用到as3 解压缩zip文件.上网找了都是只能解压缩生成bytearray,而不是直接生成文件或目录结构.所以只能自己根据bytearray手动实现..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
import com.coltware.airxzip.*;
import com.coltware.airxzip.ZipEntry;
import com.coltware.airxzip.ZipError;
import com.coltware.airxzip.ZipFileReader;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Alert;
private var arrColl:ArrayCollection;
private var outputPath:String;
private var urlVars:URLVariables;
private var downloadFile:File;
private var urlReq:URLRequest;
private const FILE_URL:String = "";
private var downloadPath:String;
private function init():void
downloadFile = new File();
arrColl = new ArrayCollection();
downloadFile = new File();
downloadFile.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, doEvent);
downloadFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, doEvent);
downloadFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, doEvent);
downloadFile.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, doEvent);
downloadFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, doEvent);
downloadFile.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, doEvent);
downloadFile.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, doEvent);
protected function downloadZip(event:MouseEvent):void
urlReq = new URLRequest(FILE_URL);
private function doEvent(evt:Event):void {
var fl:File = evt.currentTarget as File;
case "complete":
downloadPath = fl.url;
case "ioerror":
/* Add event order and type to the DataGrid control. */
arrColl.addItem({data:arrColl.length+1, type:evt.type, eventString:evt.toString()});
try {
/* Update the Model. */
fileRefModel.creationDate = fl.creationDate;
fileRefModel.creator = fl.creator;
fileRefModel.modificationDate = fl.modificationDate;
fileRefModel.name = fl.name;
fileRefModel.path = fl.url;
fileRefModel.size = fl.size;
fileRefModel.type = fl.type;
/* Display the Text control. */
txt.visible = true;
} catch (err:*) {
/* uh oh, an error of sorts. */
private function showAlert(item:Object):void {
Alert.show(item.eventString, item.type);
private function uncompress():void
var reader:ZipFileReader = unzip_init(fileRefModel.path);
var list:Array = reader.getEntries();
var file:File = new File();
var path:String = fileRefModel.path as String;
outputPath = path.substr(0, path.indexOf(fileRefModel.name)) + "indesign/";
for each(var entry:ZipEntry in list){
file.url = outputPath + entry.getFilename();
//trace("DIR  --->" + entry.getFilename());
var bytes:ByteArray = reader.unzip(entry);
file.url = outputPath + entry.getFilename();
file.resolvePath(outputPath + entry.getFilename());
var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
fileStream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE);
//删除 zip文件
private function delZip():void
var zipFile:File = new File(fileRefModel.path);
private function openIndesign():void
var file:File = new File();
file.url = outputPath + "2/demo/staticImage.html";
private  function unzip_init(filepath:String):ZipFileReader{
var reader:ZipFileReader = new ZipFileReader();
var file:File = new File(filepath);
return reader;
<!-- 将非可视元素(例如服务、值对象)放在此处 -->
<fx:Model id="fileRefModel">
<s:Button id="downloadBtn" label="download" click="downloadZip(event)" toolTip="预览"/>
<mx:DataGrid id="debug" dataProvider="{arrColl}" width="{downloadBtn.width}" rowCount="5" rowHeight="22" itemClick="showAlert(event.currentTarget.selectedItem)">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="data" headerText="#" width="20" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="type" headerText="Type" showDataTips="true" dataTipField="eventString" />
<mx:Text id="txt" condenseWhite="true" visible="false">
creationDate: {fileRefModel.creationDate}
creator: {fileRefModel.creator}
modificationDate: {fileRefModel.modificationDate}
name: {fileRefModel.name}
path: {fileRefModel.path}
size: {fileRefModel.size}
type: {fileRefModel.type}




当然ByteArray类本身就带了数据压缩和解压缩的方法,可以用在flash player使用zlib算法和AIR程序使用多种算法。在FLASH跟PHP作为后台的编程中,我后来选择了ByteArray的compress方法来做zlib算法的压缩,用这个方法用的比较顺手,而且很快。


AS3 Zip: AS 3 下用来读取和写入zip文件的类库
    FZip: FZip 是一个用于AS 3 下读取、创建、修改zip压缩包的类库
    ASZip: AS 3 用于创建zip文件的类库
    LZMA Encoder: AS3下使用LZMA算法压缩数据的类库.
    LZMA Decoder: 跟上面类库对应的用于LZMA算法解压缩数据.
    AsCompress: AS3下 GZIP压缩和解压缩类库,好像需要SDK版本在4.x以上,flash cs3下不可用。
    Gzip for HTTPService/URLLoader: 给你的 Flex/AIR HTTPService/URLLoader增加gzip支持
    airxzip: AIR的zip类库



While working on one of my projects where I needed compression for transfered data, I hit some very interesting compression libraries. Also the ByteArray class contains compress method, using zlib algorithm in flash player or multiple algorithms in AIR. At the end I decided to useByteArray.compress() method for encoding vs. PHP gzuncompress for decoding, what works correctly, fast and smooth.

Here is a list of 3rd party compression libraries and other good stuff:

AS3 Zip: ActionScript 3 based library for reading and writing zip files
    FZip: FZip is an Actionscript 3 class library to load, modify and create standard ZIP archives.
    ASZip: ActionScript 3 library to generate ZIP files
    LZMA Encoder: AS3 class to compress data using LZMA algorithm.
    LZMA Decoder: A part of the apparat framework.
    GZIP: ActionScript GZIP compression library
    Gzip for HTTPService/URLLoader: Adding Gzip support for Flex/AIR HTTPService/URLLoader
    airxzip: Zip library for ActionScript3 on AIR

If you know some more, please let me know.

from: http://www.cnblogs.com/rob0121/articles/2300556.html


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