Scripting 继续上一讲

Processing 处理



当使用Node.set_process() 设置后,空闲处理会被激活。一旦被激活,Node._process()就会在每一帧回调。


func _ready():set_process(true)func _process(delta):[dosomething..]



extends Labelvar accum=0func _ready():set_process(true)func _process(delta):accum+=deltaset_text(str(accum))
Groups 组
节点可以添加到组(按照每个节点的需要添加)。在管理大的场景的时候,这是一个简单但是有用的功能。有两个方法可以做这件事情,一是通过UI界面的组按钮Groups Button,可以看下面的图:


func _ready():add_to_group("enemies")
func _on_discovered():get_scene().call_group(0,"guards","player_was_discovered")


var guards = get_scene().get_nodes_in_group("guards")


func _notification(what):if (what==NOTIFICATION_READY):print("This is the same as overriding _ready()...")elif (what==NOTIFICATION_PROCESS):     var delta = get_process_time()print("This is the same as overriding _process()...")
Overrideable Function
func _enter_scene():pass # When the node enters the active scene, this function is called. Children nodes have not entered the active scene yet. In general, it's better to use _ready() for most cases.func _ready():pass # This function is called after _enter_scene, but it ensures that all children nodes have also entered the active scene, and they are all functional.func _exit_scene():pass # When the node exists the active scene, this function is called. Children nodes have all exited the active scene at this point.func _process(delta):pass # When set_process() is enabled, this is called every framefunc _fixed_process(delta):pass # When set_fixed_process() is enabled, this is called every physics framefunc _paused():pass #Called when game is paused, after this call, the node will not receive any more process callbacksfunc _unpaused():pass #Called when game is unpaused   


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