
1.What 's the biggest mistake you have ever made?

2.Have you ever had what you thought was a lousy idea turn out to be a great one?

3.What's the most famous invention you know of ?Do you know how it was created?


rigorous--careful,thorough(彻底的),and exact

catchy--a catchy tune or phrase is easy to remember

serendipitous--lucky in making unexpected and futunate discoveries

mold--a furry(毛皮的,盖着毛的) growth of minute(微小的) fungi(菌类)

breakthrough--an important new discovery in something you are studying ,especially one made after trying for a long time

petri-dish--a circular(圆形的) dish used by scientists to grow bacteria(细菌)

soft drink--a nonalcoholic(不含酒精),flavored,carbonated(碳酸的) beverage(饮料)

concoction--a mixture


Many people think that some of the most amazing discoveries that have made our lives so easy(such as sticky notes,microwave ovens etc.)are the products of calculated genius(天才) and owe their existence to rigorous research.The truth is that a surprising number of these things exist not exactly because of scientific research,but because of mistakes.Today ,we will look at some of the most serendipitous breakthrough in history.


Are you a creative person?

What qualities do you think a scientist should have?

Vocab Point

Do you know the difference between a discovery and an invention?People use these words interchangeabley(可交换地).but they describe two different things.A discovery is when a person is first to find something that already exists or existed in the past,dinosaurs(恐龙) were discovered.X-rays(X-射线) were discovered.An invention is the creating of something new that has never existed before,The television and light bulb(电灯泡) were both invention.


Was electricity discoveries or invention,What about gold,The steam engine?


It was in 1928 that a scottish(苏格兰的) scientist named Alexander Fleming forgot to clean his workstation(工作台) before going on vacation.When he came back,he noticed that mold had started to grow in one of his petri dishes,but what caught his attention was that bacteria inside(里面) the petri dish didn't grow near the mold.he studied the mold and found out that it was actually killing by bacteria near it .This is how  one of the most futunate discoveries of 20th century came about .and thus began the development of antibiotics(抗生素)


Do you know what penicillin is used for?

Do you think that Fleming hadn't discovered penicillin,someone else would have?

The "Eppsicle"

It was in 1905 that an 11 year-old boy named Frank Epperson accidentally(不小心) left a soft drink concoction with a stiring(兴奋的) stick(粘稠的) in it on his porch(大门).The weather that night in San Francisco was so cold that the liquid(液体) froze(冻结) to the stick.This delicious discovery was an instant hit(轰动一时,爆红) with his friends at school.and later with his own kids.Epperson called his discovery "eppsicle" but later he changed it to "popsicle" which,accordding to his children.was a more catchy name.

Q:Do you like popsicle?

Do you think the children should not eat a lot of sugary snacks?Explain your reasons.

Microwave Ovens(微波炉)

It was in 1946 when an American Engineer named Percy Spencer was working for a major American defense(防卫) contractor(承包商) and testing a device that emitted(排放,发射) microwave radiation(辐射).the "magnetron"(磁控管) .He soon noticed that the candy bar he had in his pocket while working near the machine had melted(融化).Intrigued(好奇的) by this.he then took popcorn kernels(内核的) and put them near the magnetron.They popped(突然爆开).He realized that exposure to low density(密度) microwave energy could quickly and easily cook food。


Why do you think microwave became so popular soon after being invented?

Post-it Notes

It was in 1968 that a chemist working at 3M(an American company that manufactures(制造) a wide range of products) that named Spencer Silver was trying to create a super-strong adhesive(粘合剂).he failed.instead.the reasult was a high-quality tacky adhesive(粘性粘合剂) that was perfect for use with paper since it allowed the user to  hold the paper firmly(牢牢地) to any surface.but also to remove it without tearing(撕裂) or leaving any residue(残留物).He passed some samples around a friends office and they were an instant hit.so in 1980,after perfecting the idea,3M introduced the "Post-it"nationwide.


Why do you think Post-its are so useful for office work?

Do you use them at work?


In may 1886,John Pemberton ,a pharmacist(药剂师) from atlanta.Georgia mixed extracts(提取物) of cocaine(可卡因) and the caffeine-rich(富含咖啡因) "Kola nut" with some other ingredients(材料) that have been kept secret in order to make a cure for headaches.In 1887,Asa candler,another phamacist from Geogia ,bought the formula(公式,准则) from Pemberton.and by the late1890s,Coca-cola  had become one of the most popular soft drink in America.


What's your favorite beverage?

Do you think drinks Coca-cola is good for health?


There is no doubt that the "happy accidents"we learn about today has changed the world forever and made our lives easier.There are some another accidental(非主要的) discoveries and inventions.such as brandy(白兰地酒).potato chips.X-rays and teflon(聚四氟乙烯)among others.There is no time to analyze them all .but  as you can see,sometimes what seems to be a major setback(挫折) or mistake can become a woderful thing that may change the world

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