DL20 Gen10 E-2136 1P 16G 4SFF CN-安装win2016系统在选择磁盘分区的时候提示阵列控制器s100i可能未在BIOS中启用,无法选择安装盘符


问题描述:F11安装系统选择磁盘分区时报错Windows cannot be installed to this disk .Thiscomputer's hardware may not support booting to this disk ensure that the disk'scontroller enabled in the BIOS menu.











Setup reports error “Windows cannot be installed to this disk..." when booted from DVD


Error 4: Windows Cannot Be Installed to This Disk. This Computer's Hardware May not Support Booting to This Disk.

Another error message you may receive during Windows installation is:

"Windows cannot be installed to this disk. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu."


Generally speaking, there are 2 possible reasons:

(1)Hard disk protection is enabled.

SATA Controller modewas set incorrectly (with incorrect drive mode, the very disk cannot be used normally).

Solution 1. Remove Hard Disk Protection

For the first situation, please read the specification or contact sales person to confirm whether there is hard disk protection if the computer is not configured by ourselves. If there is, remove the protection by following instructions.

(2)Solution 2. Change SATA Controller Mode

Fo2r the second situation, if we changed SATA Controller mode in BIOS before, try setting BIOS to factory settings. Different BIOS gives different options to set itself to factory settings, like Restore Defaults, Load BIOS Defaults, and Load Optimal Defaults, so you should choose the correct one according to practical situations.

However, when this solution does not work, you must change hard disk mode manually in BIOS. If the current state is IDE, change it to AHCI. If the current mode is AHCI, change it to IDE, etc. Actually, if Compatibility or Compatible is given, you must choose this mode.

change sata controller mode

Moreover, when you are installing Data Center or Enterprise Server edition of Windows Server 2008/R2 or later to a raw disk via CD or DVD, you may get the same error. This is because the default SAN policy during setup on new installations of Data Center or Enterprise SKUs is Offline Shared, which applies Offline and Read Only attributes to any presented disks that are on a shared bus and not considered as System or Boot disks.

RAW disks cannot be detected as System or Boot, leading to offline and read only attributes. As a result, you cannot install Windows to this kind of disks. To solve the problem, configure the default SAN policy to OnlineAll. For detailed steps, please see the corresponding Setup Reports Error of Microsoft.

To avoid this issue, configure the default SAN policy to OnlineAll using an unattend answer file integrated into the boot.wim and install.wim images of the installation media to install from or use the setsanpolicy.cmd included with WAIK or the OPK

WARNING: After the installation completes ensure you reset the SAN policy back to OfflineShared using Diskpart.exe to to prevent data loss in scenarios where disks are unintentionally presented to a server that contain critical data.


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