Is UPLAY+ now Ubisoft+?

Yes. Ubisoft’s subscription service UPLAY+ rebranded to Ubisoft+ and kept all the great benefits you love. With Ubisoft+, play new Ubisoft titles, over 100 games, and more.

What games and in-game content will I have access to with the Ubisoft+ subscription?

Subscribing to Ubisoft+ will give you access to Ubisoft’s growing catalog of 100+ games, including new releases. Ubisoft+ includes additional content such as expansions and season passes.

What happens if I unsubscribe?

As a subscriber, you have access to more than 100 games. If you unsubscribe, the games will become unavailable unless you already owned them, buy them, or subscribe to Ubisoft+ again in the future. You will keep access to every purchase you make (whether you bought a game on the Ubisoft Store or items in-game) even if you unsubscribe.

How can I cancel my Ubisoft+ subscription?

You can cancel at any time in your account settings. Your subscription will remain active until the very last day of the current month you paid for. After this, the subscription will be cancelled and will not renew itself.

Will my save files be affected if I decide to unsubscribe or change my game version?

If you already own the Standard Edition of a game, playing the Edition available on Ubisoft+ may affect your save files for some games.

See the list of concerned games in our FAQ.

What is cloud gaming (beta)?

The beta offers you access to select Ubisoft games on the Luna and Stadia cloud gaming platforms. We are launching this beta to bring Ubisoft+ to more platforms and give you the freedom to choose how you play.

What are Stadia and Luna?

Stadia is a cloud gaming platform and Luna is a cloud gaming service through which you can play games on multiple compatible devices.

How can I try the beta?

To try the beta, subscribe to Ubisoft+ then visit our cloud gaming (beta) page to request early access to Luna and find the steps to link your account to Stadia. Please note the beta on Stadia is available in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, France, and Canada. Luna is available in the 48 contiguous US states, is not currently supported in Alaska, Hawaii, and other US territories. Stadia is not currently supported in Isle of Man, Monaco and Luxembourg.

What happens at the end of the beta?

Before the end of the beta, you will receive information from Ubisoft+ about how to keep your access to Luna and Stadia. If you prefer playing on PC, you will be able to keep your current subscription plan and continue discovering our worlds!


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