Mario is world-famous plumber. His “burly” figure and amazing jumping ability reminded in our memory. Now the poor princess is in trouble again and Mario needs to save his lover. We regard the road to the boss’s castle as a line (the length is n), on every integer point i there is a brick on height hi. Now the question is how many bricks in [L, R] Mario can hit if the maximal height he can jump is H.


The first line follows an integer T, the number of test data.
For each test data:
The first line contains two integers n, m (1 <= n <=10^5, 1 <= m <= 10^5), n is the length of the road, m is the number of queries.
Next line contains n integers, the height of each brick, the range is [0, 1000000000].
Next m lines, each line contains three integers L, R,H.( 0 <= L <= R < n 0 <= H <= 1000000000.)


For each case, output “Case X: ” (X is the case number starting from 1) followed by m lines, each line contains an integer. The ith integer is the number of bricks Mario can hit for the ith query.

Sample Input

10 10
0 5 2 7 5 4 3 8 7 7
2 8 6
3 5 0
1 3 1
1 9 4
0 1 0
3 5 5
5 5 1
4 6 3
1 5 7
5 7 3

Sample Output

Case 1:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;const int MAXN = 200010;
const int M = MAXN * 30;
int x,n,q,m,tot;
int a[MAXN], t[MAXN],b[MAXN],L[MAXN],R[MAXN];
int T[M], lson[M], rson[M], c[M];void Init_hash()
{for(int i = 1; i <= n;i++)t[i] = a[i];for(int i=1;i<=q;i++)t[i+n]=b[i];sort(t+1,t+1+n+q);m = unique(t+1,t+1+n+q)-t-1;
int build(int l,int r)
{int root = tot++;c[root] = 0;if(l != r){int mid = (l+r)>>1;lson[root] = build(l,mid);rson[root] = build(mid+1,r);}return root;
int has(int x)
{return lower_bound(t+1,t+1+m,x) - t;
int update(int root,int pos,int val)
{int newroot = tot++, tmp = newroot;c[newroot] = c[root] + val;int l = 1, r = m;while(l < r){int mid = (l+r)>>1;if(pos <= mid){lson[newroot] = tot++; rson[newroot] = rson[root];newroot = lson[newroot]; root = lson[root];r = mid;}else{rson[newroot] = tot++; lson[newroot] = lson[root];newroot = rson[newroot]; root = rson[root];l = mid+1;}c[newroot] = c[root] + val;}return tmp;
int query(int left_root,int right_root,int k)
{int l = 1, r = m, ans = 0;while( l < r){int mid = (l+r)>>1;if(mid <= k ){ans+=c[lson[left_root]]-c[lson[right_root]];l = mid+1;left_root = rson[left_root];right_root = rson[right_root];}else{r=mid;left_root = lson[left_root];right_root = lson[right_root];}}return ans;
int main()
{//freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);scanf("%d",&x);int l,r,k,y=0;while(x--){y++;scanf("%d%d",&n,&q);tot = 0;for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++)scanf("%d",&a[i]);for(int i=1;i<=q;i++){scanf("%d%d%d",&l,&r,&k);b[i]=k;L[i]=l+1;R[i]=r+1;}Init_hash();T[n+1] = build(1,m);for(int i = n;i ;i--){int pos = has(a[i]);T[i] = update(T[i+1],pos,1);}printf("Case %d:\n",y);for(int i=1;i<=q;i++){l=L[i];r=R[i];k=has(b[i]);printf("%d\n",query(T[l],T[r+1],k));}}return 0;

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