
It seems like more and more people are catching the learn to code bug these days. If YouTube, Instagram and Twitter are any sign of where things are headed then odds are you will eventually succumb to the charms of a “career in tech” and consider leaving your job as well.

这些天似乎越来越多的人开始学习编码错误。 如果YouTube,Instagram和Twitter指明了前进的方向,那么您最终将屈服于“技术职业”的魅力,并考虑辞职。

Listen, I love coding. I’ve been doing it for almost 20 years now, so I must love it. Otherwise I’ve wasted a large percentage of my human life. But back in 1998 or so, we did not have promises of giant salaries or remote island location. We didn’t even really have a useful internet just yet either.

听着,我喜欢编码。 我已经做了近20年了,所以我必须喜欢它。 否则,我浪费了我大部分的生命。 但是回到1998年左右,我们就没有高薪或离岛偏远的承诺。 我们甚至都还没有真正有用的互联网。

So if being a programmer calls to you on a deeper metaphysical level, then by all means start the journey and start it now, the second best time to do anything.


But if any of the following ring true to you, then at least hear me out and read the paragraph or two that follows before you make any harsh life changes.


5.因为你认为自己会做6位数 (5. Because you think you will make 6-figures)

I think one of the biggest misconceptions with the current way we’re treating a career in software development is with the minimum salary averages. Current rumors online point to 6-figures regardless of location, level of education or event level of skill. On a recent search through YouTube videos I myself saw various people boasting about $135,000 yearly salaries as junior developers for big-tech companies. There were lots of these videos.

我认为,目前我们对待软件开发职业的最大误解之一就是平均薪水最低。 当前的在线谣言指向6位数字,而不管位置,教育水平或事件技能水平如何。 在最近通过YouTube视频进行的搜索中,我本人看到,作为大型高科技公司的初级开发人员,各种人的年薪约为13.5万美元。 这些视频很多。

So of course that sounds appealing. You would be a fool not to learn HTML,CSS, JavaScript and submit your resume to Google.

因此,这当然很吸引人。 如果您不学习HTML,CSS,JavaScript并将您的简历提交给Google,那将是一个愚人。

Except that there’s plenty of competition out there. You are not the only person learning a front-end heavy development stack. And most of the large big-tech companies still require some form of University degree for development jobs.

除了那里有很多竞争之外。 您不是唯一学习前端繁重开发堆栈的人。 而且大多数大型高科技公司仍然需要某种形式的大学学位才能从事开发工作。

And if you add the word “junior” to any title, most online salary estimates will drop by $20,000 to $30,000, which is a substantial percentage. Salary also has much to do with your current location. San Francisco, for example, has been known to be on the higher echelon’s of wages, but with an equally high real-estate market.

而且,如果在任何标题中加上“ junior”(初级)一词,大多数在线工资估计将下降20,000美元至30,000美元,这一比例很高。 薪金也与您当前的位置有关。 例如,以旧金山的工资水平较高而闻名,但房地产市场同样较高。

So if your primary reason to get into coding is that big paycheck at the end, it is possible. But it just might take a few more years of work before you get there or it might even take moving to a different city.

因此,如果您进入编码的主要原因是最后的薪水很高,那是可能的。 但是到达那里可能只需要花费几年的时间,甚至可能需要搬到另一个城市。

4.因为您想远程工作 (4. Because you want to work remotely)

This is probably the most popular reason that I hear from people for wanting to learn to code. And I don’t get it. Coding has nothing to do with working remotely. You “can” do it of course. But you could also work on Excel sheets, proofread documents, write proposals remotely and pretty much work on anything that involves emails or MS Office. Working not in an office just requires some form of internet and a computer.

这可能是我听到人们想学习编码的最流行原因。 我不明白。 编码与远程工作无关。 您当然可以做到。 但是,您也可以处理Excel工作表,校对文档,远程编写建议书以及从事涉及电子邮件或MS Office的所有工作。 不在办公室工作仅需要某种形式的互联网和计算机。

You also have to find an employer willing to allow for remote work, which these days is actually easier to find. But typically working remotely for a company really involves a certain level of trust between both parties.

您还必须找到愿意进行远程工作的雇主,而如今这些日子实际上更容易找到。 但是通常为公司远程工作实际上涉及到双方之间一定程度的信任

And if you are new to programming in any shape, way or form, believe me, you don’t want to work alone in some dark corner of your house or apartment. In my almost 20 years as a programmer, I’ve benefited the most from being in an office environment surrounded by other developers, system admins, DBA’s and professional business people.

而且,如果您不熟悉任何形状,方式或形式的编程,请相信我,您不想在房子或公寓的某个黑暗角落独自工作。 在我作为程序员的将近20年里,我受益于在其他开发人员,系统管理员,DBA和专业商务人士所包围的办公环境中。

You have a better shot at remote work if you find your own clients of course. If you are a contractor or freelancer then you are free to work where you wish and when you wish. But this is considerably more difficult than your typical office employment and usually involves years of personal business development and networking.

如果您找到自己的客户,则可以更好地进行远程工作。 如果您是承包商或自由职业者,那么您可以自由地在您希望的位置和时间工作。 但这比您通常的办公室工作要困难得多,通常涉及数年的个人业务发展和联网。

Again, all possible and doable, but we just can’t ignore the actual effort that will need to go into it.


3.因为很有趣 (3. Because it’s fun)

Many people will take an online course or watch a YouTube video and end up creating some form of a .html page in which their picture appears and maybe a button that makes a number go up or down etc. To those uninitiated, then yes, this could be construed as a fun task.


I still remember setting my first static HTML website on the internet years ago. And it was exactly that. A top menu, followed by my photo and a quick blurb styled in a somewhat readable but overly dramatic font and font-size.

我仍然记得几年前在互联网上设置了我的第一个静态HTML网站。 就是这样。 顶部菜单,然后是我的照片和快速的Blur,其样式有点可读,但过于生动。

And I had a blast doing it. But then the actual work part began one day and it was not that. Not by a long shot. Problem solving is entertaining in general, I totally agree with that. But when there’s a deadline that’s hours away and there’s red errors and yellow warnings and no solution in sight, it is quite the opposite.

我为此大吃一惊。 但是,实际的工作是一天开始的,不是那样。 不是由一个长镜头。 解决问题通常很有趣,我完全同意。 但是,如果有一个小时的最后期限,并且有红色错误和黄色警告,并且看不到解决方案,那就完全相反了。

As with any other job, there is an underlying stress that can accompany it as well. But that’s true for any job really. A brewer can have an amazing day designing a new beer at work, only to go in the next day and find batches ruined by malfunctioning yeast cells missing a production deadline. It happens.

与其他任何工作一样,也存在潜在的压力。 但这确实适用于任何工作。 酿酒商可以在工作中设计出新啤酒,度过美好的一天,然后在第二天去发现因酵母细胞故障而错过生产期限的批次。 它发生了。

Again, being a programmer can be fun, absolutely. But that too will pass eventually and you will have to deal with its opposite. “Serious”?

同样,成为一名程序员绝对很有趣。 但这最终也会过去,您将不得不面对相反的情况。 “严重”?

2.因为将来每个人都编码 (2. Because in the future everyone codes)

Alot of people are fearful that machines are taking over and that Cyberdine is just around the corner waiting to make its move. I’ve been hearing that narrative since 1984 when Kyle Reese donned a pair of Nike Vandals and outran a T-800.

很多人担心机器正在接管,而赛百顿也迫在眉睫等待其发展。 自1984年凯尔·里斯(Kyle Reese)穿上一双耐克Vandals并超越了T-800以来,我一直在听到这种叙事。

I think that we live in a varied enough society that there will never truly be a “one job to rule them all” atmosphere. People just have way too many unique and personal interests.

我认为我们生活在一个足够多变的社会中,因此永远不会真正有一个“统治所有人”的氛围。 人们只是拥有太多独特和个人兴趣。

If the goal is to transition over to the most popular (or successful) trade currently, then you might have better luck learning social media management these days. No coding required.

如果目标是过渡到当前最受欢迎(或成功)的交易,那么最近这些天学习社交媒体管理可能会更好。 无需编码。

The only reason that developers typically have higher salaries, is because they are working on a business or technology that pays for that lifestyle. That implies a business team, a marketing team, content creation and a slew of other skills in order to have a profitable service that warrants engineering of any kind.

开发人员通常会获得更高的薪水的唯一原因是,因为他们正在从事能够为这种生活方式付费的业务或技术。 这意味着业务团队,市场营销团队,内容创建和其他技能组合,才能获得可保证进行任何工程设计的有利可图的服务。

As I said, the future is still going to be as varied as the many talents that help to put it together.


Or you might just continue to strive doing something that you truly enjoy doing. If you are good at what you do, then believe me, you will do just fine in life as soon as you decide to tell people.

或者,您可能会继续努力做自己真正喜欢做的事情。 如果您擅长做事,那么请相信我,一旦您决定告诉别人,您的生活就会很好。

1.因为其他人都在做 (1. Because everyone else is doing it)

If everyone jumped out of the bridge, would you do it it? Probably. I think we all would. If everyone is doing it, there must be a good reason after all.

如果每个人都跳出桥,您愿意吗? 大概。 我想我们都会。 如果每个人都在这样做,那么毕竟必须有充分的理由。

I personally think life is more interesting when we are the odd person out. When we go left instead of right and when we run back into the chaos just to take a peek.

我个人认为,当我们成为陌生人时,生活会更有趣。 当我们向左走而不是向右走时,当我们陷入混乱中只是为了窥视。

When I graduated from high school, I was the only person that I was aware of going into a technical field. And in early 2000’s, engineering departments in universities were tucked away at the corners of the campus. The smell of circuit boards getting soldered permeated the hallways and nobody talked about JavaScript.

高中毕业时,我是唯一知道进入技术领域的人。 在2000年代初期,大学的工程系藏在校园的角落。 电路板被焊接的气味弥漫在走廊上,没人谈论JavaScript。

For a newcomer, it was still mysterious. Much like those looking to find entrance into ancient mystery schools in search of ancient knowledge. The terminology was new, the concepts were vague and in a sense the more you learned, the less you ended up knowing.

对于新来者来说,它仍然是神秘的。 就像那些寻求进入古代神秘学校以寻求古代知识的人一样。 术语是新的,概念很模糊,从某种意义上说,您学得越多,最终了解的越少。

To those I say, find your own personal mystery school.


If you made it to this point and have not yet been deterred in any way, then you might do just fine in this field. But there is no field that is “for everyone”, that really is the takeaway.

如果您到现在为止还没有受到任何阻碍,那么在此领域中您可能会做的很好。 但是,没有一个领域适合所有人,这确实是外卖。

Sometimes, the only way to really know is to just dive in and take a look for yourself.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/5-reasons-why-you-should-not-learn-to-code-73e3c1216582




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