def_file gen5.def
tcl_file gen5.tcl




这是带双转台的 5 轴








Created gen5 with NX/后处理构造器 版本 1899.0 on Sunday, September 13 2020, 19:54:40 +0800 by jj.




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“momkin4thaxisangoffset""0.0""mom_kin_4th_axis_ang_offset" "0.0" "momk​in4​tha​xisa​ngo​ffset""0.0""mom_kin_4th_axis_center_offset(0)” “0.0”
“momkin4thaxiscenteroffset(1)""0.0""mom_kin_4th_axis_center_offset(1)" "0.0" "momk​in4​tha​xisc​entero​ffset(1)""0.0""mom_kin_4th_axis_center_offset(2)” “0.0”
“momkin4thaxisdirection""MAGNITUDEDETERMINESDIRECTION""mom_kin_4th_axis_direction" "MAGNITUDE_DETERMINES_DIRECTION" "momk​in4​tha​xisd​irection""MAGNITUDED​ETERMINESD​IRECTION""mom_kin_4th_axis_incr_switch” “OFF”
“momkin4thaxisleader""A""mom_kin_4th_axis_leader" "A" "momk​in4​tha​xisl​eader""A""mom_kin_4th_axis_limit_action” “Warning”
“momkin4thaxismaxlimit""360""mom_kin_4th_axis_max_limit" "360" "momk​in4​tha​xism​axl​imit""360""mom_kin_4th_axis_min_incr” “0.001”
“momkin4thaxisminlimit""0""mom_kin_4th_axis_min_limit" "0" "momk​in4​tha​xism​inl​imit""0""mom_kin_4th_axis_plane” “YZ”
“momkin4thaxispoint(0)""0.0""mom_kin_4th_axis_point(0)" "0.0" "momk​in4​tha​xisp​oint(0)""0.0""mom_kin_4th_axis_point(1)” “0.0”
“momkin4thaxispoint(2)""0.0""mom_kin_4th_axis_point(2)" "0.0" "momk​in4​tha​xisp​oint(2)""0.0""mom_kin_4th_axis_rotation” “standard”
“momkin4thaxistype""Table""mom_kin_4th_axis_type" "Table" "momk​in4​tha​xist​ype""Table""mom_kin_4th_axis_vector(0)” “1”
“momkin4thaxisvector(1)""0""mom_kin_4th_axis_vector(1)" "0" "momk​in4​tha​xisv​ector(1)""0""mom_kin_4th_axis_vector(2)” “0”
“momkin4thaxiszero""0.0""mom_kin_4th_axis_zero" "0.0" "momk​in4​tha​xisz​ero""0.0""mom_kin_5th_axis_ang_offset” “0.0”
“momkin5thaxiscenteroffset(0)""0.0""mom_kin_5th_axis_center_offset(0)" "0.0" "momk​in5​tha​xisc​entero​ffset(0)""0.0""mom_kin_5th_axis_center_offset(1)” “0.0”
“momkin5thaxiscenteroffset(2)""0.0""mom_kin_5th_axis_center_offset(2)" "0.0" "momk​in5​tha​xisc​entero​ffset(2)""0.0""mom_kin_5th_axis_direction” “MAGNITUDE_DETERMINES_DIRECTION”
“momkin5thaxisincrswitch""OFF""mom_kin_5th_axis_incr_switch" "OFF" "momk​in5​tha​xisi​ncrs​witch""OFF""mom_kin_5th_axis_leader” “B”
“momkin5thaxislimitaction""Warning""mom_kin_5th_axis_limit_action" "Warning" "momk​in5​tha​xisl​imita​ction""Warning""mom_kin_5th_axis_max_limit” “360”
“momkin5thaxisminincr""0.001""mom_kin_5th_axis_min_incr" "0.001" "momk​in5​tha​xism​ini​ncr""0.001""mom_kin_5th_axis_min_limit” “0”
“momkin5thaxisplane""ZX""mom_kin_5th_axis_plane" "ZX" "momk​in5​tha​xisp​lane""ZX""mom_kin_5th_axis_point(0)” “0.0”
“momkin5thaxispoint(1)""0.0""mom_kin_5th_axis_point(1)" "0.0" "momk​in5​tha​xisp​oint(1)""0.0""mom_kin_5th_axis_point(2)” “0.0”
“momkin5thaxisrotation""standard""mom_kin_5th_axis_rotation" "standard" "momk​in5​tha​xisr​otation""standard""mom_kin_5th_axis_type” “Table”
“momkin5thaxisvector(0)""0""mom_kin_5th_axis_vector(0)" "0" "momk​in5​tha​xisv​ector(0)""0""mom_kin_5th_axis_vector(1)” “1”
“momkin5thaxisvector(2)""0""mom_kin_5th_axis_vector(2)" "0" "momk​in5​tha​xisv​ector(2)""0""mom_kin_5th_axis_zero” “0.0”
“momkinarcoutputmode""FULLCIRCLE""mom_kin_arc_output_mode" "FULL_CIRCLE" "momk​ina​rco​utputm​ode""FULLC​IRCLE""mom_kin_arc_valid_plane” “XYZ”
“momkinclamptime""2.0""mom_kin_clamp_time" "2.0" "momk​inc​lampt​ime""2.0""mom_kin_cycle_plane_change_per_axis” “0”
“momkincycleplanechangetolower""0""mom_kin_cycle_plane_change_to_lower" "0" "momk​inc​yclep​lanec​hanget​ol​ower""0""mom_kin_flush_time” “2.0”
“momkinlinearizationflag""1""mom_kin_linearization_flag" "1" "momk​inl​inearizationf​lag""1""mom_kin_linearization_tol” “0.01”
“momkinmachineresolution""0.001""mom_kin_machine_resolution" "0.001" "momk​inm​achiner​esolution""0.001""mom_kin_machine_type” “5_axis_dual_table”
“momkinmachinezerooffset(0)""0.0""mom_kin_machine_zero_offset(0)" "0.0" "momk​inm​achinez​eroo​ffset(0)""0.0""mom_kin_machine_zero_offset(1)” “0.0”
“momkinmachinezerooffset(2)""0.0""mom_kin_machine_zero_offset(2)" "0.0" "momk​inm​achinez​eroo​ffset(2)""0.0""mom_kin_max_arc_radius” “99999.999”
“momkinmaxdpm""10""mom_kin_max_dpm" "10" "momk​inm​axd​pm""10""mom_kin_max_fpm” “10000”
“momkinmaxfpr""2500""mom_kin_max_fpr" "2500" "momk​inm​axf​pr""2500""mom_kin_max_frn” “1000”
“momkinminarclength""0.20""mom_kin_min_arc_length" "0.20" "momk​inm​ina​rcl​ength""0.20""mom_kin_min_arc_radius” “0.002”
“momkinmindpm""0.0""mom_kin_min_dpm" "0.0" "momk​inm​ind​pm""0.0""mom_kin_min_fpm” “0.1”
“momkinminfpr""0.1""mom_kin_min_fpr" "0.1" "momk​inm​inf​pr""0.1""mom_kin_min_frn” “0.01”
“momkinoutputunit""MM""mom_kin_output_unit" "MM" "momk​ino​utputu​nit""MM""mom_kin_pivot_gauge_offset” “0.0”
“momkinpivotguageoffset""""mom_kin_pivot_guage_offset" "" "momk​inp​ivotg​uageo​ffset""""mom_kin_post_data_unit” “MM”
“momkinrapidfeedrate""15000""mom_kin_rapid_feed_rate" "15000" "momk​inr​apidf​eedr​ate""15000""mom_kin_retract_distance” “250”
“momkinrotaryaxismethod""PREVIOUS""mom_kin_rotary_axis_method" "PREVIOUS" "momk​inr​otarya​xism​ethod""PREVIOUS""mom_kin_spindle_axis(0)” “0.0”
“momkinspindleaxis(1)""0.0""mom_kin_spindle_axis(1)" "0.0" "momk​ins​pindlea​xis(1)""0.0""mom_kin_spindle_axis(2)” “1.0”
“momkintoolchangetime""12.0""mom_kin_tool_change_time" "12.0" "momk​int​oolc​hanget​ime""12.0""mom_kin_x_axis_limit” “1200”
“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 10: mom_kin_y_̲axis_limit" …mom_kin_z_axis_limit” “1200”



“momsysrapidcode""mom_sys_rapid_code" "moms​ysr​apidc​ode""gPB(g_code,rapid,name)”
“momsyslinearcode""mom_sys_linear_code" "moms​ysl​inearc​ode""gPB(g_code,linear,name)”
“momsyscirclecode(CLW)""mom_sys_circle_code(CLW)" "moms​ysc​irclec​ode(CLW)""gPB(g_code,circular_clw,name)”
“momsyscirclecode(CCLW)""mom_sys_circle_code(CCLW)" "moms​ysc​irclec​ode(CCLW)""gPB(g_code,circular_cclw,name)”
“momsysdelaycode(SECONDS)""mom_sys_delay_code(SECONDS)" "moms​ysd​elayc​ode(SECONDS)""gPB(g_code,delay_sec,name)”
“momsysdelaycode(REVOLUTIONS)""mom_sys_delay_code(REVOLUTIONS)" "moms​ysd​elayc​ode(REVOLUTIONS)""gPB(g_code,delay_rev,name)”
“momsyscutcomplanecode(XY)""mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(XY)" "moms​ysc​utcomp​lanec​ode(XY)""gPB(g_code,pln_xy,name)”
“momsyscutcomplanecode(ZX)""mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(ZX)" "moms​ysc​utcomp​lanec​ode(ZX)""gPB(g_code,pln_zx,name)”
“momsyscutcomplanecode(YZ)""mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(YZ)" "moms​ysc​utcomp​lanec​ode(YZ)""gPB(g_code,pln_yz,name)”
“momsyscutcomcode(OFF)""mom_sys_cutcom_code(OFF)" "moms​ysc​utcomc​ode(OFF)""gPB(g_code,cutcom_off,name)”
“momsyscutcomcode(LEFT)""mom_sys_cutcom_code(LEFT)" "moms​ysc​utcomc​ode(LEFT)""gPB(g_code,cutcom_left,name)”
“momsyscutcomcode(RIGHT)""mom_sys_cutcom_code(RIGHT)" "moms​ysc​utcomc​ode(RIGHT)""gPB(g_code,cutcom_right,name)”
“momsysadjustcode""mom_sys_adjust_code" "moms​ysa​djustc​ode""gPB(g_code,length_plus,name)”
“momsysadjustcodeminus""mom_sys_adjust_code_minus" "moms​ysa​djustc​odem​inus""gPB(g_code,length_minus,name)”
“momsysadjustcancelcode""mom_sys_adjust_cancel_code" "moms​ysa​djustc​ancelc​ode""gPB(g_code,length_off,name)”
“momsysunitcode(IN)""mom_sys_unit_code(IN)" "moms​ysu​nitc​ode(IN)""gPB(g_code,inch,name)”
“momsysunitcode(MM)""mom_sys_unit_code(MM)" "moms​ysu​nitc​ode(MM)""gPB(g_code,metric,name)”
“momsyscyclestartcode""mom_sys_cycle_start_code" "moms​ysc​ycles​tartc​ode""gPB(g_code,cycle_start,name)”
“momsyscycleoff""mom_sys_cycle_off" "moms​ysc​ycleo​ff""gPB(g_code,cycle_off,name)”
“momsyscycledrillcode""mom_sys_cycle_drill_code" "moms​ysc​ycled​rillc​ode""gPB(g_code,cycle_drill,name)”
“momsyscycledrilldwellcode""mom_sys_cycle_drill_dwell_code" "moms​ysc​ycled​rilld​wellc​ode""gPB(g_code,cycle_drill_dwell,name)”
“momsyscycledrilldeepcode""mom_sys_cycle_drill_deep_code" "moms​ysc​ycled​rilld​eepc​ode""gPB(g_code,cycle_drill_deep,name)”
“momsyscycledrillbreakchipcode""mom_sys_cycle_drill_break_chip_code" "moms​ysc​ycled​rillb​reakc​hipc​ode""gPB(g_code,cycle_drill_bc,name)”
“momsyscycletapcode""mom_sys_cycle_tap_code" "moms​ysc​yclet​apc​ode""gPB(g_code,tap,name)”
“momsyscycleborecode""mom_sys_cycle_bore_code" "moms​ysc​ycleb​orec​ode""gPB(g_code,bore,name)”
“momsyscycleboredragcode""mom_sys_cycle_bore_drag_code" "moms​ysc​ycleb​ored​ragc​ode""gPB(g_code,bore_drag,name)”
“momsyscycleborenodragcode""mom_sys_cycle_bore_no_drag_code" "moms​ysc​ycleb​oren​od​ragc​ode""gPB(g_code,bore_no_drag,name)”
“momsyscycleboredwellcode""mom_sys_cycle_bore_dwell_code" "moms​ysc​ycleb​ored​wellc​ode""gPB(g_code,bore_dwell,name)”
“momsyscycleboremanualcode""mom_sys_cycle_bore_manual_code" "moms​ysc​ycleb​orem​anualc​ode""gPB(g_code,bore_manual,name)”
“momsyscycleborebackcode""mom_sys_cycle_bore_back_code" "moms​ysc​ycleb​oreb​ackc​ode""gPB(g_code,bore_back,name)”
“momsyscycleboremanualdwellcode""mom_sys_cycle_bore_manual_dwell_code" "moms​ysc​ycleb​orem​anuald​wellc​ode""gPB(g_code,bore_manual_dwell,name)”
“momsysoutputcode(ABSOLUTE)""mom_sys_output_code(ABSOLUTE)" "moms​yso​utputc​ode(ABSOLUTE)""gPB(g_code,abs,name)”
“momsysoutputcode(INCREMENTAL)""mom_sys_output_code(INCREMENTAL)" "moms​yso​utputc​ode(INCREMENTAL)""gPB(g_code,inc,name)”
“momsyscycleretcode(AUTO)""mom_sys_cycle_ret_code(AUTO)" "moms​ysc​ycler​etc​ode(AUTO)""gPB(g_code,cycle_retract_auto,name)”
“momsyscycleretcode(MANUAL)""mom_sys_cycle_ret_code(MANUAL)" "moms​ysc​ycler​etc​ode(MANUAL)""gPB(g_code,cycle_retract_manual,name)”
“momsysresetcode""mom_sys_reset_code" "moms​ysr​esetc​ode""gPB(g_code,reset,name)”
“momsysspindlemodecode(SFM)""mom_sys_spindle_mode_code(SFM)" "moms​yss​pindlem​odec​ode(SFM)""gPB(g_code,spindle_css,name)”
“momsysspindlemodecode(RPM)""mom_sys_spindle_mode_code(RPM)" "moms​yss​pindlem​odec​ode(RPM)""gPB(g_code,spindle_rpm,name)”
“momsysreturncode""mom_sys_return_code" "moms​ysr​eturnc​ode""gPB(g_code,ret_home,name)”
“momsysfeedratemodecode(FRN)""mom_sys_feed_rate_mode_code(FRN)" "moms​ysf​eedr​atem​odec​ode(FRN)""gPB(g_code,fr_frn,name)”
“momsysfeedratemodecode(MMPM)""mom_sys_feed_rate_mode_code(MMPM)" "moms​ysf​eedr​atem​odec​ode(MMPM)""gPB(g_code,feedmode_mm,pm)”
“momsysfeedratemodecode(MMPR)""mom_sys_feed_rate_mode_code(MMPR)" "moms​ysf​eedr​atem​odec​ode(MMPR)""gPB(g_code,feedmode_mm,pr)”
“momsysfeedratemodecode(DPM)""mom_sys_feed_rate_mode_code(DPM)" "moms​ysf​eedr​atem​odec​ode(DPM)""gPB(g_code,feedmode,dpm)”



“momsysprogramstopcode""mom_sys_program_stop_code" "moms​ysp​rograms​topc​ode""gPB(m_code,stop_manual_tc,name)”
“momsysoptionalstopcode""mom_sys_optional_stop_code" "moms​yso​ptionals​topc​ode""gPB(m_code,opt_stop,name)”
“momsysendofprogramcode""mom_sys_end_of_program_code" "moms​yse​ndo​fp​rogramc​ode""gPB(m_code,prog_end,name)”
“momsysspindledirectioncode(CLW)""mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(CLW)" "moms​yss​pindled​irectionc​ode(CLW)""gPB(m_code,spindle_clw,name)”
“momsysspindledirectioncode(CCLW)""mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(CCLW)" "moms​yss​pindled​irectionc​ode(CCLW)""gPB(m_code,spindle_cclw,name)”
“momsysspindledirectioncode(OFF)""mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(OFF)" "moms​yss​pindled​irectionc​ode(OFF)""gPB(m_code,spindle_off,name)”
“momsystoolchangecode""mom_sys_tool_change_code" "moms​yst​oolc​hangec​ode""gPB(m_code,tc_retract,name)”
“momsyscoolantcode(ON)""mom_sys_coolant_code(ON)" "moms​ysc​oolantc​ode(ON)""gPB(m_code,coolant_on,name)”
“momsyscoolantcode(FLOOD)""mom_sys_coolant_code(FLOOD)" "moms​ysc​oolantc​ode(FLOOD)""gPB(m_code,coolant_fld,name)”
“momsyscoolantcode(MIST)""mom_sys_coolant_code(MIST)" "moms​ysc​oolantc​ode(MIST)""gPB(m_code,coolant_mist,name)”
“momsyscoolantcode(THRU)""mom_sys_coolant_code(THRU)" "moms​ysc​oolantc​ode(THRU)""gPB(m_code,coolant_thru,name)”
“momsyscoolantcode(TAP)""mom_sys_coolant_code(TAP)" "moms​ysc​oolantc​ode(TAP)""gPB(m_code,coolant_tap,name)”
“momsyscoolantcode(OFF)""mom_sys_coolant_code(OFF)" "moms​ysc​oolantc​ode(OFF)""gPB(m_code,coolant_off,name)”
“momsysrewindcode""mom_sys_rewind_code" "moms​ysr​ewindc​ode""gPB(m_code,rewind,name)”



G_cutcom “momsyscutcomcode(OFF)"0"CutcomG−Code"0Gplane"mom_sys_cutcom_code(OFF)" 0 "Cutcom G-Code" 0 G_plane "moms​ysc​utcomc​ode(OFF)"0"CutcomG−Code"0Gp​lane"mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(momcutcomplane)"0"PlaneG−Code"0Gadjust"mom_cutcom_plane)" 0 "Plane G-Code" 0 G_adjust "momc​utcomp​lane)"0"PlaneG−Code"0Ga​djust"mom_sys_adjust_code” 0 “Tool Length Adjust G-Code” 0
G_feed “momsysfeedratemodecode(mom_sys_feed_rate_mode_code(moms​ysf​eedr​atem​odec​ode(feed_mode)” 0 “Feedrate Mode G-Code” 0
G_spin “momsysspindlemodecode(mom_sys_spindle_mode_code(moms​yss​pindlem​odec​ode(mom_spindle_status)” 0 “Spindle Output Mode G-Code” 0
G_return “momsyscycleretcode(MANUAL)"0"ReturnPlaneforCannedCycles"0Gmotion"mom_sys_cycle_ret_code(MANUAL)" 0 "Return Plane for Canned Cycles" 0 G_motion "moms​ysc​ycler​etc​ode(MANUAL)"0"ReturnPlaneforCannedCycles"0Gm​otion"mom_sys_linear_code” 0 “Motion G-Code” 0
G_mode “momsysoutputcode(mom_sys_output_code(moms​yso​utputc​ode(mom_output_mode)” 0 “Positioning Mode G-code” 0
G “momsysblankcode"0"OtherG−Codes"0X"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Other G-Codes" 0 X "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"OtherG−Codes"0X"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “X Axis Position or Canned Cycle X Axis Position” 0
Y “momsysblankcode"0"YAxisPositionorCannedCycleYAxisPosition"0Z"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Y Axis Position or Canned Cycle Y Axis Position" 0 Z "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"YAxisPositionorCannedCycleYAxisPosition"0Z"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “Z Axis Position or Canned Cycle Z Axis Position” 0
fourth_axis “momsysblankcode"0"4thAxisPosition"0fifthaxis"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "4th Axis Position" 0 fifth_axis "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"4thAxisPosition"0fiftha​xis"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “5th Axis Position” 0
I “momsysblankcode"0"XAxisPositionoftheCircleCenter"0J"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "X Axis Position of the Circle Center" 0 J "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"XAxisPositionoftheCircleCenter"0J"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “Y Axis Position of the Circle Center” 0
K “momsysblankcode"0"ZAxisPositionoftheCircleCenter"0R"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Z Axis Position of the Circle Center" 0 R "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"ZAxisPositionoftheCircleCenter"0R"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “Rapid Approach Position in a Canned Cycle Block” 0
F “momsysblankcode"0"Feedrate"0S"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Feedrate" 0 S "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"Feedrate"0S"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “Spindle Speed” 0
T “momsysblankcode"0"ToolSelectCode"0D"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Tool Select Code" 0 D "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"ToolSelectCode"0D"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “Tool Radius Compensation Register” 0
H “momsysblankcode"0"ToolLengthCompensationRegister"0dwell"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Tool Length Compensation Register" 0 dwell "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"ToolLengthCompensationRegister"0dwell"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “Programmed Dwell” 0
cycle_dwell “momsysblankcode"0"DelayforCannedcycleDwell"0Kcycle"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Delay for Canned cycle Dwell" 0 K_cycle "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"DelayforCannedcycleDwell"0Kc​ycle"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “Retract Position in a Canned Cycle Block” 0
cycle_step1 “momsysblankcode"0"StepIncrementModifierforDeeporBreakChipCycle"0cyclestep"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Step Increment Modifier for Deep or Break Chip Cycle" 0 cycle_step "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"StepIncrementModifierforDeeporBreakChipCycle"0cycles​tep"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “Step Increment for Deep or Break Chip Cycle” 0
cycle_orient “momsysblankcode"0"OrientValueforBoreNodragorBackBoreCycle"0Pcutcom"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Orient Value for Bore Nodrag or Back Bore Cycle" 0 P_cutcom "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"OrientValueforBoreNodragorBackBoreCycle"0Pc​utcom"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “P-Cutcom” 0
Q_cutcom “momsysblankcode"0"Q−Cutcom"0E"mom_sys_blank_code" 0 "Q-Cutcom" 0 E "moms​ysb​lankc​ode"0"Q−Cutcom"0E"mom_sys_blank_code” 0 “Thread Increment for Threads” 0
M_spindle “momsysspindledirectioncode(mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(moms​yss​pindled​irectionc​ode(mom_spindle_direction)” 0 “Spindle Direction M-Code” 0
M_range “momsysspindlerangecode(mom_sys_spindle_range_code(moms​yss​pindler​angec​ode(mom_spindle_range)” 0 “Spindle Range M-Code” 0
M_coolant “momsyscoolantcode(mom_sys_coolant_code(moms​ysc​oolantc​ode(mom_coolant_status)” 0 “Coolant M-Code” 0
M “$mom_sys_optional_stop_code” 0 “Other M-Codes” 0
N “” 0 “Sequence Number” 0
Text “” 0 “Text String” 0



#Cycle Common Block Start
{Cycle Parameters}
#Cycle Common Block End

#Cycle Block Share Common Block Start
{Drill Dwell}
{Drill Deep}
{Drill Break Chip}
{Bore Drag}
{Bore No Drag}
{Bore Dwell}
{Bore Manual}
{Bore Back}
{Bore Manual Dwell}
#Cycle Block Share Common Block End



#Program Start Sequence Start 程序起始序列开始
{Start of Program} {PB_CMD___log_revisions MOM_set_seq_off rewind_stop_code MOM_set_seq_on absolute_mode PB_CMD_fix_RAPID_SET} {$gPB(event,start_prog,name)}
#Program Start Sequence End程序起始序列结束

#Operation Start Sequence Start工序起始序列开始
{Start of Path} {PB_CMD_start_of_operation_force_addresses} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 37: …tart_path,name)}̲ {From Move} …gPB(event,opr_start,from_move,name)}
{First Tool} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 35: …,fst_tool,name)}̲ {Auto Tool Cha…gPB(event,opr_start,auto_tc,name)}
{Manual Tool Change} {PB_CMD_tool_change_force_addresses stop} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 36: …manual_tc,name)}̲ {Initial Move}…gPB(event,opr_start,init_move,name)}
{First Move} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 35: …,fst_move,name)}̲ {Approach Move…gPB(event,opr_start,appro_move,name)}
{Engage Move} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 38: …gage_move,name)}̲ {First Cut} …gPB(event,opr_start,fst_cut,name)}
{First Linear Move} {} {$gPB(event,opr_start,fst_lin_move,name)}
#Operation Start Sequence End 工序起始序列结束

##Tool Path Start 刀路开始
#Control Functions Start 机床控制开始
{Tool Change} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 28: …ol_change,name)}̲ {} {Length Com…gPB(event,length_compn,name)} {length_compensation}
{Set Modes} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …set_modes,name)}̲ {set_modes} {S…gPB(event,spindle_rpm,name)} {spindle}
{Spindle Off} {spindle_off} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 28: …indle_off,name)}̲ {spindle_off} …gPB(event,coolant_on,name)} {coolant}
{Coolant Off} {coolant_off} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 28: …olant_off,name)}̲ {coolant_off} …gPB(event,inch_metric_mode,name)} {}
{Feedrates} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …feedrates,name)}̲ {} {Cutcom On}…gPB(event,cutcom_on,name)} {cutcom}
{Cutcom Off} {cutcom_off} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 27: …utcom_off,name)}̲ {} {Delay} …gPB(event,delay,name)} {dwell}
{Opstop} {opstop} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 23: …nt,opstop,name)}̲ {opstop} {Auxf…gPB(event,auxfun,name)} {auxfun}
{Prefun} {prefun} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 23: …nt,prefun,name)}̲ {prefun} {Load…gPB(event,loadtool,name)} {mill_tool_change}
{Stop} {stop} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 21: …vent,stop,name)}̲ {stop} {Tool P…gPB(event,toolpreselect,name)} {tool_preselect}
#Control Functions End 机床控制结束

#Motions Start 运动开始
{Linear Move} {PB_CMD_suppress_linear_block_plane_code linear_move} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 23: …nt,linear,name)}̲ {Circular Move…gPB(event,circular,name)}
{Rapid Move} {rapid_traverse rapid_spindle} {$gPB(event,rapid,name)}
#Motions End 运动结束

#Cycles Start 循环开始
{Cycle Parameters} {post_cycle_set} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 32: …com_param,name)}̲ {Cycle Off} …gPB(event,cycle,cycle_off,name)}
{Cycle Plane Change} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …lane_chng,name)}̲ {Drill} …gPB(event,cycle,drill,name)}
{Drill Dwell} {cycle_drill_dwell} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 34: …ill_dwell,name)}̲ {Drill Text} …gPB(event,cycle,drill_text,name)}
{Drill Csink} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 34: …ill_csink,name)}̲ {Drill Deep} …gPB(event,cycle,drill_deep,name)}
{Drill Break Chip} {cycle_drill_break_chip} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 37: …_brk_chip,name)}̲ {Tap} …gPB(event,cycle,tap,name)}
{Bore} {cycle_bore} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 27: …ycle,bore,name)}̲ {Bore Dwell} …gPB(event,cycle,bore_dwell,name)}
{Bore Drag} {cycle_bore_drag} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 32: …bore_drag,name)}̲ {Bore No Drag}…gPB(event,cycle,bore_no_drag,name)}
{Bore Back} {cycle_bore_back} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 32: …bore_back,name)}̲ {Bore Manual} …gPB(event,cycle,bore_manual,name)}
{Bore Manual Dwell} {cycle_bore_manual_dwell} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 40: …ual_dwell,name)}̲ {Peck Drill} …gPB(event,cycle,peck_drill,name)}
{Break Chip} {} {$gPB(event,cycle,break_chip,name)}
#Cycles End 循环结束

#Misc Start 杂项开始
{Start of Subop Path} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …bop_start,name)}̲ {End of Subop …gPB(event,misc,subop_end,name)}
{User Defined Axis Limit Action} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 39: …it_action,name)}̲ {Pattern Set C…gPB(event,misc,pattern_csys_start,name)}
{Pattern Set CSYS End} {} {$gPB(event,misc,pattern_csys_end,name)}
#Misc End 杂项结束
##Tool Path End 刀路结束

#Operation End Sequence Start 工序结束顺序结束
{Retract Move} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …,ret_move,name)}̲ {Return Move} …gPB(event,opr_end,rtn_move,name)}
{Gohome Move} {} {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …,goh_move,name)}̲ {End of Path} …gPB(event,opr_end,end_path,name)}
#Operation End Sequence End 工序结束顺序结束

#Program End Sequence Start 程序结束序列开始
{End of Program} {end_of_program MOM_set_seq_off rewind_stop_code} {$gPB(event,end_prog,name)}
#Program End Sequence End程序结束序列结束

#Linked Posts Sequence Start 链接后处理序列开始
#Linked Posts Sequence End 链接后处理序列结束

#Virtual NC Sequence Start 虚拟NC序列开始
#Virtual NC Sequence End虚拟NC序列结束



{Start of Program} \ 程序开始
{4 NULL 0 {G_cutcom G_plane G_mode}} { 代码格式 }
{Auto Tool Change} \自动换刀
{0 NULL 0 {G_mode G Z}}
{2 NULL 0 {T M}}
{Spindle RPM} \主轴转速
{0 NULL 0 {S M_spindle}}



{Tool Change} \ 换刀
{{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 36: …e,m_code)" 1 V}̲ \ {{"n…gPB(event,tool_change,m_code,tl_chng)” 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 55: …ryCallBack null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,tool_change,t_code)" 1 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 75: …nfToolCode null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,tool_change,tool_num)” 1 V}
{{“null” 2 V}
{"$gPB(event,tool_change,tool_num,max)" 0 i KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 21: …m_max null null}̲ \ …gPB(event,tool_change,tool_num,min)" 0 i KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 21: …m_min null null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,tool_change,time)" 1 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,tool_change,time,tl_chng)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 35: …_time null null}̲}} {Length Comp…gPB(event,length_compn,g_code)" 1 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,length_compn,g_code,len_adj)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 50: …ryCallBack null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,length_compn,t_code)" 1 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 76: …nfToolCode null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,length_compn,len_off)” 1 V}
{{“null” 2 V}
{"$gPB(event,length_compn,len_off,max)" 0 i KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …s_max null null}̲ \ …gPB(event,length_compn,len_off,min)" 0 i KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …s_min null null}̲}} {Set Modes} …gPB(event,set_modes,out_mode)" 1 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{“null” 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 81: …e/Incremental"}}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,set_modes,g_code)" 1 V}
{{“null” 2 V}
{"$gPB(event,set_modes,g_code,absolute)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 40: …LUTE) null null}̲ \ …gPB(event,set_modes,g_code,incremental)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 43: …NTAL) null null}̲}} {Spindle RPM…gPB(event,spindle_rpm,dir_m_code)" 1 V}
{{“null” 2 V}
{"$gPB(event,spindle_rpm,dir_m_code,cw)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 66: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,spindle_rpm,dir_m_code,ccw)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 67: …ryCallBack null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,spindle_rpm,range_control)" 1 V}
{{“null” 2 V}
{"$gPB(event,spindle_rpm,range_control,dwell_time)" 0 i KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …_time null null}̲ \ …gPB(event,spindle_rpm,range_control,range_code)" 1 n null UI_PB_tpth_SpecifySpindleRangeCodes null}}}
{Spindle Off}
{{“null” 1 V}
{{“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 28: …indle_off,dir_m_̲code)" 1 V} \ …gPB(event,spindle_off,dir_m_code,off)” 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 66: …ryCallBack null}̲}} {Coolant On}…gPB(event,coolant_on,m_code)" 5 V}
{"$gPB(event,coolant_on,m_code,on)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 55: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,coolant_on,m_code,flood)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 58: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,coolant_on,m_code,mist)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 57: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,coolant_on,m_code,thru)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 57: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,coolant_on,m_code,tap)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 56: …ryCallBack null}̲}} {Coolant Off…gPB(event,coolant_off,m_code)" 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,coolant_off,m_code,off)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 56: …ryCallBack null}̲}} {Inch Metric…gPB(event,inch_metric_mode,g_code)" 1 V}
{{“null” 2 V}
{"$gPB(event,inch_metric_mode,g_code,english)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 52: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,inch_metric_mode,g_code,metric)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 52: …ryCallBack null}̲}} {Feedrates} …gPB(event,feedrates,mmpm_mode)" 4 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,feedrates,g_code)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 64: …ryCallBack null}̲} \ {{"gPB(event,feedrates,format)" 1 V}
{“null” 9 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 60: …ditFeedFmt null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,max)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …x_fpm null null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,min)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …n_fpm null null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,feedrates,mmpr_mode)" 4 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,feedrates,g_code)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 64: …ryCallBack null}̲} \ {{"gPB(event,feedrates,format)" 1 V}
{“null” 9 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 60: …ditFeedFmt null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,max)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …x_fpr null null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,min)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …n_fpr null null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,feedrates,frn_mode)" 4 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,feedrates,g_code)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 63: …ryCallBack null}̲} \ {{"gPB(event,feedrates,format)" 1 V}
{“null” 9 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 59: …ditFeedFmt null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,max)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …x_frn null null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,min)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …n_frn null null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,feedrates,dpm_mode)" 4 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,feedrates,g_code)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 63: …ryCallBack null}̲} \ {{"gPB(event,feedrates,format)" 1 V}
{“null” 9 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 59: …ditFeedFmt null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,max)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …x_dpm null null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,min)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …n_dpm null null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,feedrates,mode,label)" 7 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,feedrates,mode,lin)" 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 61: …" "MMPR" "FRN"}}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,mode,rot)" 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 67: …R" "FRN" "DPM"}}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,mode,lin_rot)" 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 74: …R" "FRN" "DPM"}}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,mode,rap_lin)" 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 59: …" "MMPR" "FRN"}}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,mode,rap_rot)" 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 65: …R" "FRN" "DPM"}}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,mode,rap_lin_rot)" 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 66: …" "MMPR" "FRN"}}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,feedrates,cycle)" 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 52: … "MMPR" "Auto"}}̲}} {Cutcom On} …gPB(event,cutcom_on,g_code)" 1 V}
{{“null” 2 V}
{"$gPB(event,cutcom_on,left)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 56: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cutcom_on,right)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 57: …ryCallBack null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,cutcom_on,app_planes)" 2 V}
{{“null” 3 H}
{“XY” 3 n $cutcom_plane_xy null null}
{“YZ” 3 n $cutcom_plane_yz null null}
{“ZX” 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …ne_zx null null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,cutcom_on,edit_planes)" 1 n null UI_PB_tpth_EditPlaneCodes null}}}
{{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 31: …m_on,reg)" 1 V}̲ \ {{"n…gPB(event,cutcom_on,max)” 0 i KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 25: …t_max null null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cutcom_on,min)" 0 i KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 25: …t_min null null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,cutcom_on,bef)" 1 V}
{{“null” 2 H}
{"$gPB(isv,setup,dog_leg,yes)" 4 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 34: …change null Yes}̲ \ …gPB(isv,setup,dog_leg,no)" 4 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …_change null No}̲}} {Cutcom Off}…gPB(event,cutcom_off,g_code)" 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,cutcom_off,off)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 55: …ryCallBack null}̲}} {Linear Move…gPB(event,linear,g_code)" 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,linear,motion)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 50: …ryCallBack null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,linear,assume)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 29: …_rate null null}̲}} {Circular Mo…gPB(event,circular,g_code)" 1 V}
{{“null” 2 V}
{"$gPB(event,circular,clockwise)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 55: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,circular,counter-clock)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 56: …ryCallBack null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,circular,planes)" 2 V}
{{“null” 4 H}
{“XY” 4 n $mom_kin_arc_valid_plane null null}
{“YZ” 4 n $mom_kin_arc_valid_plane null null}
{“ZX” 4 n $mom_kin_arc_valid_plane null null}
{“XYZ” 4 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 34: …plane null null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,circular,edit_planes)" 1 n null UI_PB_tpth_EditPlaneCodes null}}}
{{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …r,record)" 1 V}̲ \ {{"n…gPB(event,circular,full_circle)” 4 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 41: …ull FULL_CIRCLE}̲ \ …gPB(event,circular,quadrant)" 4 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 38: …e null QUADRANT}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,circular,radius)" 1 V}
{{“null” 2 V}
{"$gPB(event,circular,max)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …adius null null}̲ \ …gPB(event,circular,min)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …adius null null}̲}} \ {{"gPB(event,circular,ijk_def)" 1 V}
{{“null” 1 V}
{“null” 10 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 179: …te Arc Center"}}̲}} \ {{"nu…gPB(event,circular,arc_len)" 2 f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …ength null null}̲}} {Rapid Move}…gPB(event,rapid,g_code)" 1 V}
{"$gPB(event,rapid,motion)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 49: …ryCallBack null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,rapid,plane_change)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 48: …apidBlocks null}̲}} {Cycle Param…gPB(event,cycle,g_code)" 2 H}
{{“null” 14 V}
{"" 7 n null null null}
{"" 7 n null null null}
{"$gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 58: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 64: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 63: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 69: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 56: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 57: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 62: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 64: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 64: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 63: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 62: …ycle,customize"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,customize,Label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 70: …ycle,customize"}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,cycle,start,Label)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 55: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,cycle_off,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 48: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,drill,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 55: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,drill_dwell_sf,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 61: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,drill_deep_peck,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 60: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,drill_brk_chip,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 66: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,tap,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 53: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,bore_ream,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 54: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,bore_drag,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 59: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,bore_no-drag,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 62: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,bore_manual,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 61: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,bore_dwell,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 60: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,bore_back,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 59: …ryCallBack null}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,bore_manual_dwell,name)" 2 a KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 67: …ryCallBack null}̲}} \ {{"nu…gPB(event,cycle,start,Label)" 2 H}
{“G79 X Y Z” 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 67: …nt,cycle,start"}̲ \ …gPB(event,cycle,start,text)" 7 n null null null}}
{{"$gPB(event,cycle,rapid_to)" 1 V}
{“null” 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got '&' at position 71: …Rapid Traverse &̲ R" "Rapid"}}} …gPB(event,cycle,retract_to)" 1 V}
{“null” 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 114: …Rapid Spindle"}}̲} \ {{"gPB(event,cycle,plane_control)" 1 V}
{“null” 8 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 73: … "G17/G18/G19"}}̲}} {Cycle Plane…gPB(event,cycle,plane_change,label)" 3 n KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 46: …lower null null}̲} \ {{"…gPB(event,cycle,plane_change,axis,label)" 3 n $mom_kin_cycle_plane_change_per_axis null null}}}



{“momsyscutcomcode(mom_sys_cutcom_code(moms​ysc​utcomc​ode(mom_cutcom_status)” “$mom_sys_cutcom_code(LEFT)” “Cutcom (LEFT/RIGHT/OFF)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 46: …" "Cutcom Left"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cutcom_code(RIGHT)” “42” “Cutcom Right”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 44: …0" "Cutcom Off"}̲ {G_plane} \ …mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code($mom_cutcom_plane)” “$mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(XY)” “Cutcom Plane Code (XY/ZX/YZ)”}
{“momsyscutcomplanecode(mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(moms​ysc​utcomp​lanec​ode(mom_pos_arc_plane)” “$mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(XY)” “Arc Plane Code (XY/ZX/YZ)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 52: …"XY Plane Code"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(ZX)” “18” “ZX Plane Code”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 52: …"YZ Plane Code"}̲ {G_adjust} \ …mom_sys_adjust_code” “43” “Tool Len Adjust Plus”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 56: …n Adjust Minus"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_adjust_cancel_code” “49” “Cancel Tool Len Adjust”}
{“momsysfeedratemodecode(mom_sys_feed_rate_mode_code(moms​ysf​eedr​atem​odec​ode(feed_mode)” “$mom_sys_feed_rate_mode_code(MMPM)” “Feed Rate Mode”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 60: …Feed Rate Mode"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_feed_rate_mode_code(MMPM)” “94” “MMPM Feed Rate Mode”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 62: …Feed Rate Mode"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_feed_rate_mode_code(FRN)” “93” “FRN Feed Rate Mode”}
{“momsysspindlemodecode(mom_sys_spindle_mode_code(moms​yss​pindlem​odec​ode(mom_spindle_status)” “$mom_sys_spindle_mode_code(RPM)” “Spindle output Mode (RPM/SFM)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 60: …e output (CSS)"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_spindle_mode_code(RPM)” “97” “Spindle output (RPM)”}
{“momsyscycleretcode(mom_sys_cycle_ret_code(moms​ysc​ycler​etc​ode(mom_cycle_retract_mode)” “$mom_sys_cycle_ret_code(MANUAL)” “Cycle Return (AUTO/MANUAL)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 57: … Return (AUTO)"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cycle_ret_code(MANUAL)” “99” “Cycle Return (MANUAL)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 37: …0" "Rapid Move"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_linear_code” “1” “Linear Move”}
{“momsyscirclecode(mom_sys_circle_code(moms​ysc​irclec​ode(mom_arc_direction)” “$mom_sys_circle_code(CLW)” “Circular Interpolation (CLW/CCLW)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 59: …erpolation CLW"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_circle_code(CCLW)” “3” “Circular Interpolation CCLW”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 39: …e" "81" "Drill"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cycle_drill_dwell_code” “82” “Drill Dwell”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 49: …3" "Drill Deep"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cycle_drill_break_chip_code” “73” “Drill Break Chip”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 35: …ode" "84" "Tap"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cycle_bore_code” “85” “Bore”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 47: …86" "Bore Drag"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cycle_bore_no_drag_code” “76” “Bore No Drag”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 47: …87" "Bore Back"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cycle_bore_manual_code” “88” “Bore Manual”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 55: …re Dwell Cycle"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cycle_bore_manual_dwell_code” “88” “Bore Manual Dwell Cycle”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 50: …cle Start Code"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_cycle_off” “80” “Cycle Off”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 57: …Representative"}̲ {G_mode} \ …mom_sys_output_code($mom_output_mode)” “$mom_sys_output_code(ABSOLUTE)” “Absolute/Incremental Mode”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 52: …"Absolute Mode"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_output_code(INCREMENTAL)” “91” “Incremental Mode”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 30: … "Pre Function"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_delay_code(SECONDS)” “4” “Delay in Seconds”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 60: …in Revloutions"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_delay_code($mom_delay_mode)” “$mom_sys_delay_code(SECONDS)” “Delay (Seconds/Revolutions)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 51: …Position Reset"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_unit_code(IN)” “70” “Output Unit (Inch)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 51: … Unit (Metric)"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_unit_code($mom_output_unit)” “$mom_sys_unit_code(IN)” “Output Unit (Inch/Metric)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 83: …ERO) (54 ~ 59)"}̲ \ {"mom_fixture_offset_value + 53” “54” “MCS Fixture Offset (54 ~ 59)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 40: …" "Return Home"}̲ {X} \ {"mom_pos(0)” “” “X Coordinate”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 40: …M X Coordinate"}̲ \ {"mom_cycle_feed_to_pos(0)” “” “Cycle Feed X”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 58: …ition in Cycle"}̲ \ {"mom_cycle_retract_to_pos(0)” “” “Retract X Position in Cycle”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 11: mom_tool_x_̲offset" "" "Too…mom_pos(1)” “” “Y Coordinate”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 40: …M Y Coordinate"}̲ \ {"mom_cycle_feed_to_pos(1)” “” “Cycle Feed Y”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 58: …ition in Cycle"}̲ \ {"mom_cycle_retract_to_pos(1)” “” “Retract Y Position in Cycle”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 11: mom_tool_y_̲offset" "" "Too…mom_pos(2)” “” “Z Coordinate”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 40: …M Z Coordinate"}̲ \ {"mom_cycle_feed_to_pos(2)” “” “Cycle Feed Z”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 47: …ed To Distance"}̲ \ {"mom_cycle_rapid_to - KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 57: …tive Increment"}̲ \ {"mom_cycle_feed_to - KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 58: …tive Increment"}̲ \ {"mom_cycle_rapid_to_pos(2)” “” “Rapid Z Position in Cycle”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 62: …ition in Cycle"}̲ \ {"mom_tool_z_offset” “” “Tool Z Offset”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 42: …4th Axis Angle"}̲ \ {"mom_out_angle_pos(1)” “” “5th Axis Angle”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 42: …4th Axis Angle"}̲ \ {"mom_out_angle_pos(1)” “” “5th Axis Angle”}
{"$mom_pos_arc_center(0) - KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 37: …圆弧起点到中心 X-Axis"}̲ {J} \ {"mom_pos_arc_center(1) - KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 37: …圆弧起点到中心 Y-Axis"}̲ {K} \ {"mom_pos_arc_center(2) - KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 37: …圆弧起点到中心 Z-Axis"}̲ {R} \ {"mom_arc_radius" “” “Arc Radius”}
{“momcyclerapidtopos(mom_cycle_rapid_to_pos(momc​ycler​apidt​op​os(mom_cycle_spindle_axis)” “” “Rapid Position in Cycle”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 49: …id To Distance"}̲ {F} \ {"feed” “” “Feed Rate”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 38: …"Spindle Speed"}̲ \ {"mom_spindle_maximum_rpm” “” “Spindle Max RPM”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 34: …" "Tool Number"}̲ \ {"mom_next_tool_number” “” “Next Tool Number”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 59: …s Compensation"}̲ {H} \ {"mom_tool_adjust_register” “1” “Tool Adjust Register”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 39: …el Tool Adjust"}̲ {dwell} \ …mom_delay_value” “” “Programmed Dwell”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 44: …or Cycle Dwell"}̲ {K_cycle} \ …mom_cycle_retract_to_pos(KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 56: …ition in Cycle"}̲ \ {"mom_cycle_retract_to” “” “Cycle Retract To Distance”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 41: … Incr Modifier"}̲ {cycle_step} \…mom_cycle_step1” “” “Step Incr Value”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 42: …e Orient Value"}̲ {P_cutcom} \ …pval” “” “Cutcom (Custom Command)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 35: …ustom Command)"}̲ {E} \ {"mom_thread_increment” “” “Thread Increment”}
{“momsysspindledirectioncode(mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(moms​yss​pindled​irectionc​ode(mom_spindle_direction)” “$mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(CLW)” “Spindle Direction (CLW/CCLW)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 65: …ndle Direction"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(CCLW)” “4” “CCLW Spindle Direction”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 55: …" "Spindle Off"}̲ {M_range} \ …mom_sys_spindle_range_code(KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 41: …"Spindle Range"}̲ {M_coolant} \ …mom_sys_coolant_code($mom_coolant_status)” “$mom_sys_coolant_code(FLOOD)” “Coolant Code (FLOOD/MIST/ON…)”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 43: …8" "Coolant On"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_coolant_code(FLOOD)” “8” “Coolant Flood”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 47: … "Coolant Mist"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_coolant_code(THRU)” “26” “Coolant Thru”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 46: …" "Coolant Tap"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_coolant_code(OFF)” “9” “Coolant Off”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 48: …"Optional Stop"}̲ \ {"mom_auxfun” “” “Aux Function”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 46: … "Stop Program"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_end_of_program_code” “2” “End Of program”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 43: …Rewind Program"}̲ \ {"mom_sys_tool_change_code” “6” “Tool Change”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …equence Number"}̲ {Text} \文本 …mom_sys_blank_code” “” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 23: …ed_post" "0" ""}̲ \ {"linked_posts_list” “{{} {this_post}}” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 19: …num_min" "1" ""}̲ \ {"tl_num_max” “32” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 23: …ge_sec" "30" ""}̲ \ {"tl_retract_status” “1” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 13: tl_retract_z_̲pos" "99" ""} \…output_mode_opt” “Absolute/Incremental” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 24: …lane_xy" "1" ""}̲ \ {"cutcom_plane_yz” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 24: …lane_zx" "0" ""}̲ \ {"rad_offset_min” “1” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 24: …et_max" "99" ""}̲ \ {"tl_len_offs_min” “1” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 25: …fs_max" "20" ""}̲ \ {"spin_fmt_type” “None” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 24: …ll_time" "0" ""}̲ \ {"cir_record_output” “YES” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 24: …pln_chg" "1" ""}̲ \ {"rap_mode_trav_rate” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 30: …value" "100" ""}̲ \ {"cycle_rapto_opt” “R” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 27: …_opt" "None" ""}̲ \ {"cycle_plane_control_opt” “None” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 24: …art_blk" "0" ""}̲ \ {"tool_num_output” “TOOL_NUMBER_ONLY” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 34: …change" "NO" ""}̲ \ {"SeqN…gcode_status” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 21: …_status" "0" ""}̲ \ {"oth_rev_xy_plane” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 25: …z_plane" "0" ""}̲ \ {"oth_rev_zx_plane” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 29: …jk_zero" "0" ""}̲ \ {"oth_sup_out_ijk_xyz” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 23: …_add_var" "" ""}̲ \ {"evt_ncoutput_status” “Output_Imediately” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 56: …s_Direction" ""}̲ \4轴方向:幅值决定方向 …xaxis_dia_prog” “0” “”} \x直径编程
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 19: …ia_prog" "0" ""}̲ \ i直径编程 …yaxis_dia_prog” “0” “”} \y直径编程
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 19: …ia_prog" "0" ""}̲ \ j直径编程 …xaxis_mirror” “0” “”} \镜像输出
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 21: …_mirror" "0" ""}̲ \ 镜像输出 {…zaxis_mirror” “0” “”} \镜像输出
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 17: …_mirror" "0" ""}̲ \ 镜像输出 {…j_mirror” “0” “”} \ 镜像输出
{"$k_mirror" “0” “”} \ 镜像输出
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 56: …s_Direction" ""}̲ \5轴方向:幅值决定方向 …linearization_method” “angle” “”}
{PB_Tcl_Var} \ TCL变量名,变量值列表
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 36: …_limits" "1" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_5th_axis_has_limits” “1” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 32: …e_drill" "0" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_sim_cycle_drill_dwell” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 37: …ll_deep" "0" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_sim_cycle_drill_break_chip” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 30: …cle_tap" "0" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_sim_cycle_bore” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 36: …re_drag" "0" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_sim_cycle_bore_nodrag” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 38: …_manual" "0" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_sim_cycle_bore_dwell” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 44: …l_dwell" "0" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_sim_cycle_bore_back” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 54: …t to Center" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_spindle_ranges” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 34: …_block" "10" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_mcodes_per_block” “5” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 34: …p_code" "\#" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_home_pos(0)” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 28: …_pos(1)" "0" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_home_pos(2)” “0” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 21: …ys_zero" "0" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_opskip_block_leader” “/” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 30: …_start" "10" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_seqnum_incr” “10” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 28: …um_freq" "1" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_seqnum_max” “9999” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 16: mom_sys_lathe_x_̲double" "1" ""}…mom_sys_lathe_i_double” “1” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 16: mom_sys_lathe_y_̲double" "1" ""}…mom_sys_lathe_j_double” “1” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 16: mom_sys_lathe_x_̲factor" "1" ""}…mom_sys_lathe_y_factor” “1” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 16: mom_sys_lathe_z_̲factor" "1" ""}…mom_sys_lathe_i_factor” “1” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Double subscript at position 16: mom_sys_lathe_j_̲factor" "1" ""}…mom_sys_lathe_k_factor” “1” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …ader(N)" "N" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_leader(X)” “X” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …ader(Y)" "Y" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_leader(Z)” “Z” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 36: …h_axis)" "A" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_leader(fifth_axis)” “B” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 45: …EAR)" "MMPM" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_rapid_feed_mode(LINEAR)” “MMPM” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 35: …mode" "MMPM" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_feed_param(IPM,format)” “Feed_IPM” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 46: …" "Feed_IPR" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_feed_param(FRN,format)” “Feed_INV” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …_dogleg" "1" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_prev_mach_head” “” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 30: …ach_head" "" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_contour_feed_mode(ROTARY)” “MMPM” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 52: …ARY)" "MMPM" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_feed_param(DPM,format)” “Feed_DPM” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 43: …ARY)" "MMPM" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_rapid_feed_mode(LINEAR_ROTARY)” “MMPM” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 48: … "Feed_MMPM" ""}̲ \ {"mom_sys_feed_param(MMPR,format)” “Feed_MMPR” “”}
{Command} \ 命令分为MOM命令和自定义命令
{“Custom Command” “” “New Custom Command”}
{“MOM_set_seq_off” “” “MOM Command”}
{“MOM_set_seq_on” “” “MOM Command”}
{“MOM_abort_event” “” “MOM Command”}
{“MOM_abort_operation” “” “MOM Command”}
{“MOM_abort_program” “” “MOM Command”}
{“MOM_abort” “” “MOM Command”}
{“PB_CMD_FEEDRATE_NUMBER” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD___log_revisions” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__catch_warning” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__choose_preferred_solution” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__config_post_options” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__convert_point” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__handle_end_of_subop_path” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__handle_start_of_subop_path” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__interop_init_vars” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__interop_is_transition_path” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__manage_part_attributes” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__suppress_probe_bore_clearance_retract” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD__validate_motion” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_abort_event” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_ask_machine_type” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_cancel_suppress_force_once_per_event” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_clamp_fifth_axis” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_clamp_fourth_axis” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_enable_ball_center_output” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_end_of_alignment_character” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_fifth_axis_rotate_move” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_fix_RAPID_SET” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_fourth_axis_rotate_move” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_init_rotary” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin__MOM_lintol” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin__MOM_rotate” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_abort_event” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_before_motion” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_before_output” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_end_of_path” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_feedrate_set” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_init_new_iks” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_init_probing_cycles” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_init_rotary” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_set_csys” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_start_of_path” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_kin_start_of_program” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_linear_move” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_negate_R_value” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_pause” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_reload_iks_parameters” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_reposition_move” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_restore_work_plane_change” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_retract_move” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_reverse_rotation_vector” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_revert_dual_head_kin_vars” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_revise_new_iks” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_run_postprocess” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_set_csys” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_set_cycle_plane” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_set_principal_axis” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_start_of_alignment_character” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_start_of_operation_force_addresses” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_suppress_linear_block_plane_code” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_tool_change_force_addresses” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_unclamp_fifth_axis” “” “Custom Command”}
{“PB_CMD_unclamp_fourth_axis” “” “Custom Command”}
{Operator_Message} \操作员信息
{"" “” “”}
{"" “” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 28: …" "Zero_int" ""}̲ \ {"zero_real_fmt” “Zero_real” “”}
{"" “” “”}
{“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 32: …id_traverse" ""}̲ \ {"pb_rapid_2” “rapid_spindle” “”}





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