
  • 学习目标:
    • 代码如下:
    • 结果输出
  • 巩固练习
    • 1. 将prompt变量改成完全不同的内容再运行一次
    • 2. 再加一个参数。
      • 结果输出:
  • Tips:




from sys import argvscript,Marry = argv,'Marry'
prompt = '>'
print(f"Hi {Marry},I'm the {script} script.")
print("I'd like to ask you a few questions.")
print(f"Do you like me ? {Marry}")
likes = input(prompt)print(f"Where do you live? {Marry}")
lives = input(prompt)print("What kind of computer do you have?")
computer = input(prompt)print(f"""
Alright,so you said {likes} about liking me.
You live in {lives}. Not sure where that is.
And you have a {computer} computer. Nice.


Hi Marry,I'm the ['D:/Bella/ex14.py'] script.
I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Do you like me ? Marry
Where do you live? Marry
>San Francisco
What kind of computer do you have?
>Tandy 1000


1. 将prompt变量改成完全不同的内容再运行一次

from sys import argvscript,Marry = argv,'Marry'
aa = '>'
print(f"Hi {Marry},I'm the {script} script.")
print("I'd like to ask you a few questions.")
print(f"Do you like me ? {Marry}")
likes = input(aa)print(f"Where do you live? {Marry}")
lives = input(aa)print("What kind of computer do you have?")
computer = input(aa)print(f"""
Alright,so you said {likes} about liking me.
You live in {lives}. Not sure where that is.
And you have a {computer} computer. Nice.
Hi Marry,I'm the ['D:/Bella/ex14.py'] script.
I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Do you like me ? Marry
Where do you live? Marry
>San Francisco
What kind of computer do you have?
>Tandy 1000Alright,so you said Yes about liking me.
You live in San Francisco. Not sure where that is.
And you have a Tandy 1000 computer. Nice.

2. 再加一个参数。

from sys import argvscript,Marry,Jonn = argv,'Marry','Jonn'
aa = '>'
bb = '>>--'
print(f"Hi {Marry} and {Jonn},I'm the {script} script.")
print("I'd like to ask you a few questions.")
print(f"Do you like me ? {Marry}")
likes = input(aa)
print(f"So do you? {Jonn}")
likes1 = input(bb)print(f"Where do you live? {Marry}")
lives = input(aa)
print(f"So do you? {Jonn}")
lives1 = input(bb)print("What kind of computer do you have?")
computer = input(aa)
print(f"So do you? {Jonn}")
computer1 = input(bb)print(f"""
Alright,so Marry said {likes} about liking me, and Jonn also said {likes} about liking me.
You live in {lives}, and Jonn is live in {lives1}.
And you have a {computer} computer, and Jonn has a {computer1}.Really Nice to me.


Hi Marry and Jonn,I'm the ['D:/Bella/ex14.py'] script.
I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Do you like me ? Marry
So do you? Jonn
Where do you live? Marry
>Pineapple house
So do you? Jonn
>>--Stone house
What kind of computer do you have?
So do you? Jonn
>>--MacAlright,so Marry said Yes about liking me, and Jonn also said Yes about liking me.
You live in Pineapple house, and Jonn is live in Stone house.
And you have a HP computer, and Jonn has a Mac.Really Nice to me.进程已结束,退出代码0


  1. 出现报错内容:
syntaxError:invalid syntax
ValueError: not enough values to unpack
NameError:name 'prompt' is not defined
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable
#“[ ]” 和“()”是否用错了,是否误把数据类型当做函数调用
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

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