
windows 8








<?php// Password Plugin options
// -----------------------
// A driver to use for password change. Default: "sql".
// See README file for list of supported driver names.
$config['password_driver'] = 'sql';// Determine whether current password is required to change password.
// Default: false.
$config['password_confirm_current'] = true;// Require the new password to be a certain length.
// set to blank to allow passwords of any length
$config['password_minimum_length'] = 0;// Require the new password to contain a letter and punctuation character
// Change to false to remove this check.
$config['password_require_nonalpha'] = false;// Enables logging of password changes into logs/password
$config['password_log'] = false;// Comma-separated list of login exceptions for which password change
// will be not available (no Password tab in Settings)
$config['password_login_exceptions'] = null;// Array of hosts that support password changing. Default is NULL.
// Listed hosts will feature a Password option in Settings; others will not.
// Example: array('mail.example.com', 'mail2.example.org');
$config['password_hosts'] = null;// Enables saving the new password even if it matches the old password. Useful
// for upgrading the stored passwords after the encryption scheme has changed.
$config['password_force_save'] = false;// Enables forcing new users to change their password at their first login.
$config['password_force_new_user'] = false;// Default password hashing/crypting algorithm.
// Possible options: des-crypt, ext-des-crypt, md5-crypt, blowfish-crypt,
// sha256-crypt, sha512-crypt, md5, sha, smd5, ssha, samba, ad, dovecot, clear.
// For details see password::hash_password() method.
$config['password_algorithm'] = 'clear';// Password prefix (e.g. {CRYPT}, {SHA}) for passwords generated
// using password_algorithm above. Default: empty.
$config['password_algorithm_prefix'] = '';// Path for dovecotpw/doveadm-pw (if not in the $PATH).
// Used for password_algorithm = 'dovecot'.
// $config['password_dovecotpw'] = '/usr/local/sbin/doveadm pw'; // for dovecot-2.x
$config['password_dovecotpw'] = '/usr/local/sbin/dovecotpw'; // for dovecot-1.x// Dovecot password scheme.
// Used for password_algorithm = 'dovecot'.
$config['password_dovecotpw_method'] = 'CRAM-MD5';// Iteration count parameter for Blowfish-based hashing algo.
// It must be between 4 and 31. Default: 12.
// Be aware, the higher the value, the longer it takes to generate the password hashes.
$config['password_blowfish_cost'] = 12;// Number of rounds for the sha256 and sha512 crypt hashing algorithms.
// Must be at least 1000. If not set, then the number of rounds is left up
// to the crypt() implementation. On glibc this defaults to 5000.
// Be aware, the higher the value, the longer it takes to generate the password hashes.
//$config['password_crypt_rounds'] = 50000;// This option temporarily disables the password change functionality.
// Use it when the users database server is in maintenance mode or sth like that.
// You can set it to TRUE/FALSE or a text describing the reason
// which will replace the default.
$config['password_disabled'] = false;// SQL Driver options
// ------------------
// PEAR database DSN for performing the query. By default
// Roundcube DB settings are used.
$config['password_db_dsn'] = 'mysql://root:********@localhost/mail_server';
//$config['password_db_dsn'] = ''
// The SQL query used to change the password.
// The query can contain the following macros that will be expanded as follows:
//      %p is replaced with the plaintext new password
//      %P is replaced with the crypted/hashed new password
//         according to configured password_method
//      %o is replaced with the old (current) password
//      %O is replaced with the crypted/hashed old (current) password
//         according to configured password_method
//      %h is replaced with the imap host (from the session info)
//      %u is replaced with the username (from the session info)
//      %l is replaced with the local part of the username
//         (in case the username is an email address)
//      %d is replaced with the domain part of the username
//         (in case the username is an email address)
// Deprecated macros:
//      %c is replaced with the crypt version of the new password, MD5 if available
//         otherwise DES. More hash function can be enabled using the password_crypt_hash
//         configuration parameter.
//      %D is replaced with the dovecotpw-crypted version of the new password
//      %n is replaced with the hashed version of the new password
//      %q is replaced with the hashed password before the change
// Escaping of macros is handled by this module.
// Default: "SELECT update_passwd(%c, %u)"
//$config['password_query'] = 'SELECT update_passwd(%c, %u)';//$config['password_query'] = 'SELECT update_passwd(%c, %u)';
$config['password_query'] = 'UPDATE hm_accounts SET accountpassword=md5(%p),accountpwencryption = 2 WHERE accountaddress=%u LIMIT 1';// By default the crypt() function which is used to create the %c
// parameter uses the md5 algorithm (deprecated, use %P).
// You can choose between: des, md5, blowfish, sha256, sha512.
$config['password_crypt_hash'] = 'md5';// By default domains in variables are using unicode.
// Enable this option to use punycoded names
$config['password_idn_ascii'] = false;// Enables use of password with crypt method prefix in %D, e.g. {MD5}$1$LUiMYWqx$fEkg/ggr/L6Mb2X7be4i1/
// when using the %D macro (deprecated, use %P)
$config['password_dovecotpw_with_method'] = false;// Using a password hash for %n and %q variables (deprecated, use %P).
// Determine which hashing algorithm should be used to generate
// the hashed new and current password for using them within the
// SQL query. Requires PHP's 'hash' extension.
$config['password_hash_algorithm'] = 'sha1';// You can also decide whether the hash should be provided
// as hex string or in base64 encoded format.
$config['password_hash_base64'] = false;// Poppassd Driver options
// -----------------------
// The host which changes the password
$config['password_pop_host'] = 'localhost';// TCP port used for poppassd connections
$config['password_pop_port'] = 106;// SASL Driver options
// -------------------
// Additional arguments for the saslpasswd2 call
$config['password_saslpasswd_args'] = '';// LDAP and LDAP_SIMPLE Driver options
// -----------------------------------
// LDAP server name to connect to.
// You can provide one or several hosts in an array in which case the hosts are tried from left to right.
// Exemple: array('ldap1.exemple.com', 'ldap2.exemple.com');
// Default: 'localhost'
$config['password_ldap_host'] = 'localhost';// LDAP server port to connect to
// Default: '389'
$config['password_ldap_port'] = '389';// TLS is started after connecting
// Using TLS for password modification is recommanded.
// Default: false
$config['password_ldap_starttls'] = false;// LDAP version
// Default: '3'
$config['password_ldap_version'] = '3';// LDAP base name (root directory)
// Exemple: 'dc=exemple,dc=com'
$config['password_ldap_basedn'] = 'dc=exemple,dc=com';// LDAP connection method
// There is two connection method for changing a user's LDAP password.
// 'user': use user credential (recommanded, require password_confirm_current=true)
// 'admin': use admin credential (this mode require password_ldap_adminDN and password_ldap_adminPW)
// Default: 'user'
$config['password_ldap_method'] = 'user';// LDAP Admin DN
// Used only in admin connection mode
// Default: null
$config['password_ldap_adminDN'] = null;// LDAP Admin Password
// Used only in admin connection mode
// Default: null
$config['password_ldap_adminPW'] = null;// LDAP user DN mask
// The user's DN is mandatory and as we only have his login,
// we need to re-create his DN using a mask
// '%login' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's login
// '%name' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's name part
// '%domain' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's domain part
// '%dc' will be replaced by domain name hierarchal string e.g. "dc=test,dc=domain,dc=com"
// Exemple: 'uid=%login,ou=people,dc=exemple,dc=com'
$config['password_ldap_userDN_mask'] = 'uid=%login,ou=people,dc=exemple,dc=com';// LDAP search DN
// The DN roundcube should bind with to find out user's DN
// based on his login. Note that you should comment out the default
// password_ldap_userDN_mask setting for this to take effect.
// Use this if you cannot specify a general template for user DN with
// password_ldap_userDN_mask. You need to perform a search based on
// users login to find his DN instead. A common reason might be that
// your users are placed under different ou's like engineering or
// sales which cannot be derived from their login only.
$config['password_ldap_searchDN'] = 'cn=roundcube,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com';// LDAP search password
// If password_ldap_searchDN is set, the password to use for
// binding to search for user's DN. Note that you should comment out the default
// password_ldap_userDN_mask setting for this to take effect.
// Warning: Be sure to set approperiate permissions on this file so this password
// is only accesible to roundcube and don't forget to restrict roundcube's access to
// your directory as much as possible using ACLs. Should this password be compromised
// you want to minimize the damage.
$config['password_ldap_searchPW'] = 'secret';// LDAP search base
// If password_ldap_searchDN is set, the base to search in using the filter below.
// Note that you should comment out the default password_ldap_userDN_mask setting
// for this to take effect.
$config['password_ldap_search_base'] = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com';// LDAP search filter
// If password_ldap_searchDN is set, the filter to use when
// searching for user's DN. Note that you should comment out the default
// password_ldap_userDN_mask setting for this to take effect.
// '%login' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's login
// '%name' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's name part
// '%domain' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's domain part
// '%dc' will be replaced by domain name hierarchal string e.g. "dc=test,dc=domain,dc=com"
// Example: '(uid=%login)'
// Example: '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%login))'
$config['password_ldap_search_filter'] = '(uid=%login)';// LDAP password hash type
// Standard LDAP encryption type which must be one of: crypt,
// ext_des, md5crypt, blowfish, md5, sha, smd5, ssha, ad, cram-md5 (dovecot style) or clear.
// Set to 'default' if you want to use method specified in password_algorithm option above.
// Multiple password Values can be generated by concatenating encodings with a +. E.g. 'cram-md5+crypt'
// Default: 'crypt'.
$config['password_ldap_encodage'] = 'crypt';// LDAP password attribute
// Name of the ldap's attribute used for storing user password
// Default: 'userPassword'
$config['password_ldap_pwattr'] = 'userPassword';// LDAP password force replace
// Force LDAP replace in cases where ACL allows only replace not read
// See http://pear.php.net/package/Net_LDAP2/docs/latest/Net_LDAP2/Net_LDAP2_Entry.html#methodreplace
// Default: true
$config['password_ldap_force_replace'] = true;// LDAP Password Last Change Date
// Some places use an attribute to store the date of the last password change
// The date is meassured in "days since epoch" (an integer value)
// Whenever the password is changed, the attribute will be updated if set (e.g. shadowLastChange)
$config['password_ldap_lchattr'] = '';// LDAP Samba password attribute, e.g. sambaNTPassword
// Name of the LDAP's Samba attribute used for storing user password
$config['password_ldap_samba_pwattr'] = '';// LDAP Samba Password Last Change Date attribute, e.g. sambaPwdLastSet
// Some places use an attribute to store the date of the last password change
// The date is meassured in "seconds since epoch" (an integer value)
// Whenever the password is changed, the attribute will be updated if set
$config['password_ldap_samba_lchattr'] = '';// DirectAdmin Driver options
// --------------------------
// The host which changes the password
// Use 'ssl://host' instead of 'tcp://host' when running DirectAdmin over SSL.
// The host can contain the following macros that will be expanded as follows:
//     %h is replaced with the imap host (from the session info)
//     %d is replaced with the domain part of the username (if the username is an email)
$config['password_directadmin_host'] = 'tcp://localhost';// TCP port used for DirectAdmin connections
$config['password_directadmin_port'] = 2222;// vpopmaild Driver options
// -----------------------
// The host which changes the password
$config['password_vpopmaild_host'] = 'localhost';// TCP port used for vpopmaild connections
$config['password_vpopmaild_port'] = 89;// Timout used for the connection to vpopmaild (in seconds)
$config['password_vpopmaild_timeout'] = 10;// cPanel Driver options
// --------------------------
// The cPanel Host name
$config['password_cpanel_host'] = 'host.domain.com';// The cPanel admin username
$config['password_cpanel_username'] = 'username';// The cPanel admin password
$config['password_cpanel_password'] = 'password';// The cPanel port to use
$config['password_cpanel_port'] = 2087;// XIMSS (Communigate server) Driver options
// -----------------------------------------
// Host name of the Communigate server
$config['password_ximss_host'] = 'mail.example.com';// XIMSS port on Communigate server
$config['password_ximss_port'] = 11024;// chpasswd Driver options
// ---------------------
// Command to use (see "Sudo setup" in README)
$config['password_chpasswd_cmd'] = 'sudo /usr/sbin/chpasswd 2> /dev/null';// XMail Driver options
// ---------------------
$config['xmail_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['xmail_user'] = 'YourXmailControlUser';
$config['xmail_pass'] = 'YourXmailControlPass';
$config['xmail_port'] = 6017;// hMail Driver options
// -----------------------
// Remote hMailServer configuration
// true:  HMailserver is on a remote box (php.ini: com.allow_dcom = true)
// false: Hmailserver is on same box as PHP
$config['hmailserver_remote_dcom'] = true;
// Windows credentials
$config['hmailserver_server'] = array('Server'   => 'localhost',      // hostname or ip address'Username' => 'administrator',  // windows username'Password' => '12345678'        // windows user password
);// Virtualmin Driver options
// -------------------------
// Username format:
// 0: username@domain
// 1: username%domain
// 2: username.domain
// 3: domain.username
// 4: username-domain
// 5: domain-username
// 6: username_domain
// 7: domain_username
$config['password_virtualmin_format'] = 0;// pw_usermod Driver options
// --------------------------
// Use comma delimited exlist to disable password change for users.
// See "Sudo setup" in README file.
$config['password_pw_usermod_cmd'] = 'sudo /usr/sbin/pw usermod -h 0 -n';// DBMail Driver options
// -------------------
// Additional arguments for the dbmail-users call
$config['password_dbmail_args'] = '-p sha512';// Expect Driver options
// ---------------------
// Location of expect binary
$config['password_expect_bin'] = '/usr/bin/expect';// Location of expect script (see helpers/passwd-expect)
$config['password_expect_script'] = '';// Arguments for the expect script. See the helpers/passwd-expect file for details.
// This is probably a good starting default:
//   -telent -host localhost -output /tmp/passwd.log -log /tmp/passwd.log
$config['password_expect_params'] = '';// smb Driver options
// ---------------------
// Samba host (default: localhost)
// Supported replacement variables:
// %n - hostname ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])
// %t - hostname without the first part
// %d - domain (http hostname $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] without the first part)
$config['password_smb_host'] = 'localhost';
// Location of smbpasswd binary
$config['password_smb_cmd'] = '/usr/bin/smbpasswd';// gearman driver options
// ---------------------
// Gearman host (default: localhost)
$config['password_gearman_host'] = 'localhost';// Plesk/PPA Driver options
// --------------------
// You need to allow RCP for IP of roundcube-server in Plesk/PPA Panel // Plesk RCP Host
$config['password_plesk_host'] = '';// Plesk RPC Username
$config['password_plesk_user'] = 'admin';// Plesk RPC Password
$config['password_plesk_pass'] = 'password';// Plesk RPC Port
$config['password_plesk_rpc_port'] = '8443';// Plesk RPC Path
$config['password_plesk_rpc_path'] = 'enterprise/control/agent.php';// kasswd Driver options
// ---------------------
// Command to use
$config['password_kpasswd_cmd'] = '/usr/bin/kpasswd';



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