本文翻译自:Sublime Text: Select all instances of a variable and edit variable name

I'm new to Sublime, and I just discovered that if I select a variable (not just any string) in my code, all other instances of that variable get a stroke (white outline) around them: 我是Sublime的新手,我刚刚发现,如果我在代码中选择一个变量 (不仅仅是任何字符串),该变量的所有其他实例都会在它们周围得到一个笔划(白色轮廓):

Is there a keyboard shortcut that will let me select all of those instances of the variable and edit them all at once? 是否有键盘快捷键可以让我选择变量的所有实例并一次编辑它们?

Things I've tried: 我试过的事情:

Using ⌘ D , ⌘ K , and ⌘ U lets me select them one-by-one, but I have to manually exclude the non-variable string matches: 使用⌘d,⌘K和⌘ü让我一个接一个地选择它们,但我必须手动排除非可变字符串匹配:

And using Ctrl ⌘ G simply selects all the string matches: 并用Ctrl⌘ 摹简单地选择所有的字符串匹配:

Clearly, Sublime is able to differentiate between variable- and string-matches. 显然,Sublime能够区分变量匹配和字符串匹配。 Is there no way to select just the variable matches? 有没有办法只选择变量匹配?




Despite much effort, I have not found a built-in or plugin-assisted way to do what you're trying to do. 尽管付出了很多努力,但我还没有找到内置或插件辅助的方式来做你想做的事情。 I completely agree that it should be possible, as the program can distinguish foo from buffoon when you first highlight it, but no one seems to know a way of doing it. 我完全同意它应该是可能的,因为当你第一次突出它时,程序可以区分foobuffoon ,但似乎没有人知道这样做的方法。

However, here are some useful key combos for selecting words in Sublime Text 2: 但是,这里有一些有用的关键组合,用于在Sublime Text 2中选择单词:

Ctrl ⌘ G - selects all occurrences of the current word ( Alt F3 on Windows/Linux) 按Ctrl⌘ 摹 -选择当前单词的所有出现(Alt键 F3在Windows / Linux的)

⌘ D - selects the next instance of the current word ( Ctrl D ) ⌘d -选择当前字的下一个实例(Ctrl键 d)

  • ⌘ K , ⌘ D - skips the current instance and goes on to select the next one ( Ctrl K , Ctrl D ) ⌘K,⌘d -跳过当前实例并继续选择下一个( 按Ctrl K,Ctrl键 d)
  • ⌘ U - "soft undo", moves back to the previous selection ( Ctrl U ) ⌘ü - “软撤消”,移回到先前的选择(Ctrl键 U)

⌘ E , ⌘ H - uses the current selection as the "Find" field in Find and Replace ( Ctrl E , Ctrl H ) ⌘E,⌘^ h -使用当前的选择作为“查找”字段中查找和替换( 按Ctrl E, 按Ctrl 1H)



⚠️ the key is to start with an empty selection ⚠️ – don't highlight; ⚠️关键是从一个空的选择开始⚠️ - 不要突出显示; just move your cursor there. 只需光标移动到那里。

2. PRESS ⌘ D as needed. 2.按 ⌘d根据需要。 Not on a Mac? 不在Mac上? Ctrl D Ctrl D

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