

我把代码放到了github上了 地址 https://github.com/robert1207/morse_encode.git

可以在Linux下用Makefile 编译,也可以在windows下新建工程添加github上的代码就可以了





#include "morse.h"

#define BUF_LEN 300

int main() {

char *mystr = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.:,;?='/!-_\"()$&@";

char mor[BUF_LEN];

char str[BUF_LEN];

char out[BUF_LEN];

memset(out, 0, BUF_LEN);

memset(mor, 0, BUF_LEN);

memset(str, 0, BUF_LEN);

printf("base string:\n%s\n", mystr);


str2lowcase(mystr, out, BUF_LEN);


String2MorseString(out , mor, BUF_LEN);

printf("\nget morse code string:\n%s\n" , mor);


MorseString2String(mor, str, BUF_LEN);

printf("\nget decode string:\n%s\n", str);

return 0;


#include "morse.h"




#define NUM_LEN 10

char num[][5] = {










{'-','-','-','-','.'} //9


#define MARK_LEN 17

char mark[][8] = {

{'.', '-', '.', '-', '.', '-', '*', '.'},//.0

{'-', '-', '-', '.', '.', '.', '*', ':'},//:

{'-', '-', '.', '.', '-', '-', '*', ','},//,

{'-', '.', '-', '.', '-', '.', '*', ';'},//;

{'.', '.', '-', '-', '.', '.', '*', '?'},//?

{'-', '.', '.', '.', '-', '*', '*', '='},//=

{'.', '-', '-', '-', '-', '.', '*', '\''},//'

{'-', '.', '.', '-', '.', '*', '*', '/'},///

{'-', '.', '-', '.', '-', '-', '*', '!'},//!

{'-', '.', '.', '.', '.', '-', '*', '-'},//-

{'.', '.', '-', '-', '.', '-', '*', '_'},//_

{'.', '-', '.', '.', '-', '.', '*', '"'},//"

{'-', '.', '-', '-', '.', '*', '*', '('},//(

{'-', '.', '-', '-', '.', '-', '*', ')'},//)

{'.', '.', '.', '-', '.', '.', '-', '$'},//$

{'.', '-', '.', '.', '.', '*', '*', '&'},//&

{'.', '-', '-', '.', '-', '.', '*', '@'} //@16


#define CHARACTER 26

char a2[][4] = {


























{'-','-','.','.'} //Z


Morse_t *new_morse() {

Morse_t *ret;

ret = (Morse_t*)malloc(sizeof(Morse_t));

memset(ret->c, 0, 9);

return ret;





bool mark2morse(char n, Morse_t *morse) {

int a = 0;

for (; a < MARK_LEN; a++) {

if (mark[a][7] == n) {

morse->c[0] = mark[a][0];

morse->c[1] = mark[a][1];

morse->c[2] = mark[a][2];

morse->c[3] = mark[a][3];

morse->c[4] = mark[a][4];

morse->c[5] = mark[a][5];

morse->c[6] = mark[a][6];

return true;



return false;


bool morse2mark(Morse_t *morse, char *n) {

int a = 0;

for (; a < MARK_LEN; a++) {

if (mark[a][0] == morse->c[0] &&

mark[a][1] == morse->c[1] &&

mark[a][2] == morse->c[2] &&

mark[a][3] == morse->c[3] &&

mark[a][4] == morse->c[4] &&

mark[a][5] == morse->c[5] &&

mark[a][6] == morse->c[6] ) {

*n = mark[a][7];

return true;



return false;





bool num2morse(char n, Morse_t *morse) {

int pos = n - 48;

if (pos <= 9 && pos >= 0) {

morse->c[0] = num[pos][0];

morse->c[1] = num[pos][1];

morse->c[2] = num[pos][2];

morse->c[3] = num[pos][3];

morse->c[4] = num[pos][4];

return true;


return false;


bool morse2num(Morse_t *morse, char *n) {

int i = 0;

for (; i < NUM_LEN; i++) {

if (num[i][0] == morse->c[0] &&

num[i][1] == morse->c[1] &&

num[i][2] == morse->c[2] &&

num[i][3] == morse->c[3] &&

num[i][4] == morse->c[4] ) {

*n = (char)(i + 48);

return true;



return false;





bool str2morse(char m , Morse_t *morse) {

int pos = m - 97;

if (pos >= 0 && pos <= 25) {

morse->c[0] = a2[pos][0];

morse->c[1] = a2[pos][1];

morse->c[2] = a2[pos][2];

morse->c[3] = a2[pos][3];

return true;


return false;


bool morse2str(Morse_t *morse, char *ch) {

int i = 0;

for (i = 0; i < CHARACTER; i++) {

if (a2[i][0] == morse->c[0] &&

a2[i][1] == morse->c[1] &&

a2[i][2] == morse->c[2] &&

a2[i][3] == morse->c[3]) {

*ch = (char)(i + 97);

return true;



return false;


void MorseString2String(char *morse ,char *string, int buf_len) {

Morse_t *temp = new_morse();

int a = 0;

int b = 0;

int c = 0;

int len = 0;

char ch = '*';

memset(temp->c, '*', 8);

len = strlen(morse);

for ( ; a < len; a ++) {

if (c > buf_len) {

printf("the string buffer is too little\n");



if (morse[a] != SEPARATOR && morse[a] != FAKE_SPACE)

temp->c[b++] = morse[a];

else if (morse[a] == SEPARATOR && morse[a-1] != FAKE_SPACE) {//get one charactor

if (true == morse2str(temp, &ch) && b < 5) {

string[c++] = ch;

} else if (true == morse2num(temp, &ch)) {

string[c++] = ch;

} else if (true == morse2mark(temp, &ch)) {

string[c++] = ch;

} else {

printf("has morse that not be decoded !\n");



b = 0;

memset(temp->c, '*' ,8);

} else if (morse[a] == FAKE_SPACE) { //have a space

string[c++] = ' ';




void String2MorseString(char *string ,char *morse, int buf_len) {

int a = 0;

int b = 0;

int len = strlen(string);

Morse_t * temp = new_morse();

for (; a < len; a ++ ) {

if (buf_len < 8 || b >= buf_len) {

printf("morse buffer is too litte\n");



if (string[a] != ' ') {

//if is a num

if (string[a] >= '0' && string[a] <= '9') {

if (true == num2morse(string[a], temp)) {

morse[b++] = temp->c[0];

morse[b++] = temp->c[1];

morse[b++] = temp->c[2];

morse[b++] = temp->c[3];

morse[b++] = temp->c[4];

} else {

printf("encode on mumber error \n");

return ;



//if is a character

else if (string[a] >= 97 && string[a] <= 122) {

if (true == str2morse(string[a], temp)) {

morse[b++] = temp->c[0];

if (temp->c[1] != '*')

morse[b++] = temp->c[1];

if (temp->c[2] != '*')

morse[b++] = temp->c[2];

if (temp->c[3] != '*')

morse[b++] = temp->c[3];

} else {

printf("encode on str error \n");

return ;



//if is a mark

else if (string[a] <= 127) {

if (true == mark2morse(string[a], temp)) {

morse[b++] = temp->c[0];

morse[b++] = temp->c[1];

morse[b++] = temp->c[2];

morse[b++] = temp->c[3];

morse[b++] = temp->c[4];

if (temp->c[5] != '*')

morse[b++] = temp->c[5];

if (temp->c[6] != '*')

morse[b++] = temp->c[6];

} else {

printf("encode on mark error \n");

return ;


} else {

printf("out of the morse character \n");

return ;



memset(temp->c, 0 , 8);

morse[b++] = SEPARATOR;

} else if (string[a] == ' ') { //have a space and add / to instead

morse[b++] = FAKE_SPACE;

morse[b++] = SEPARATOR;




void str2lowcase(char *str, char *out, int buf_len) {

int len = strlen(str);

int a = 0;

if (len >= buf_len) {

printf("buf is to low\n");



for (;a < len; a++) {

if (str[a] >= 'A' && str[a] <= 'Z') {

out[a] = str[a] + 32;

} else {

out[a] = str[a];




#ifndef MORSE_H_

#define MORSE_H_

typedef int bool;

#define false 0

#define true 1




#define FAKE_SPACE '/'




#define SEPARATOR ' '

typedef struct Morse Morse_t;

struct Morse{

char c[9];


Morse_t *new_morse();

bool str2morse(char m , Morse_t *morse);

bool morse2str(Morse_t *morse, char *ch);

bool mark2morse(char n, Morse_t *morse);

bool morse2mark(Morse_t *morse, char *n);

bool num2morse(char n, Morse_t *morse);

bool morse2num(Morse_t *morse, char *n);

void MorseString2String(char *morse ,char *string, int buf_len);

void String2MorseString(char *string ,char *morse, int buf_len);

void str2lowcase(char *str, char *out, int buf_len);

#endif /* MORSE_H_ */


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