
You don’t need any special software to transfer photos and videos from an iPhone to a Windows PC. You don’t even need iTunes. All you need is the Lightning-to-USB cable you use for charging.

您无需任何特殊软件即可将照片和视频从iPhone传输到Windows PC。 您甚至不需要iTunes。 您所需要的只是用于充电的Lightning-to-USB电缆。

In fact, Apple’s iTunes software doesn’t even have a built-in way to copy photos from your iPhone to your PC. It does have a photo sync feature, but that’s just for copying photos from your PC to your iPhone.

实际上,Apple的iTunes软件甚至没有内置的方式将照片从iPhone复制到PC。 它确实具有照片同步功能,但这仅用于将照片从PC复制到iPhone。

使用文件资源管理器或Windows资源管理器 (Use File Explorer or Windows Explorer)

Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer using the included Lightning-to-USB cable to get started. This is the same cable you use for charging your phone.

使用随附的Lightning-to-USB电缆将iPhone或iPad连接到计算机,以开始使用。 这是用于为手机充电的电缆。

The first time you connect it to your computer, you’ll see a popup asking you to trust your computer (if you have iTunes installed) or allow access to your photos and videos (if you don’t have iTunes installed). Tap “Trust” or “Allow” to give your computer access to your photos. You may have to unlock your iPhone before you see this popup.

首次将其连接到计算机时,会出现一个弹出窗口,要求您信任计算机 (如果已安装iTunes)或允许访问照片和视频(如果未安装iTunes)。 点按“信任”或“允许”以使计算机可以访问您的照片。 您可能需要解锁iPhone才能看到此弹出窗口。

Your iPhone appears as a new device under “This PC” in File Explorer on Windows 10 or “Computer” in Windows Explorer on Windows 7. Head here and double-click it.

您的iPhone将作为新设备显示在Windows 10上的文件资源管理器中的“此PC”或Windows 7上的Windows资源管理器中的“计算机”下。在此处双击它。

If you don’t see the iPhone under This PC or Computer, unplug the iPhone, plug it back in, and ensure it’s unlocked.


Double-click the “DCIM” folder inside the iPhone device. Your photos and videos are stored in a 100APPLE folder. If you have lots of photos and videos, you’ll see additional folders named 101APPLE, 102APPLE, and so on. If you use iCloud to store photos, you’ll also see folders named 100Cloud, 101Cloud, and so on.

双击iPhone设备内的“ DCIM”文件夹。 您的照片和视频存储在100APPLE文件夹中。 如果您有很多照片和视频,则会看到名为101APPLE,102APPLE等的其他文件夹。 如果您使用iCloud存储照片,还将看到名为100Cloud,101Cloud等的文件夹。

The standard DCIM folder is the only thing you’ll see on your iPhone. You can’t access any other files on your iPhone from here.

标准的DCIM文件夹是您在iPhone上看到的唯一内容。 您无法从此处访问iPhone上的任何其他文件。

You’ll see your photos as .JPG files, videos as .MOV files, and screenshots as .PNG files. You can double-click them to view them right from your iPhone. You can also copy them to your PC using either drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste.

您将以.JPG文件形式查看照片,以.MOV文件形式查看视频,并以.PNG文件形式查看屏幕截图。 您可以双击它们以直接在iPhone上查看它们。 您也可以使用拖放或复制粘贴将它们复制到PC。

If you delete an item in the DCIM folder, it’s removed from your iPhone’s storage.


To import everything from your iPhone, you could just copy-and-paste or drag-and-drop the 100APPLE folder (and any other folders) inside the DCIM folder. Or, you could just grab the whole DCIM folder if you want. Just make sure to copy instead of move the items, if you want them to remain on your phone.

要从iPhone导入所有内容,您可以复制并粘贴或拖放DCIM文件夹内的100APPLE文件夹(和其他任何文件夹)。 或者,您可以根据需要获取整个DCIM文件夹。 如果您希望它们保留在手机上,只需确保复制而不是移动它们即可。

If you see files with the .HIEC file extension, that indicates your iPhone is taking photos using the new HEIF image format. This is the default setting as of iOS 11, but you need third-party software to view these files on Windows.

如果您看到带有.HIEC文件扩展名的文件,则表明您的iPhone正在使用新的HEIF图像格式拍照 。 这是iOS 11的默认设置,但是您需要第三方软件才能在Windows上查看这些文件。

However, you don’t have to disable HEIF on your iPhone to make these photos more compatible. On your iPhone, head to Settings > Photos, scroll down, and then tap “Automatic” under Transfer to Mac or PC. Your iPhone automatically converts the photos to .JPEG files when you import them to a PC.

但是,您不必在iPhone上禁用HEIF即可使这些照片更加兼容。 在您的iPhone上,转到“设置”>“照片”,向下滚动,然后在“转移到Mac或PC”下点击“自动”。 将照片导入PC时,iPhone会自动将它们转换为.JPEG文件。

If you select “Keep Originals” instead, your iPhone will give you the original .HEIC files.


使用Windows照片(或其他应用程序)导入照片 (Import Photos With Windows Photos (or Other Applications))

Any application that can import photos from a digital camera or USB device can also import photos from an iPhone or iPad. The iPhone exposes a DCIM folder, so it looks just like any other digital camera to software on your PC. As when using the Windows file manager, you just have to connect it via a Lightning-to-USB cable and tap “Trust” on your phone.

可以从数码相机或USB设备导入照片的任何应用程序也可以从iPhone或iPad导入照片。 iPhone会显示一个DCIM文件夹,因此与PC上的任何其他数码相机一样,它看起来像软件。 与使用Windows文件管理器一样,您只需通过Lightning-to-USB电缆将其连接,然后在手机上点击“信任”即可。

For example, you can open the Photos application included with Windows 10, and then click the “Import” button on the toolbar to get a slick import experience. Photos you import in this way are saved in your Pictures folder.

例如,您可以打开Windows 10附带的“照片”应用程序,然后单击工具栏上的“导入”按钮以获得流畅的导入体验。 以这种方式导入的照片将保存在“图片”文件夹中。

Any other application that offers an “Import From Camera” or “Import From USB” function should work with your iPhone, too. Many other image management and photography programs offer this feature.

提供“从相机导入”或“从USB导入”功能的任何其他应用程序也应与您的iPhone一起使用。 许多其他图像管理和摄影程序都提供此功能。

将照片与iCloud照片库(或其他服务)同步 (Sync Your Photos With iCloud Photo Library (or Other Services))

If you don’t want to connect your iPhone to your PC via a cable, you can also use online photo synchronization services. These won’t just upload photos from your iPhone to the cloud—they’ll also download those photos from the cloud to your PC. You’ll end up with a copy stored online and a copy stored on your PC.

如果您不想通过电缆将iPhone连接到PC,也可以使用在线照片同步服务。 这些不仅将照片从您的iPhone上传到云,还将把这些照片从云下载到您的PC。 您将最终获得一份在线存储的副本和一份存储在PC上的副本。

For example, you can enable iCloud Photo Library on your iPhone by heading to Settings > Photos and activating “iCloud Photo Library” if it isn’t already enabled. Your iPhone will then automatically upload your photos to your Apple iCloud account.

例如,您可以在iPhone上启用iCloud照片库 ,方法是转到“设置”>“照片”,然后激活“ iCloud照片库”(如果尚未启用)。 然后,您的iPhone将自动将您的照片上传到您的Apple iCloud帐户。

You can then install iCloud for Windows, sign in with your Apple ID, and enable the “Photos” feature in the iCloud control panel. Click the “Options” button to control where photos are stored on your PC and adjust other settings.

然后,您可以安装Windows版iCloud ,使用Apple ID登录,并在iCloud控制面板中启用“照片”功能。 单击“选项”按钮以控制照片在PC上的存储位置并调整其他设置。

Photos that you take are automatically uploaded to your iCloud Photo Library, and then the iCloud software automatically downloads a copy of them to your PC.


This isn’t the only application you can use for synchronizing photos to your PC. The Dropbox, Google Photos, and Microsoft OneDrive apps for iPhone all offer automatic photo-upload features, and you can use the Dropbox, Google Backup and Sync, and OneDrive tools for Windows to automatically download those photos to your PC.

这不是可用于将照片同步到PC的唯一应用程序。 适用于iPhone的Dropbox , Google Photos和Microsoft OneDrive应用程序均提供自动照片上传功能,并且您可以使用Windows的Dropbox , Google Backup and Sync和OneDrive工具将这些照片自动下载到PC。

Just keep in mind that with these services, you’re actually syncing those folders. So, if you delete something from a synced folder on your PC, it is also deleted on your phone.

请记住,使用这些服务实际上是在同步那些文件夹。 因此,如果您从PC上已同步的文件夹中删除某些内容,则该内容也会在您的手机上删除。

Image Credit: Wachiwit/Shutterstock.com

图片来源: Wachiwit /Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/345540/how-to-transfer-photos-from-an-iphone-to-a-pc/



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