

1. 前言


2. 音频检测一般流程


3.1 原始音频频谱


        WaveDecoder decoder = new WaveDecoder( new FileInputStream( "samples/sample.wav" ) );ArrayList<Float> allSamples = new ArrayList<Float>( );float[] samples = new float[1024];while( decoder.readSamples( samples ) > 0 ){for( int i = 0; i < samples.length; i++ )allSamples.add( samples[i] );}samples = new float[allSamples.size()];for( int i = 0; i < samples.length; i++ )samples[i] = allSamples.get(i);Plot plot = new Plot( "Wave Plot", 512, 512 );plot.plot( samples, 44100 / 1000, Color.red );


3.2 数据预处理





   public static final String FILE = "samples/judith.mp3";  public static void main( String[] argv ) throws Exception{MP3Decoder decoder = new MP3Decoder( new FileInputStream( FILE  ) );                          FFT fft = new FFT( 1024, 44100 );float[] samples = new float[1024];float[] spectrum = new float[1024 / 2 + 1];float[] lastSpectrum = new float[1024 / 2 + 1];List<Float> spectralFlux = new ArrayList<Float>( );while( decoder.readSamples( samples ) > 0 ){         fft.forward( samples );System.arraycopy( spectrum, 0, lastSpectrum, 0, spectrum.length ); System.arraycopy( fft.getSpectrum(), 0, spectrum, 0, spectrum.length );float flux = 0;for( int i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++ )         flux += (spectrum[i] - lastSpectrum[i]);            spectralFlux.add( flux );                  }     Plot plot = new Plot( "Spectral Flux", 1024, 512 );plot.plot( spectralFlux, 1, Color.red );      new PlaybackVisualizer( plot, 1024, new MP3Decoder( new FileInputStream( FILE ) ) );}



float flux = 0;for( int i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++ )           {float value = (spectrum[i] - lastSpectrum[i]);            flux += value < 0? 0: value;}spectralFlux.add( flux );

4. 节拍检测(Peak Detection)


一般音频的采样率(Sample Rate)都是44100或者48000,这里我们就以44100为例。
1s包含的窗口数:44100 / 1024 = 43
1000 / (44100 / 1024) = 23.21ms


   public static final String FILE = "samples/explosivo.mp3";   public static final int THRESHOLD_WINDOW_SIZE = 20;public static final float MULTIPLIER = 1.5f;public static void main( String[] argv ) throws Exception{MP3Decoder decoder = new MP3Decoder( new FileInputStream( FILE  ) );                          FFT fft = new FFT( 1024, 44100 );fft.window( FFT.HAMMING );float[] samples = new float[1024];float[] spectrum = new float[1024 / 2 + 1];float[] lastSpectrum = new float[1024 / 2 + 1];List<Float> spectralFlux = new ArrayList<Float>( );List<Float> threshold = new ArrayList<Float>( );while( decoder.readSamples( samples ) > 0 ){         fft.forward( samples );System.arraycopy( spectrum, 0, lastSpectrum, 0, spectrum.length ); System.arraycopy( fft.getSpectrum(), 0, spectrum, 0, spectrum.length );float flux = 0;for( int i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++ ) {float value = (spectrum[i] - lastSpectrum[i]);flux += value < 0? 0: value;}spectralFlux.add( flux );                  }     for( int i = 0; i < spectralFlux.size(); i++ ){int start = Math.max( 0, i - THRESHOLD_WINDOW_SIZE );int end = Math.min( spectralFlux.size() - 1, i + THRESHOLD_WINDOW_SIZE );float mean = 0;for( int j = start; j <= end; j++ )mean += spectralFlux.get(j);mean /= (end - start);threshold.add( mean * MULTIPLIER );}Plot plot = new Plot( "Spectral Flux", 1024, 512 );plot.plot( spectralFlux, 1, Color.red );      plot.plot( threshold, 1, Color.green ) ;new PlaybackVisualizer( plot, 1024, new MP3Decoder( new FileInputStream( FILE ) ) );}


Peak Dectection:

for( int i = 0; i < threshold.size(); i++ )
{if( threshold.get(i) <= spectralFlux.get(i) )prunnedSpectralFlux.add( spectralFlux.get(i) - threshold.get(i) );elseprunnedSpectralFlux.add( (float)0 );

5. 参考文献

[1] http://www.badlogicgames.com/wordpress/?p=161
[2] 错过这篇文章,可能你这辈子不懂什么叫傅里叶变换了



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