
Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass promises access to over 100 games for a $10 per month subscription fee. Microsoft wants Xbox Game Pass to be the “Netflix of video games”—but is it really worth it?

微软的Xbox Game Pass承诺以每月10美元的订阅费访问100多种游戏。 微软希望Xbox Game Pass成为“视频游戏的Netflix”,但真的值得吗?

Update: We originally reviewed Xbox Game Pass in 2017 and found it a little lacking. But, at the end of 2019, Xbox Game Pass now offers a more compelling library of games to play. Check out the current games list. Some new games, like The Outer Worlds, have even been added to Xbox Game Pass at release. Beyond that, Xbox Game Pass is now available for Windows 10 PCs, although the library of games available on PC is different.

更新:我们最初在2017年回顾了Xbox Game Pass,发现有点不足。 但是,到2019年底,Xbox Game Pass现在提供了一个更具吸引力的游戏库。 查看当前游戏列表。 发行时,Xbox Game Pass还添加了一些新游戏,例如The Outer Worlds 。 除此之外,尽管PC上可用的游戏库有所不同,但Xbox Game Pass现在可用于Windows 10 PC 。

什么是Xbox Game Pass? (What Is Xbox Game Pass?)

Xbox Game Pass gives you unlimited access to a game library for one monthly fee. Rather than paying for each game you want to play, you pay $10 per month for unlimited access to a catalog of games. You can play these games all you like. There’s also a fourteen-day free trial to get you started.

Xbox Game Pass可让您无限制地访问游戏库,而每月需付费一次。 您无需每月为要玩的游戏付费,而是每月支付10美元,即可无限制地访问游戏目录。 您可以随心所欲地玩这些游戏。 还有一个为期14天的免费试用版,可以帮助您入门。

Unlike Sony’s PlayStation Now, which streams games over the Internet, Xbox Game Pass isn’t doing anything too unconventional. Paying the subscription fee allows you to download games to your Xbox One and play them like you would any other game you purchased from the Xbox Store.

与通过互联网流式传输游戏的索尼PlayStation Now有所不同,Xbox Game Pass所做的事情并不过分传统。 支付订阅费后,您便可以将游戏下载到Xbox One并像从Xbox商店购买的任何其他游戏一样进行游戏。

This service requires an Xbox One. Microsoft may one day extend Xbox Game Pass to Windows 10 PCs, but that hasn’t happened yet. While it does incorporate Xbox 360 games, those games can only be played in backwards compatibility mode on an Xbox One—not on an Xbox 360.

此服务需要Xbox One。 微软可能有一天将Xbox Game Pass扩展到Windows 10 PC,但这还没有发生。 虽然它确实包含Xbox 360游戏,但是这些游戏只能在Xbox One上以向后兼容模式进行播放,而不能在Xbox 360上进行。

Note that Xbox Game Pass is separate from Xbox Live Gold, Microsoft’s subscription service that enables online multiplayer gameplay, allows access to game deals, and offers free games every month. You can use Xbox Game Pass without paying for Xbox Live Gold. However, if a game available via Xbox Game Pass has online multiplayer features, you can only play multiplayer if you’re also paying for Xbox Live Gold.

请注意,Xbox Game Pass与Microsoft的订阅服务Xbox Live Gold是分开的,它可以启用在线多人游戏,允许访问游戏交易,并每月提供免费游戏。 您可以使用Xbox Game Pass,而无需支付Xbox Live Gold。 但是,如果通过Xbox Game Pass提供的游戏具有在线多人游戏功能,则只有在您还支付Xbox Live Gold费用的情况下,您才可以玩多人游戏。

有多少种游戏可用? (How Many Games Are Available?)

So Xbox Game Pass is pretty simple: For $10 per month, you get access to a catalog of games and you can download and play them all you want on your Xbox One.

因此,Xbox Game Pass非常简单:每月10美元,您就可以访问游戏目录,然后可以在Xbox One上下载并播放所有想要的游戏。

What makes or breaks a service like this is the selection of games. As of July 12, 2017, there are 119 games available in the catalog. They aren’t all Xbox One games. In fact, the majority of them are Xbox 360 games that you can play on your Xbox One through the backwards compatibility feature.

决定服务成败的是游戏的选择。 截至2017年7月12日,目录中提供119种游戏。 它们并非全部都是Xbox One游戏。 实际上,其中大多数是Xbox 360游戏,您可以通过向后兼容功能在Xbox One上进行游戏。

You will see some big-name games here. You’ll find five games from the Gears of War series, Halo 5: Guardians, all three BioShock games, NBA 2K16, Saints Row IV: Re-Elected, and more. But the list is rounded out with older Xbox 360 games and smaller indie games. That doesn’t mean they’re bad, but you certainly aren’t getting all the latest full-price Xbox One games. You can view the full list of Xbox Game Pass games on Microsoft’s website. Microsoft adds new games every month.

您会在这里看到一些大牌游戏。 您会发现《战争机器》系列中的五款游戏,《光晕5:守护者》 ,全部三本《生化奇兵》游戏,《 NBA 2K16》 ,《圣徒街IV:重新当选》等等。 但是,该列表在较旧的Xbox 360游戏和较小的独立游戏中更为完整。 这并不意味着它们很糟糕,但是您肯定不会获得所有最新的全价Xbox One游戏。 您可以在Microsoft网站上查看Xbox Game Pass游戏的完整列表。 微软每个月都会增加新游戏。

记住,您必须先下载它们 (Remember, You’ll Have to Download Them First)

There’s one major way this experience doesn’t compare to Netflix or even Sony’s PlayStation Now. While both Netflix and PlayStation Now allow you to start streaming a video or game immediately, Xbox Game Pass requires you download a game to your Xbox One before you play it.

与Netflix甚至索尼的PlayStation Now相比,这种体验有一种主要的方法。 尽管Netflix和PlayStation Now现在都允许您立即开始流式传输视频或游戏,但Xbox Game Pass要求您在播放之前将游戏下载到Xbox One。

For example, BioShock Infinite, which is 13 GB in size, took nearly an hour to download on our fairly speedy Internet connection.

例如,大小为13 GB的BioShock Infinite花费了将近一个小时的时间才能通过我们相当快速的Internet连接进行下载。

If you plan on sticking with a game, that’s good news. You’ll have better performance with the game installed on your Xbox One. But you can’t just sit down and flip through a few games, trying each for a few minutes and seeing what you like. You’ll need to download each game in full before you play it.

如果您打算坚持玩游戏,那将是个好消息。 Xbox One上安装的游戏将为您带来更好的性能。 但是,您不能只是坐下来翻阅一些游戏,尝试每个游戏几分钟,然后看看自己喜欢什么。 在玩游戏之前,您需要完整下载每个游戏。

That’s fine, really—it’s the standard experience with Xbox One games, after all. Just don’t expect anything else. How long you have to wait before playing a game will depend on the speed of your Internet connection.

真的,那很好-毕竟,这是Xbox One游戏的标准体验。 只是别指望。 您必须等待多长时间才能玩游戏,这取决于您的Internet连接速度。

Once a game is installed, you can play it all you like. If your Xbox Game Pass subscription expires, the game will remain installed, but you won’t be able to play it until you either resubscribe or purchase the game. You don’t get to keep games you download via Xbox Game Pass—you lose access to them when your subscription stops.

安装游戏后,您可以随心所欲地玩游戏。 如果您的Xbox Game Pass订阅到期,则该游戏将保持安装状态,但是您必须重新订阅或购买游戏才能玩它。 您不必保留通过Xbox Game Pass下载的游戏-当订阅停止时,您将无法访问它们。

那么,值得吗? (So, Is It Worth It?)

Whether Xbox Game Pass is worth it is a tough question. If you have a lot of time and want to play a lot of games, you’ll get a month of access to over 100 games for $10, and that’s quite the deal.

Xbox Game Pass是否值得,这是一个棘手的问题。 如果您有很多时间并且想玩很多游戏,那么您一个月就能以10美元的价格使用100多个游戏,这很划算。

The limiting factor, of course, is time. How many of those games do you really want to play, and how fast will you play them?

限制因素当然是时间。 您真的想玩多少个这些游戏,您将玩多快?

The real issue here is that Xbox Game Pass largely gives you access to older games. You can often pick up used copies of these older games for very low prices, so that $10 a month may not be quite as awesome as it seems.

真正的问题是Xbox Game Pass在很大程度上允许您访问较旧的游戏。 您通常可以很低的价格买到这些旧游戏的二手副本,这样每月10美元的费用似乎就不那么令人敬畏了。

Let’s say you’re interested in the BioShock series, all three games of which are available on the $10 per month Xbox Game Pass. A quick glance at eBay reveals you can currently buy the Xbox 360 version of BioShock Infinite for $4.59 with free shipping on eBay. So, if finishing the game will take you a few weeks, it’s less expensive to simply buy a used copy and play it at your leisure. On the other hand, if you plan on tearing through BioShock Infinite in just a few days and moving on to a new game, Xbox Game Pass looks like a great value.

假设您对《生化奇兵》系列感兴趣,可以在每月10美元的Xbox Game Pass上获得所有这三款游戏。 快速浏览一下eBay,即可了解到您目前可以以4.59美元的价格购买Xbox 360版本的BioShock Infinite,并在eBay上免费送货。 因此,如果完成游戏将花费您数周时间,那么只需购买二手副本并在闲暇时玩就可以省钱了。 另一方面,如果您打算在短短几天内突破BioShock Infinite并继续开发新游戏,则Xbox Game Pass看起来很有价值。

Be sure to consider which games you actually want to play and decide whether it’s a better deal to buy them separately, considering how much time you have for games. Personally, considering how much time I have for games these days, I know Xbox Game Pass is a worse deal than simply buying the games I want to play. I’m not sold, myself.

确保考虑自己有多少时间玩游戏,并考虑单独购买它们是否是更好的选择。 就个人而言,考虑到这些天我有多少游戏时间,我知道Xbox Game Pass比单纯购买我想玩的游戏更糟糕。 我自己没有被卖掉。

But you can try Xbox Game Pass for yourself thanks to that fourteen day free trial. If nothing else, it’ll let you play some games for free for two weeks.

但是由于十四天的免费试用期,您可以自己尝试Xbox Game Pass。 如果没有别的,它会让您免费玩两个星期的游戏。

Just be sure to cancel the free trial before the fourteen days are up if you don’t want to keep it. If you forget, Microsoft will begin charging you $10 per month until you remember to cancel. You can view and cancel this subscription on your Microsoft account’s Services & subscriptions page, if you like.

如果您不想保留免费试用,请务必在十四天之内取消免费试用。 如果您忘记了,Microsoft将开始每月向您收取10美元的费用,直到您记得取消为止。 如果愿意,您可以在Microsoft帐户的“服务和订阅”页面上查看和取消此订阅。



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