event.x, event.yxstart,ystart = event.x, event.yxstart,ystart = event.x, event.y  cv.configure(height=1)cv.configure(width=1)cv.place(x=event.x, y=event.y)#鼠标左键按下并移动
def b1_Motion(event):global x, yx, y = event.x, event.yglobal cvcv.configure(height = event.y - ystart)cv.configure(width = event.x - xstart)#鼠标左键松开
def buttonRelease_1(event):global x, y,xstart,ystartx, y = event.x, event.yif x == xstart and y == ystart:returnglobal cvglobal rootPstart=[0,0]cv.place_forget()root.attributes("-alpha", 0) root.destroy()# 退出
def sys_out(even = True):global root#from tkinter import messagebox#if messagebox.askokcancel('Exit','Confirm to exit?'):root.destroy()def SelectArea():global rootroot = tk.Tk()root.overrideredirect(True)         # 隐藏窗口的标题栏# root.attributes("-alpha", 0.3)    # 窗口透明度70 %root.attributes("-alpha", 0.3)      # 窗口透明度60 %root.attributes("-topmost", 1)#root.geometry("300x200+10+10")      # 设置窗口大小与位置root.geometry("{0}x{1}+0+0".format(root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight()))root.configure(bg="black")# 再创建1个Canvas用于圈选global cv, x, y, xstart, ystartcv = tk.Canvas(root)x, y = 0, 0xstart,ystart = 0 ,0# 绑定事件到Esc键,当按下Esc键就会调用sys_out函数,弹出对话框root.bind('<Escape>',sys_out)root.bind("<Button-1>", button_1)root.bind("<B1-Motion>", b1_Motion)root.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", buttonRelease_1)root.mainloop()return (xstart,ystart,x - xstart,y - ystart) # 左上角坐标,宽,高if __name__ == "__main__":print(SelectArea())


使用 tkinter 的文件选择框 主程序 screenAI.py 中 实现

import screenArea
from tkinter import filedialog
import timedef StartscreenAI(): # 一会儿可以绑定快捷键global x,y,width,heightx,y,width,height = screenArea.SelectArea() # 获取截图区域global save_pathsave_path = filedialog.askdirectory()print(save_path)if __name__ == "__main__":time.sleep(3) # 给操作者一个反应的时间StartscreenAI()



  1. 均值哈希算法
  2. 差值哈希算法
  3. 感知哈希算法
  4. 灰度直方图算法
  5. RGB每个通道的直方图相似度

五个算法根据场景进行加权平均得到相似值。这里封装一个模块进行实现 imageAI.py

import cv2
import numpy as npN = 16 # 压缩程度,越大越精确,但是空间和时间越多 注意为 2 的次幂def aHash(img):# 均值哈希算法# 缩放为N*Nglobal Nimg = cv2.resize(img, (N, N))# 转换为灰度图gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)# s为像素和初值为0,hash_str为hash值初值为''s = 0hash_str = ''# 遍历累加求像素和for i in range(N):for j in range(N):s = s+gray[i, j]# 求平均灰度avg = s/N/N# 灰度大于平均值为1相反为0生成图片的hash值for i in range(N):for j in range(N):if gray[i, j] > avg:hash_str = hash_str+'1'else:hash_str = hash_str+'0'return hash_strdef dHash(img):global N# 差值哈希算法# 缩放N * Nimg = cv2.resize(img, (N + 1, N))# 转换灰度图gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)hash_str = ''# 每行前一个像素大于后一个像素为1,相反为0,生成哈希for i in range(N):for j in range(N):if gray[i, j] > gray[i, j+1]:hash_str = hash_str+'1'else:hash_str = hash_str+'0'return hash_strdef pHash(img):# 感知哈希算法# 缩放4n * 4nglobal Nimg = cv2.resize(img, (4 * N, 4 * N))   # , interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC# 转换为灰度图gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)# 将灰度图转为浮点型,再进行dct变换dct = cv2.dct(np.float32(gray))# opencv实现的掩码操作dct_roi = dct[0:N, 0:N]hash = []avreage = np.mean(dct_roi)for i in range(dct_roi.shape[0]):for j in range(dct_roi.shape[1]):if dct_roi[i, j] > avreage:hash.append(1)else:hash.append(0)return hashdef cmpHash(hash1, hash2):# Hash值对比# 算法中1和0顺序组合起来的即是图片的指纹hash。顺序不固定,但是比较的时候必须是相同的顺序。# 对比两幅图的指纹,计算汉明距离,即两个64位的hash值有多少是不一样的,不同的位数越小,图片越相似# 汉明距离:一组二进制数据变成另一组数据所需要的步骤,可以衡量两图的差异,汉明距离越小,则相似度越高。汉明距离为0,即两张图片完全一样N = 0# hash长度不同则返回-1代表传参出错if len(hash1) != len(hash2):return -1# 遍历判断for i in range(len(hash1)):# 不相等则n计数+1,n最终为相似度if hash1[i] != hash2[i]:N = N + 1return Ndef calculate(image1, image2):# 灰度直方图算法# 计算单通道的直方图的相似值hist1 = cv2.calcHist([image1], [0], None, [256], [0.0, 255.0])hist2 = cv2.calcHist([image2], [0], None, [256], [0.0, 255.0])# 计算直方图的重合度degree = 0for i in range(len(hist1)):if hist1[i] != hist2[i]:degree = degree + \(1 - abs(hist1[i] - hist2[i]) / max(hist1[i], hist2[i]))else:degree = degree + 1degree = degree / len(hist1)return float(degree)def classify_hist_with_split(image1, image2, size=(256, 256)):# RGB每个通道的直方图相似度# 将图像resize后,分离为RGB三个通道,再计算每个通道的相似值image1 = cv2.resize(image1, size)image2 = cv2.resize(image2, size)sub_image1 = cv2.split(image1)sub_image2 = cv2.split(image2)sub_data = 0for im1, im2 in zip(sub_image1, sub_image2):sub_data += calculate(im1, im2)sub_data = sub_data / 3return float(sub_data)


在主程序中控制截图与保存 screenAI.py

import screenArea
import imageAI
from tkinter import filedialog
import time
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pyautoguidef ScreenCut():global x,y,width,heightreturn pyautogui.screenshot(region = (x,y,width,height))def SaveFile(img):global pic_cntglobal save_pathpic_cnt += 1print('保存了图片',save_path + '/' + str(pic_cnt) + '.png')img.save(save_path + '/' + str(pic_cnt) + '.png')def StartscreenAI(): # 一会儿可以绑定快捷键global x,y,width,heightx,y,width,height = screenArea.SelectArea() # 获取截图区域global save_pathtry:save_path = filedialog.askdirectory()except:print('已取消')returnglobal pic_cntpic_cnt = 0try:filenames = os.listdir(save_path)except:print('已取消(或无效路径)')returnfor filename in filenames:try:if pic_cnt < int(filename.replace('.png','')):pic_cnt = int(filename.replace('.png',''))except:pass# 一个小小的优化,自动找到未被使用的编号,防止多次启动覆盖lstimg = ScreenCut()lstcv2img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(lstimg), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)lstdhash = imageAI.dHash(lstcv2img)lstahash = imageAI.aHash(lstcv2img)lstphash = imageAI.pHash(lstcv2img)SaveFile(lstimg)global SCREENCUTSCREENCUT = Truewhile SCREENCUT:nowimg = ScreenCut()nowcv2img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(nowimg), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)nowdhash = imageAI.dHash(nowcv2img)nowahash = imageAI.aHash(nowcv2img)nowphash = imageAI.pHash(nowcv2img)nowcalculate = round(imageAI.calculate(nowcv2img,lstcv2img),8)nowclassify_hist_with_split = imageAI.classify_hist_with_split(nowcv2img,lstcv2img)dn1 = imageAI.cmpHash(lstdhash,nowdhash)an1 = imageAI.cmpHash(lstahash,nowahash)pn1 = imageAI.cmpHash(lstphash,nowphash)arv = ((imageAI.N * imageAI.N - dn1) / imageAI.N / imageAI.N * 2 + (imageAI.N * imageAI.N - an1) / imageAI.N / imageAI.N + (imageAI.N * imageAI.N - pn1) / imageAI.N / imageAI.N + nowcalculate) / 5 # PPT 的较好算法if arv < 0.85: # ppt的较好参数SaveFile(nowimg)lstcv2img = nowcv2imglstdhash = nowdhashlstahash = nowahashlstphash = nowphashif __name__ == "__main__":time.sleep(3) # 给操作者一个反应的时间StartscreenAI()



接下来,为了多课程之间的切换和停止,我们给程序增加一些快捷键 screenAI.py

import screenArea
import imageAI
from tkinter import filedialog
import time
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pyautogui
import keyboard
import threadingSCREENCUT = Falsedef ScreenCut():global x,y,width,heightreturn pyautogui.screenshot(region = (x,y,width,height))def SaveFile(img):global pic_cntglobal save_pathpic_cnt += 1print('保存了图片',save_path + '/' + str(pic_cnt) + '.png')img.save(save_path + '/' + str(pic_cnt) + '.png')def StartscreenAI(): # 一会儿可以绑定快捷键global SCREENCUTif SCREENCUT != False:print('已开始,ctrl+alt+e 停止')returnglobal x,y,width,heightx,y,width,height = screenArea.SelectArea() # 获取截图区域global save_pathtry:save_path = filedialog.askdirectory()except:print('已取消')returnglobal pic_cntpic_cnt = 0try:filenames = os.listdir(save_path)except:print('已取消(或无效路径)')returnfor filename in filenames:try:if pic_cnt < int(filename.replace('.png','')):pic_cnt = int(filename.replace('.png',''))except:passprint('选择了路径: %s 已有编号 %d' % (save_path,pic_cnt))# 一个小小的优化,自动找到未被使用的编号,防止多次启动覆盖lstimg = ScreenCut()lstcv2img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(lstimg), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)lstdhash = imageAI.dHash(lstcv2img)lstahash = imageAI.aHash(lstcv2img)lstphash = imageAI.pHash(lstcv2img)SaveFile(lstimg)SCREENCUT = Truewhile SCREENCUT:if keyboard.is_pressed('ctrl+alt+e'):SCREENCUT = Falsenowimg = ScreenCut()nowcv2img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(nowimg), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)nowdhash = imageAI.dHash(nowcv2img)nowahash = imageAI.aHash(nowcv2img)nowphash = imageAI.pHash(nowcv2img)nowcalculate = round(imageAI.calculate(nowcv2img,lstcv2img),8)nowclassify_hist_with_split = imageAI.classify_hist_with_split(nowcv2img,lstcv2img)dn1 = imageAI.cmpHash(lstdhash,nowdhash)an1 = imageAI.cmpHash(lstahash,nowahash)pn1 = imageAI.cmpHash(lstphash,nowphash)arv = ((imageAI.N * imageAI.N - dn1) / imageAI.N / imageAI.N * 2 + (imageAI.N * imageAI.N - an1) / imageAI.N / imageAI.N + (imageAI.N * imageAI.N - pn1) / imageAI.N / imageAI.N + nowcalculate) / 5 # PPT 的较好算法if arv < 0.85: # ppt的较好参数SaveFile(nowimg)lstcv2img = nowcv2imglstdhash = nowdhashlstahash = nowahashlstphash = nowphashprint('截图已结束')if __name__ == "__main__":keyboard.add_hotkey('ctrl+alt+b',StartscreenAI)keyboard.wait()



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