Driver problems are a source of never-ending issues in the Windows world. Often you’ll have a working driver on another machine, but don’t have the installation cd anymore to install on the new computer.

驱动程序问题是Windows世界中无休止的问题的根源。 通常,您会在另一台计算机上使用正常运行的驱动程序,但是没有安装CD可以在新计算机上安装了。

The simplest way to handle this is a tool called DriverMax, which will allow you to backup and restore your drivers. More importantly, it will allow you to pick a particular driver that is installed on the system and export it into a folder for reinstallation later or elsewhere.

解决此问题的最简单方法是一个名为DriverMax的工具,它将允许您备份和还原驱动程序。 更重要的是,它将允许您选择系统上安装的特定驱动程序,并将其导出到文件夹中,以便以后或其他地方重新安装。

You can use this tool to export drivers from either Vista or XP, and you could even try and use some of your working XP drivers in Vista if you were forced to. (This won’t always work)

您可以使用此工具从Vista或XP导出驱动程序,如果被迫甚至可以尝试在Vista中使用某些工作的XP驱动程序。 (这并不总是有效的)

Launch DriverMax after installation, and you’ll be presented with this graphically pleasing screen where you can select the “Export drivers” option.


You’ll have to hit the next button to get to the list of drivers. This should show you all drivers installed on your system.

您必须单击下一步才能进入驱动程序列表。 这应该显示您系统上安装的所有驱动程序。

You can select just the particular driver you are trying to transfer, or you can use Select all if you wanted to backup your entire driver list (useful).


Use the next button again and you’ll be taken to a screen where you can choose how to backup the drivers. If you are trying to move the drivers between machines you should choose the option to export to a folder.

再次使用下一步按钮,将转到一个屏幕,您可以在其中选择如何备份驱动程序。 如果尝试在计算机之间移动驱动程序,则应选择导出到文件夹的选项。

Use the next button again and everything is done. You’ll be able to directly open the folder using the “Open extraction folder” button.

再次使用下一步按钮,一切完成。 您将可以使用“打开提取文件夹”按钮直接打开文件夹。

In here you should see the folders containing the actual driver files. This is what you’ll want to copy to the other computer using a thumb drive.

在这里,您应该看到包含实际驱动程序文件的文件夹。 这就是您要使用拇指驱动器复制到另一台计算机的内容。

On the other computer, you can choose to update the drivers for the problem device, and when you are prompted on how you want to search, just choose to “Browse my computer for driver software” and then pick the folder with your exported drivers.


These instructions are fairly generic, but I’ve found the basic principles to be very handy.


Download DriverMax from Innovative Solutions




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