
All of thestatistical models described in Sec. 2.2.5 applyto the scattering observed from a single resolution cell.


That is, theyrepresent the variations in RCS observed by measuring the same region ofphysical space multiple times, for example by transmitting multiple pulses inthe same direction and measuring the received power at the same delay aftereach transmission.


Another use of theproduct model of Eq. (2.74) is to describe the spatial variation of clutterreflectivity.


If the scene beingviewed by the radar is nonhomogenous, then the characteristics of the RCSobserved in one resolution cell might vary significantly from those of another.


For example, thedominant clutter observed by a scanning radar at a coastal site might be anurban area in one look direction and the sea in another.


Another exampleoccurs when scattered rain cells occupy only part of the scanned region, sothat some resolution cells contain rain while others are clear.


This situation can bemodeled by letting the slowly decorrelating term x in the product modelrepresent spatial variations in the local mean of the received voltage.


If the PDF of x islog-normal with a large variance and the PDF of ζ conditioned on x is gammadistributed (which includes Rayleigh as a special case), then the overall PDFof the product ζx has a log-normal distribution (Lewinski, 1983).


Consequently, theproduct model implies that log-normal variations of the local mean from oneresolution cell to another could account for the log-normal variation oftenused to model ground clutter returns.


A similar argumentcan be used to justify the log-normal model for target RCS by modeling thevariation of RCS with aspect angle as a log-normal process.

2.4. 噪声模型与信噪比

2.4. Noise Model andSignal-to-Noise Ratio


The echo signalreceived from a target or clutter inevitably competes with noise.


There are two sourcesof noise: that received through the antenna from external sources, and thatgenerated in the radar receiver itself.


External noise is astrong function of the direction in which the radar antenna is pointed.


The primarycontributor is the sun.


If the antenna isdirected toward the night sky and there are no interfering microwave sources,the primary source is galactic (also called cosmic) noise.


Internal noise sourcesinclude thermal noise (also called Johnson noise) due to ohmic losses, shotnoise and partition noise due to the quantum nature of electric current, andflicker noise due to surface leakage effects in conducting and semiconductingdevices (Carlson, 1976).


Of these varioussources, thermal noise is normally dominant.


The theories ofstatistical and quantum mechanics dictate that the thermal noise voltage in anelectronic circuit is a zero-mean Gaussian random process (Curlander andMcDonough, 1991).

——本文译自Mark A. Richards所著的《Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing(Second edition)》



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